No One.

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Harry's POV

The next few days were pretty much spent with Aria. Since our vacation was coming to and end and we were returning to London to start recording for our album I wanted to spend as much time with her as possible. Luckily the boys understood and were busy with their own things as per usual.

Niall and Sienna started hanging out more, Liam's been organizing the songs we've written so far and doing video chats with Simon and whatnot, Louis' been talking to Elle a lot whether it's skype, by cell or by face time- he was talking to her. No body ever knows where Zayn goes, but Aria and I have a vague idea about his whereabouts but we're not too sure.

In the past few days I've really gotten to know Aria. I basically know every single detail about her now. How she lost her first tooth when she was six because she got into a fight with some toughies in the schoolyard because she was a girl and wore blue that day, how she took swimming lessons when she was eight and almost drowned because she thought she was a fish and could swim without going up for air, how she was forced to take fencing lessons throughout her childhood and was bullied because of it and even the amount of times she tried to 'escape' which was a lot.

I even asked her about her first love which she completely ignored but probably for the better. I'm not sure I want to know about this guy. At all.

By the end of the week we were on a plane and flying back to London. I was sat infront of Aria near the back where it was more secluded. Her chair was turned towards me and she was currently sleeping against her seat, wrapped up in a soft blanket I packed for the two of us. She'd been asleep since we took off, and now ten hours into our flight she was still sleeping soundly, cuddling up to Harold the bear.

She was smiling in her sleep which meant she was dreaming happy thoughts. I wonder if she dreams about me? What if she's dreaming about me right now? Well whatever it is, she sure looks happy. Everyone else on the plane was asleep by now, except for myself. My earlier thoughts about Aria's first love were burned into my mind.

I couldn't stop thinking about it. A lingering thought about who he was, what they did together and why she doesn't want to talk about him were what plagued me with three possible scenarios. One, he's one of her celebrity crushes. Two, she loved him but he didn't love her back. And three, they were in love but something happened and they got separated and she moved on.

I mean, let's say this guy isn't one of her celebrity crushes and was her actually first true love. Am I better than him? Do I meet the 'requirements'? I don't know why but this worried me. I guess, even if Aria is already my girlfriend, I can still easily lose her.

I yawned loudly, struggling to keep my eyes open as I looked down at Aria. "Uh-uh H-Harry?" Aria mumbled as she raised her head up to look at me with sleep in her eyes. "Shh, go to *yawn* g-go back to sleep babe." I yawned. "Aren't you going to sleep?" Aria asked as she rubbed her eyes. "I'm not- I'm not tired." I yawned again. "Yes you are." Aria got up from her seat and laid herself across me, nuzzling her head into my chest as she pulled the blanket over the both of us.

I wrapped my arms around her and held her close to me as she began to draw the alphabet into my stomach, just the way I liked it. Soon I fell asleep to her soothing touch, holding her closer and never wating to let her go because I knew I was going to have to soon.


"It's good to be home." Aria beamed as we all stood in fornt of the doors to the mansion. Paul walked up the marble steps and opened the double doors before climbing back down to help Aria and Sienna with their bags. Aria insisted on helping and took some of her bags inside with Paul. I smiled at her lazily, knowing how it was basically a passion for her to help. She liked proving a point and her point was that she's a strong, independant woman.

I sighed and stayed with the boys who were eying me weirdly. "Does she know?" Niall asked and I shook my head. "No... I've been so wrapped up with spending time with her that I forgot to tell her." I said as the lads groaned. "So you've been spending time with her. Getting to know her. Telling her everything about yourself. And you leave out the tiniest detail that we're going to Sweden for a week to record!?" Zayn yelled, looking at me disappointed.

"She was in such a good mood! I didn't have the heart to tell her." I froanwed as Liam rubbed his temples. "Well you better tell her now because our flight leaves in an hour and we still need to go through customs."

"Can't she come with us?" I whined. "I wish but it's strictly Simon's order. He wants us focused and working hard and he knows Aria will cause a major distraction. Don't take it to heart Harry. The more we get done the more time you get to spend with her afterwards." Louis said as he patted my back. "Now here's your chance. Go tell her." Louis pushed me otowards Aria who walked towards us.

"Aren't you lot coming inside?" she asked with her eyebrowsfurrowed in confusion. "Um... well... you see...Z-Zayn you tell her why." I pushed zayn in fornt of me, only to have him push me back. "Harry what's going on?" Aria asked, confused. "Oh u-um nothing... just..." I looked towards the boys only to see them not there anymore and instead in the car. Now aria was even more confused.

"We need to talk." I breathed, pulling Aria to the side. "A-Are you breaking up with me?" A pained expression graced her face as her eyes widened. "Oh God no!" I shook my head frantically, taking her smaller hands in mine. "I just need to tell you something I should have told you before we left." I chuckled as she let out a sigh in relief. "Oh okay." She smiled.

"You know when I told you we came back to to start recording for our new album? Well we're recording in Sweden... and you can't come." her smile faltered and was replaced with a frown. "Oh... for how long?" She asked meekly. "A week."

She blew a breath and looked up at me. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" she whispered sadly. "I was planning to, I swear but you looked so happy during our time together, I didn't want something like this to bring your mood down." I said as she sighed. "And you decide last minute would be the right time to tell me? Harry you should have told me sooner."

"I know, I know. Just please understand that I didn't mean to hurt you in anyway. Please don't be mad at me." I held her hands tighter as the corners of her mouth turned up. "I'm not mad at you Harry. A little disappointed and sad, but not mad." oh thank god.

"HURRY ON MATE WE HAVE TO GO!" Louis yelled as he honked the horn a few times. I rolled my eyes at him then turned to Aria who looked sad again. "Hey, I'll only be gone for a week." I mumbled, lifting her chin so she'd look at me. "I know... I'm just really going to miss you." she smiled faintly. "I'll miss you too babe, a lot. But don't you worry because I plan to call your phone a bajillion times and tweet you a kajillion times, maybe even skype you a zillion,-kabillion-trillion-million times." I said, making Aria giggle as she nodded. "Wow, that's a lot."

"I know." I smirked. "HARRY COME ON!" Louis yelled again. "HOLD ON LOU!" I yelled back before turning back to Aria. "Time difference in Stockholm is about an hour ahead of London so talking to you shouldn't be too hard. Um the fridge's been stocked with food so you and Sienna can stay here... hmm what else uh try not to go out too much but if you do, always bring Paul or Preston with you-"

"Got it." Aria smiled up at me as I grinned down at her and pulled her into a hug. "And remember what I told you about my needs." I winked as I trailed my hands down to her bum. "I've always got my hands." I winked at her as I cupped her firmly. "Oh." She breathed, cheeks flushed as she bit her lip.

"I'll see you soon love. Take care." I kissed her forehead lightly, caressing her cheeks as she nodded faintly. "I will. You take care too Harry, love you."

"Love you too." I sighed sadly, pulling away from her hug to kiss her long and hard, making sure every race nice of this kiss was etched into my mind since I wasn't going to get another one for another week. I was first to pull away from the kiss, pecking her cheek lightly once more before turning to climb back into the van.

I sat down quietly, buckling my seat belt as the lads watched me with wandering eyes. As we pulled out from the gates, I turned in my seat and waved at Aria, smiling as she smiled and waved back just as eagerly.

Soon we were off, driving around the corner and onwards until the gates to the mansion weren't visible anymore. I sighed and turned back around in my seat. Niall laid a careful hand on my lap, patting me lightly as he watched me with sympathetic eyes. "Time will fly by Harry." He reassured me as I nodded.

"I know but not fast enough. I already miss her." I sighed. "This is why I don't have a girlfriend. Too much pressure." Zayn shook his head as I rolled my eyes. "You sure that's the only reason why? You are still a cocky git you know."

"Your words bringing back old memories. I remember a little over eight months ago you said you weren't the kind of guy to be tied down to one girl. Now look at you know." He smirked. "Well in my defence I actually found someone willing to deal with me and love me at the same time, unlike you."

"Ouch. Someone's defensive. I'm just saying, you're becoming a softie." Zayn smiled smugly as I muttered a few colourful words under my breath. "So what? Isn't that what you gits wanted from the start? For me to change and become my 'X Factor' self again?"

"Are you saying that you're only with Aria to prove that point?!" Louis gasped and I quickly shook my head. "Of course not, I really do love Aria! I'm just wondering why Zayn seems so smug about me becoming a softie."

"Because it's not you. Look Haz we understand you want to be the perfect boyfriend for Aria and blah blah blah but you need to remember who you were before. We love you and Aria together but we want our bro back. Have some bro time like before." Zayn explained as I sighed. "You want me to ignore her?"

"Not exactly. We just want to hangout with you again. You're so preoccupied with her all the time that we feel like you're forgetting us." Liam shrugged as I nodded understandingly. "I understand what you mean and I'm sorry for making you feel that way. I promise when we land in Stockholm we'll record our butts off then go hit some clubs." I said as their eyes widened.

"Dude we said give up some time not give up your whole relationship! We can just stay at home and play FIFA." Niall stammered, looking flabbergasted as I shook my head at him. "No, you boys wanted a good time so I'll show you a good time. Plus- she doesn't have to know. I'm not going to be drinking, just standing in the background is all."

"Suit yourself. But if Aria finds out you're completely fucked." Zayn shrugged as I frowned. "You're right. You boys have to swear not to tell her. Even though we haven't arrived yet I still don't want to destroy my first real relationship."

"Or, you can tell her right now and save the sob story for when you actually need it. I'm sure Aria will understand, she's a very understanding girl." Paul said, joining into our conversation. "That works too." Zayn shrugged.

"So I should call her?" I mumbled as I took out my phone. "What if she gets mad? I don't want us to fight." I murmured worriedly as I began to dial her number. "Well something worse than a fight could happen if you DON'T tell her." Liam noted.

"You're right." I said as I dialled her number. "Hiya babe!" Her voice sounded pure and excited which brought a content smile to my face. "Hey baby, I miss you." I began causing the boys to quietly vomit . I shot them daggers before continuing.

"I miss you too babe but you've only been gone for like thirty minutes. Why did you call?" She asked. "Well... The boys and I were talking and they told me they wanted to spend more guy time together while we're in Stockholm and basically we might head to a club after we record today..." I trailed off as I but my lip worriedly at the silence I received.

"I trust you." Aria finally breathed as I nodded in relief. "So I can go? I promise not to drink or do anything stupid and if I do I'll have Paul give me time out." I begged her. "Of course you can. Who am I to tell a grown man that they're not allowed Togo to a club?" She giggled.

"The grown man's beautiful girlfriend, duh." I rolled my eyes as she giggled again. "On a serious note who's the designated driver?" She asked. "Paul of course. You know Louis is the only one who can drive but he'll probably be too smashed to even know left from right."

"Hmm okay but don't you have work tomorrow? Why not drink another night?" She suggested and I shrugged. "Boys will be boys and recording tomorrow doesn't start until around two-ish so we probably will have time if we need it." I said as she made a noise of approval.

"Well then I give you my full approval." I mouthed 'she approved' to the boys who fist pumped the air in happiness. "You better not chat any girls up. I'm limited edition you know." Aria said seriously as I chuckled. "I know you are and you know I love you so don't you worry." I said smiling as she giggled.

"Love you too, but this bed is awfully empty without you here." She sighed. "Why are you in bed so early?" I asked her wondrously. "Jet lag. Sienna's fallen asleep in Niall's room so I'm in my own." She said and I could feel the smirk radiating from the other side of the line.

"You know how you like to sleep naked all the time?" She perked and I nodded to myself as I mumbled into the speaker. "Yes, it's a habit I'm not afraid of."

"Well I'm afraid it's rubbed off onto me Mr. Styles." I slowly slumped in my seat at her words. "Are you kidding me right now?" I muttered, glancing at the boys who had turned to do their own thing on their phones.


I pulled up the new text I received and sort of died. Aria had sent me a photo of herself in bed but it didn't show anything major. All it showed was the top half of herself covered in her white sheets but her bare shoulders were on show as her outstretched hands took the photo, bearing the thought that she was wearing nothing under those sheets.

I texted her back an array of words including 'tease', 'I hate you', and 'thanks for the boner much appreciated'. I called her again and after a long conversation with the lovely girl I put my phone away and settled back into my seat, sighing as we continued the drive back to the airport, with a semi hard on courtesy of Aria herself.

This is the kind of relationship I always wanted. Where me and the girl would be a couple and do couple things but still maintain that best friend kid of friendship. Luckily for me it's Aria who I get to spend this with and I couldn't ask for more.

Aria's POV

"We should go clubbing too." Sienna spoke up after finishing her fifth tub of Ben & Jerry's. I was verging on my seventh so I couldn't really judge her. It was also nearing the evening hours which meant the boys were probably done their first day of recording and are out clubbing now.

I was glad that Harry had the courage to tell me. I trust him and that's all that matters. He respects that fact and doesn't take it for granted. Though when I told sienna this, she wasn't exactly okay with the fact Niall would be drunk and possibly surrounded by women all night.

And now here we are with her suggesting we go clubbing as well. "I don't know Sienna. You know alcohol and me don't mix." I sighed as she shrugged. "You don't have to drink; Harry isn't. Come on, I'm in need of a good night!" sienna whined. "Pleaseeeeee! PLEASEEEEEEEEE!"

"Ugh fine, only because I love you." I muttered as I tossed my tub of ice cream to the side. "YAY! I'm gonna go get ready." sienna giggled as she got up and left my room, rbinging her tub of ice cream with her. I chuckled then turned to my wardrobe to find something appropriate to wear. I threw together a simple outfit, being then made my way to my bathroom to freshen up.

I decided to do my hair tonight since it'd been a while since I styled it. I put it up in a waterfall braid, then curled the ends. I took a bunch ofbobby prins and pinned it to the side to my hair cascaded down one shoulder only. I did my makeup but a little darker than usual then put on my dress and shoes, adding the friendship bracelet Harry gave me and the airplane necklace he gave me as little accents.

When I finished I grabbed my bag and made my way out. I bumped into Sienna who was wearing a tightfitting black half sleeve dress with gold embellishment on her shoulder. Her shoes her wedges like mine but a bit shorter and her hair was pulled back into a sleek pony tail with her makeup done beautifully, probably way better than mine.

"DANG you look hot!" She yelled as she gave me a look over. "Harry would be on his knees if he saw you!" she continued. "You look stunning Sienna, please date Niall already." I clasped my hands together as she rolled her eyes. "When he actually asks me then sure."

I sighed. "You two are impossible. Anyways photo before we go? I still need to let Harry know where we're going." I said as I took out my phone. Sienna nodded and pulled the both of us to the full length mirror in the hallway. "Say pizza!" I beamed, making Sienna laugh as I took the picture.

@AriaH: Going out with my boo @siennasasinger #saypizza

Tweets instantly flooded in from fans but one in particular stood out from them all.

@1Dsexuals: @AriaH you two are gorgeous :O can i be one of you?

@penistyles: @AriaH @siennasasinger room in there for me? #sad

@slothsmonthly: @AriaH @siennasasinger can u not

@Harry_Styles: @AriaH @siennasasinger WHAT

@Harry_Styles: @AriaH TEXT BE BACK #NOW

I opened up the new texts from Harry and chuckled as I read them.



Oops i was on caps lock :') seriously baby where r u 2 going? .x harry

Answer meeeeeee .x

Baaaaaaabe .x harry

I rolled my eyes and texted him back. And so began a pretty straightforward conversation between me and Harry.

Clubbing C: .x aria

wHAT!? No. X harry

why not??? ur clubbing tho??? .x aria

so... im not there to protect u :( .x harry

ive got sienna :) .x aria

tru but its only her and im wit the boyss .x harry

we'll be fine baby don't worry. Pls i promise not to drink!! .x aria

ugh fine ur lucky ily .x harry

yayay love u! .x aria

love u too but pls take care nd if a guy touches u im going to fly there and personally kill them :) .x harry

same here ;) no girls better be touchin my man :P .x aria

haha well i gtg lous dancing on the tables again and last tme he got us kicked out :/ byeee txt u later .x harry

lol bye love .x aria

I tucked my phone back into my bag and turned to Sienna who was waiting for me patiently. "So, can you go?" she asked. "Yup, he's actually letting me." I said as we ran down the steps and went out through the back door to avoid any paparazzi. My phone buzzed again, and I took it out quickly to read the screen.


I giggled and retweeted the tweet as well. I put my phone away then ran back up to Sienna who was already getting into a cab. I climbed in and buckled up before telling the driver to take us to the nearest club.

When we got there the place was packed, but we managed to get in line with the rest of the people waiting to get in. I had to show my I.D due to the height thing which kind of pissed me off but the man believed me and let Sienna and I through. Inside the music was thunderous, rocking the club full of young adults and some underage drinkers.

Everyone was dancing to the bass and since the place was getting packed pretty tight, a lot of people were drunkenly grinding on each other while they continued to drink heavily. "I'm going to find us a table." I said as sienna began to nod her head to the music. "Huh what?" She asked loudly. "I SAID I'M GOING TO FIND US A TABLE!" I yelled into her ear as she nodded dumbly and began to push me off. "YOU GO DO THAT! I'M GONNA GO DANCE!WHOO!" she threw herself into the crowd and it was bye bye Sienna.

I managed to find a table after a few minutes of walking around the damn place and sat down quickly. My eyes trailed the large crowd as I began to sway to the music in my seat. Jessie J's Domino began to play and I smiled at the music. I tried to find Sienna within the crowd but it ended with me just awkwardly trying to look over people's heads because of how short I was.

But then her unmistakeable laughter helped me find her and she was at the bar, talking up the bartender as she drank a few shots. Oh dear.

This is going to be a long night.


An hour into our night out and Sienna was already smashed, dancing near out table with a group of random kids who didn't know her at all but still danced with her. I have no idea how one person could have so much energy to dance like that without resting. I mean, I get breathless from walking from my room to the fridge.

A few blokes have hit on sienna as well and thankfully she quickly refused to give them the light of day. I myself have been hit on but then they saw my face and they walked away. As Usher's song Climax began to play, I hummed the lyrics to myself, shaking my head as I remembered why I even knew the lyrics. Liam is a big fan and he's had the song stuck in his head for the longest time. Now it's stuck in my own head.

I took a sip from my water then it back down only to have someone bump into the table and spill it everywhere. "Oh my God I'm so sorry." The person said as they messily tried to stop the water from spilling over the table and onto me. "It's okay it was an- Jay?" I looked up at the familiar lad and blinked my eyes, wondering if he really was here. "Yes how do you know- Aria?" He seemed to notice it was me and his eyes widened.

"Why are you here?" he asked me and I turned my gaze away from him to the water still spilt on the table. "Oh shit." Jay muttered as he ran to the bar and grabbed a few tissues. I laughed as he ran back and began to wipe down the table. "It's nice to see you again." He smiled as I agreed. "Likewise. I haven't talked to you in forever. How are you? How are the other boys?" I asked him.

"They're perfectly swell." He said as I grinned. "That's good. So what brings you here to London?" I asked him again as i moved over a bit for him to sit. He gladly sat down and smiled at me. "Visiting my girlfriend." He smirked as I gasped. "Oh my god really? Since when!? Who!? Is she here!?" I asked him excitedly as he chuckled. "Yes. Since last week- Wednesday. Her name is Emma and she's right over there." He said, pointing to a lovely looking auburn haired girl who was laughing with a few girls.

"Can I meet her? I love meeting new people!" I squealed as he nodded. "sure." He said as he took my hand and pulled me up, leading me to his girlfriend. "Emma darling, I want you to meet a good friend of mine." he kissed Emma on the cheek who blushed then looked towards me. "Hi I'm Emma Springs, Jay's girlfriend." she smiled sweetly as she held out her hand. I pushed it aside and threw my arms around her. "I'm Aria, nice to meet you! Jay never mentioned you back in the U.S." I said as she nodded meekly. "Yeah we broke up but we're back together again." She smiled as Jay kissed her temple.

"Aww that's amazing!" I beamed as she giggled. "You two make me miss Harry." I frowned as Jay shuffled in his spot. "Where is he anyways?" Jay asked. "Recording in Sweden." I sighed as he nodded understandingly. "Who's Harry?" emma asked slyly. "My boyfriend." I blushed as she nodded. "His name is Harry? Funny, i used to know a Harry. Turned out to be a prick like the rest of them. But if it weren't for knowing him I wouldn't have met Jay." Emma smiled up at Jay who pecked her nose.

"Anyways I'd love to stay and chat some more but my companion this evening is passed out on our table." i chuckled as I looked over at Sienna. "Oh okay. It was nice seeing you again Aria." Jay kissed my cheek as he wraped an arm around Emma. "You too Jay. It was lovely meeting you Emma, i hope we can hang out some time in the future." I said as she smiled.

"I'd love that."

I hugged her once more before going to Sienna, bringing her up and throwing her arm over my shoulder so i could drag her out of the club. I exited through the back door, to avoid any unwanted attention. I easily hailed a cab again and helped inside before getting in myself. I told the cab driver where to go and he nodded, driving off. Finally settled in my seat, I sighed and took my phone out, checking to see if I got any other interesting messages from Harry.


I shrugged and put my phone back into my pocket. The dirve home was short and as we pulled to the curb I went back into my crouched position form earlier to help sienna get out. Things resorted in me giving her a piggy back ride back to the mansion since she was in no state to use her legs.

Using my elite ninja skills, I got the back door open and walked in, quckly running to the sofa so I could throw Sienna on to it. I sighed and plopped down onto the seat beside her tiredly, yawning as I rubbed my eyes.

I sleepy actions were interrupted by my cell phone vibrating violently against my stomach and I brought my hand down to answer it quickly. "H-Hello?" I yawned, not bothering to check the caller I.D. "Turn to channel 6." Louis muttered and I furrowed my eyebrows as I picked up the television remote and clicked the tv on. I switched to channel 6 and my eyes widened as my name was loudly spilled from the newsreporter's lips.

"An unnamed source snapped a few photos today of this lovely lady who is rumoured to be One Direction boy band member Harry Styles' girlfriend." Photos of me in the club filled the screen but stopped when they reached one particular photo of me and Jay. Oh no- "But could the rumours be untrue? Sources say this young man had been flirting with the young lady all night who gladly returned the compliments. They were seen kissing and touching each other friviously for the majority of the night before they left together. So good news Directioners, Harry is still on the market. Back to you brad." The news reporter rambled as my jaw dropped.

"Bullshit!" I yelled as I shut off the tv. "Not to Harry it isn't." Louis mumbled as I groaned. "Louis I swear on every single tombstone in my kingdom that I didn't do anything the reporter said." I rubbed my face as he sighed. "You're in the picture with him Aria."

"He spilt water and he was apologizing!" I yelled. "There's a picture of him touching you." Louis added. "He freaking hugged me! A gesture often used between friends!" I shot back. "Well explain the photos of you two kissing! He was kissing a girl with red hair, wearing a black dress!"

"That wasn't me Louis you have to believe me!" i pleaded. "save your begging for Harry." He muttered bitterly. "Then let me speak to him!" I stood up from the sofa and began to pace the room worriedly. "Afraid I can't. He's a bit... preoccupied at the moment."

"Preoccupied to talk to his girlfriend? My ass, give him the phone." I needed to tell him. He needed to know it wasn't me. The girl's face wasn't even visible in the pictures of Jay and her kissing. She may have red hair but it wasn't me. Wait a second. Red hair... auburn... Emma! Those pictures are of Jay and Emma!

"He doesn't want to talk to you yet. He's being stubborn again." I could feel Louis roll his eyes from the other line as I sighed shakily. "Fine. Just tell him i love him."

"Sure." Louis sighed before he hung up. Hearing the dial tone I closed my eyes, causing a few built up tears to trickle down my cheek as I quickly wiped them away. He has to believe me.

I'll try to talk to him again tomorrow. I knew it was a bad idea to go clubbing.

I slowly walked upstairs, kicking my heels off one by one before reaching my room. I didn't bother changing and just laid in bed; too physically and emotionally tired to do anything but cry.

I was scared to be honest. Scared that my worst nightmare was about to come true.

I took out my phone to charge it but then i saw the tweets flooding the screen.

@Stylettes: @AriaH whore!

@horanyforniall: @AriaH stay away from harry he doesn't love you!

@juststyles: @AriaH fat bitch go die!

@louis_1D: @AriaH here's a pretty necklace for you

Attatched to her tweet was a photo of rope; one you'd use to hang yourself. That one hurt a bit. But one tweet really hit the spot as tears began to fall freely.

@Harry_Styles: some people just aren't who you think they are. #fake


Fat bitch.


Harry doesn't love you.

All their mean words swam in my head as I made my way to the bathroom. I promised myself I would never do this again and I promised Niall I would tell him if I ever needed help to stop. But tonight I was going to break this promise because quite frankly I have nothing else to lose. You just can't seem to please anyone and with the added pressure of losing Harry, it just got to me.

I didn't want to do this. I wanted to prove that I was strong. I wanted to show them that their words didn't affect me and that I'm a fighter, but that's not who I am. I'm not super human. I'm weak, I cry, I hurt.

I pulled up a new text and texted Niall two important words before I stuck my fingers down my throat again.

I'm sorry .x aria

With that I pushed against my gag reflex, going harder each time. Before I knew it I was retching over the toilet, throwing up what was once my lunch before wiping my mouth. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. "S'not enough." I muttered to myself before kneeling over the toilet again.

I've never been so disappointed in myself. I continued until I was too weak to stand then used every ounce of my energy to pull myself up to wash myself thoroughly. I skimmied out of my dress and chucked it to the side before looking up at the mirror again. All I could see was fat.

Tears burned my eyes as I closed the lights, not wanting to see myself in the mirror. I walked back to my bed and crawled in, wrapping myself in my duvet as to keep warm in the chilly room.

Falling asleep I thought about my life and how I wanted to end it. Jump off a cliff perhaps? Hang myself in my closet? Swallow pills or cut myself to death? Maybe jump in front of a moving truck or- or jump onto train tracks in fornt of a train? The possibilities seemed endless. But then i thought about the people I'd miss if I did leave.

My parents, my brothers and sisters, Jaques, Javier, the boys, Sienna, and probably even Ava. Then i thought about the people who would miss me if I left.

No one.


im in a sad mood today :( was listening to moments and then this happened. im sorry <3 i feel like im losing readers or maybe they're just all on vacation. but [waves] hi to you :)

as you can see Aria's task has begun even though it wasn't deliberate. will Harry listen to her and believe her? or will he turn a blind eye and ignore her pleads?

arias only human and she hurts. worst is that shes suicidal ((ever since her best friend died)) what if harrys not there for her? what if he cant save her from her own demons? let us pray he does.

next chapter is harrys pov. his feelings about this. a girl. nialls worried. valentines day is coming up. whats gonna happen now?

VOTE FOR ANOTHER CHAPTER ((10+ for the next one cos school starts again tomorrow and just ughh))

thanks for reading .x

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