Augustus Frost

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Aria's POV

"Rosaria? Rosaria!? Princess? Oh lord where could she be, she's going to be late for her dress fitting... PRINCESS!" I glanced around the corner and hid just in time for Madame Lisette to walk past me, eyes sharp and body stiff as she marched around the castle looking for me. I was due for another fitting and quite frankly I do not feel like attending, at all.

This week has basically been ball preparations, dress fittings, photo shoots and Queen Etiquette lessons from mum. It's a total anarchy here in the castle as the date for the ball neared. Looking around the corner again, I checked to see if the coast was clear. No sign of maids, or guards... or mum. I let out a sigh of relief as I sneakily made my way towards the kitchen.

I have been deprived of my daily chocolate consumption for fr too long and I'm starting to think I'm going through withdrawal I burst through the doors, causing the staff to turn to me and shake their heads before going back to work. I blushed embarrassingly as i skipped towards the head chef. "Hey Herb!" I smiled at him as he glanced away from the fiery flames coming form his teriyaki dish to send me a smile before going back to his cooking.

"Hello Aria, how are you today?" he asked as I sighed. "Tired. Hungry. Got anything for me?" I asked him as I stared hungrily at his delightfully eye catching and mouth watering cuisine. "Oi this is for the primce minister's dinner tonight. Other than that all I have are a few sweets in the back- wait a second. Has your mother given word for you to be here?"

I bit my lip as I looked away and shook my head. "Not exactly... but Herb please! She's making me eat all this nonsense and it's not even enough! I'm going to turn green from the amount of salads I've eaten! Please can I have some sweets?" I pleaded, clasping my hands together as he looked down at me thoughtfully.

"Hmm... you are losing a bit too much weight and you've been behaving quite well lately... I suppose a sweet or two won't hurt anyone. As long as you promise not to tell your mother." He says as I squeal and nod. "oh I promise! I swear on my Ancestor's grave!"

"Alright Aria. The sweets are stored in the cellar by the horse stables. I'll send the new stable boy to go with you since he's due to come get the horse feed for the day." Herb chuckled while I looked at him confused. "Stable boy? Since when?"

"Since you left Aria, now hurry on he'll be arriving soon." Herb said just as the doors flew open once again. "There he is." Herb pointed towards the doors where stood a tall lanky looking fellow clad in dirtied trousers, a baggy button up shirt, and worn out leather boots. His dark hair was pushed back but fluffy enough to frame his pale face. His blue eyes twinkled as he approached Herb and I, tracking in dirt at the same time making Herb shake his head disapprovingly.

"What did I say about wearing your dang boots in my kitchen?" Herb sighed as the stable boy chuckled. "Sorry Herb, must of forgotten. Got the horse feed for today ey?" He smiled at Herb who shook his head again before nodding. "Yes. Let me go get it. Oh, before I forget this is Rosaria." Herb pointed to me.

"i know Herb. I work for her ma and pa." the boy chuckled as he stretched out his hand towards me. "The name's Augustus but everyone calls me Gus for short- see, Augustus is too posh for my liking." Augustus- pardon me, Gus smiled as I slowly took his hand and shook it. "Pleasure to meet you Gus. Guess you caln call me Aria since we're going by nicknames now." I smiled back.

"Well, now that you kids are aquainted why don't you get going with your horse feed and sweets?" Herb pushed us towards two large sacks before going back to his cooking. I watched as Gus picked up the first bag easily, wobbling from the new weight but managed to stay steady enough to pick up the second bag.

"I'll help." I offered as I took the second bag from him. "It's fine princess, I got it." He said as he walked past me. I chuckeld as he dropped the second bag on the floor then proceeded to look at it like it was a gift from satan. "On second thought..." I shook my head and picked it up effortlessly.

"Let's go." I told him. "Bye Herb!" I yelled before walking out of the kitchen with Gus. I followed after him in complete silence as we made our way to the stables. I also had a keen eye out for my mother and Madame Lisette who were probably still looking for me.

"So..." I finally spoke, causing Gus to turn to me for a split second as he continued to walk. "Tell me about yourself Gus." I said as I caught up to him. "Since when did you start working here?" I asked him. "Since you left Princess. Not many people out them walls accept guys like me so when I saw the job opening I went for it." he said.

"What did you do before?" I asked. "Nothin too special. Just helped out my ma at the local school, teachin classes 'n stuff. Also helped my pa round the blacksmiths." He explained as I nodded intently. "Sound slike fun." i said as he chuckled. "Yeah I guess."

"Tell me more about yourself Gus. I think we're going to be good friends." I say as he smiles. "Mmm maybe. Well my full name is Augustus Frost, m'twenty born on the forth of January down in Strasbourg, Oslo to my ma and pa Frost. I have a little sister named Violetta, she's turning six this December. I work as a stable boy to the Ramirez family and on my spare time I help out at the local school, the blacksmiths and sometimes play football with my mates."

I nodded contently as he turned to me. "Now you're turn." he said as I nodded. "Okay well my full name is Rosaria Del Ria Hope Ramirez, but I go by Aria. I'm nineteen born on the first of February. I have six brothers and five sisters and I'm the youngest out of all of them. I'm the princess of Genovia, future queen holla at me! In my spare time I like to read, watch the television or go out with friends." I say as he nods as well.

"It's nice to be properly aquainted princess." he says as I shook my head. "Please call me Aria. We are friends now, aren't we?" he smiled as he shrugged. "I guess... yeah."

"Good." is smiled as we continued to walk. When we reached the stables, I handed Gus the bag of horse feed before making my way to the cellar. As brave as I may seem, I am the complete opposite. I think I was practically dying going down the ladder into the dark abyss. I jumped off the last bar and landed on the dirty floor safe and sound.

I found a source of light, that being a candle and lit it quickly. "OH JESUS IN A MANGER!" I screamed in shock as a rat skipped past me like the little demon it was. "Are you alright in there?" Gus yelled. I nodded despite the fact he couldn't see me. "Yeah! Just saw a rat the size of a dog! I'm fine!" I yell back before making my way to the shelves where boo ya the sweets were.

I wasted no time in stuffing a few of them into my pockets before slimbing back out of that god forsaken hell hole. "You got it?" Gus asked and I nodded as I took one out of my pocket and handed it to him. "Yup." I say as he looks down at the treat before giving it back to me. "I can't take this from you."

"Why not?" I ask. "I'm not allowed." he frowned, eyeing the piece of chocolate hungrily making me feel bad for even having a whole lot of them in my pocket. "Same here, but I still got them." I said as I handed him two this time. He shook his head again. "Please just take it. Actually take the whole lot. You look a bit peckish and besides I can get more if I wanted to." I say as I handed him pocketfuls.

"This is more than enough." He said as I sighed. "You can share it with your sister if you like. Just take it, i promise not to tell a soul." I told him as he sighed and stuffed them into his pockets. "Very well. Thanks princ- I mean Aria." He smiled as i grinned. "No problem." I say as I rub his left arm holding the sweets.

"Where is that girl- PRINCESS!?" I jumped nearly a metre into the air as Madame Lisette stormed towards us, body teetering as she she raced up the tall hill in her heels of death. Her gown fluttered behind her like a cape while her face maintained a state of seriousness and curiosity, the mixture making me stifle my laughter as she nearly tripped.

"Young lady where have you been? Your mother and I have been looking everywhere for you! You're going to be late for your dress fitting!" She scolded, pointing a perfectly manicured finger at me before looking towards Gus with a look of digust on her face. "What are you looking at boy? Get back to work!" she yelled at Gus who flinched before nodding and walking off.

I looked towards him and smiled apologetically but was turned around abruptly by Madame Lisette who looked angry. "Why are you associating with that peasant?" She barked as I gulped and looked away. This reminded me far too much of the time Jake and I first met. "Um Herb had me come see if the horse feed had gotten to him on time." I told her, lying but also somewhat telling the truth as she nodded slowly.

"I see... well come with em then, Your mother is furious." She sighed as she took my wrist and began to aggressively pull me away. Nearing the castle I looked back towards the stables again and smiled as i discretely waved at Gus who waved back.

I guess making friends isn't so hard afterall. As we got to my mum who was already in the horse drawn coach, my mum let out a visible sigh of relief as I was pushed into my seat. "You're late." She snapped as the horse trotted off, pulling us away to wherever this dress fitting was at. "I'm terribly sorry mother, it won't happen again." I smiled sickly as she raised an eyebrow at me thoughtfully before looking out the window.

"You better hope it won't." she said. "I've put in a lot of effort in organizing this ball and your engagement-" cue groan "and I won't have it ruined by some silly boy."

"I love that silly boy." i muttered under my breath as she snapped her head towards me. "What was that?" She barked. "Nothing just said of course mother." I smiled again as she sighed and nodded.

"One day you'll understand sweetie. This Harry Styles boy is not a good match for you." but he is. "Okay mother." I sighed as silence filled the coach car, making me drone off into daydream land where my thoughts were invaded by images of Harry and the boys, all the adventures we shared and all the adventures we could of had.

I wonder what they were doing right at this moment.

Harry's POV

"THANK YOU AUSTRIA!" Louis yelled one last time before we jumped onto the platforms that were going down, waving at the massive crowd as we did so. "And we're done!" one of the stage crew yelled as everyone cheered, running up to us to congratulate us on another successful show.

This was our last show in Austria before we moved on to the next country. "Man that was so much fun!" Niall beamed as he wiped the sweat off his face with his shirt. "I know right! Nothing beats the adrenaline you get when you're on stage." Louis added as i nodded in agreement. "Hurry and change boys, your flight leaves in a few hours." Lou came towards us with our bag of clothes before walking off.

"Okay Lou!" Liam yelled as we all began to quickly change. "Best sign of the night boys?" Zayn asked. "I liked the one where it said 'Fucking paps get a proper job you dicks'" I laughed as Liam blushed and attempted to trip me. "Really? I liked the one that said 'Thank you for saving our lives' nearly cried whem I saw it." Louis smiled.

"I saw one that said 'Paul adopt me'"Zayn said as i chukled. "I know mate, you told us like twenty times- look at that sigh! Look at it! It's so funny!" I over exaggerate his voice causing him to roll his eyes at me but laugh as well. 'shut up I just thought it was pretty funny."

"Hally!" Her bubbly voice was music to my ears as and I smiled as I watched the chubby little minx wobble towards me with the biggest smile on her face. "Lux!" I exclaimed as I picked up my little companion and twirled her around before planting a big kiss on her cheek. She giggled loudly, hugging my face as I chuckled and placed her on my waist.

"Hello lovely." Louis tickled her tummy, setting her off in a fit of giggles again. "Lou Lou!" Louis smiled at her before he continued to change, pulling his shirt over his head before he took Luz from me so I could change. I changed into a pair of trousers and my ramones top which I hadn't washed so it still smelt a bit like Aria though our scent was mixed together. It was still there.

"Hello mister hot and dangerous-" I blushed as I picked up my phone from my pile of clothes, answering it as the boys snickered at my ringtone. What? I ain't changing it anytime soon. "Hello?" I said as I walked to the far side of the room. "Hello Harry." I gulped as I turned around away from the boys. "How'd you get this number?" I asked.

"I have my ways." she said. "Look Styles I'm not here to beg for your forgiveness or anything. I'm here to help." she continued as I sighed. "In what way could you possibly help me6" I asked her.

"I know where Aria is." At her discretion I decided to play it cool and actually listen. "I'm listening." I say as she sniggered. "Where is she then?" I asked, hoping she'd tell me. But by her tone I knew there would be a condition included. "I'll tell you, if-"

"If what?" I mused, ready to do whatever it s she wants me to do. "If we meet up in person. Like a date." she replied as I sighed in annoyance. "Ava how many times do I have to tell you we were over then and we're over now-"

"This isn't about you and me, this is about Aria. Look, I admit it- I still love you but I know in my heart I could never love you as much as Aria does. And you with her. I'm sorry for hurting you in the past and I know it's going to be hard for you to forgive me but at least let me help you find my cousin. I love her too you know." I think it was plausible for me to say I was pretty shocked and touched by what she said. I never expected her to even care, considering the mean words she often shared about Aria.

"Well then." I breathed. "When do you want to meet up?" I asked her. "You leave Austria tonight right?" she asked and I nodded. "Yeah in a few hours- wait how do you know that?" I asked her in fear. "Your fans are my most reliable source when it comes to your whereabouts." she chuckled as I shrugged and agreed. "True."

"Anyways you lot leave for Paris from Austria so I guess I'll meet you there-" I cut her off abruptly. "Can't you just tell me where she is? Now? Please? I'm desperate over here." I whined as she sighed longingly. "I want to Harry, I really do but I'm not even sure yet."

"Hey Harry who're you talking to?" Zayn walked uo to me and patted my back, making me choke on whatever air I was holding in my lungs. "Oh, no one." I told him as he raised an eyebrow at me. "Okay then..." he proceeded to walk away but towards Louis who was now looking at me as well. Jesus Christ.

"Just- tell em what you know. Please Ava." I plead once more as she sighed again but cleared her throat. "okay." I smiled as I quickly rushed around the room in search of a note pad or something to write this all down on. I settled on the full body mirror in the room and nodded to myself as I opened a tube of lipstick. Sorry lou.

The boys gave me odd looks as i readied myself to write down what Ava knows. "shoot." I say as she sighs before speaking. "I talked to Frankie yesterday and he said she wasn't in America as far as he knew. She would have been spotted." i nodded and wrote down not America. "I checked in with my cousins who practically reside around the world and they said they haven't seen or heard from Aria."

I remember her telling me they lived in Canada, Mexico, germany, Australia and Russia I believe. "I think you should try Switzerland, Sweden, Italy, and Hawaii since those are her dream places to visit but I'm not too sure because she said so when we were around six." I wrote down the countries, breathing in deeply as I mentally calculated the distances.

"What else?" I asked. "This last one is probably the one. But she understands the consequences of returning and with her loving you I can't even imagine what it's going to be like for her if she did return..." she trailed off. "Return where?" I asked.

"To Genovia." she sighed as I gulped. "She's heir to the throne you know..." Ava trailed off. "I know." i sighed. "The process of becoming Queen is a long, painful one. Especially if your heart isn't fully open to it, like Aria. There will be interviews, dress fittings, photo shoots, diets, invitations are handed out, engagement parties-" I bit my lip as she cut herself off, both of us in silence now.

"Why are you helping us?" I whispered sadly as I listened to Ava choke back a sob. "Because I made the mistake of giving up the man I love for a man I was arranged to marry. I don't want Aria to make the same mistake." she chuckled softly, sniffling as I sighed and smiled as well.

"Thank you Ava." I say as she chuckled and sniffled again before answering. "Anything for you Harry." The end line beeped as she hung up and I sighed as I locked my phone before putting back into my pocket. "Harry?" Louis asked, sounding confused.

"I think I know where she is mates." I say as I look at our five options. "Where is she?" Niall asked as I pointed at the five countires; Switzerland, Sweden, Italy, Hawaii...Genovia. I stopped my finger at Genovia and tapped it three times.

"Genovia." I say with a small smile on my face as the boys smiled as well. And it was settled. Our next stop; Genovia.


So Aria makes a new friend. Augustus Frost aka Gus :) you'll be seeing a lot of him in the future. don't worry she still loves Harold so don't expect her and him to get together any time soon :') and yay Ava helps Harry and tells him where aria is :D bet u didnt expect that did u? so the boys are going to genovia next but how will Harry react to gus? Aria's mum? :O drama llamas to come. its ze alpacalypse~

ciao my beautiful readers thanks for reading .x

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