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Aria's POV

"Where's Harry, I promised I'd meet him." I told the boys who shrugged. "Still don't know. He went off with zayn and never came back." Niall said. I nodded. "Kay. Guess I'll go look for him then. See you boys later."

I waked off and continued to search for Harry. Suddenly I bumped into someone. "Oh I'm so sorry." I apologized quickly the woman i bumped into smiled as she shook her head. "It's okay. I hope you have a good night. The moon's out."

I was confused by her last words and turned to face her but to my disappointment she was gone. I didn't know who she was due to her mask but her voice sounded awfully familiar. The moon's out. Weird.

I looked towars the tall windows lining the east wing of the castle and recognized the woman i had bumped itno. She was walking through the crowd, bumping into people herself and not apologizing which confused me even further.

I decided to follow her, wanting to know who she was and why she seemed like she was in a hurry.

People greeted me, bowing or waving curtly as i passed by but i kept my focus and continued to follow her trail. As she reached the windows, she turned and began to walk down the east corridor leading to the back garden.

I turned the corner as well and gasped.

I couldn't believe it.

And the story continues....

"You need to tell her."

Curiosity got the best of me as I leant against the wall, listening in on their conversation. I was unsure whether the woman speaking was the lady I'd bumped into or if she was just another guest at the party.

"I need to tell her- no you and I need to tell her. This wasn't only my fault!" Now that voice I knew who it clearly belonged to. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I slowly looked around the corner. Sure enough there he was, standing in front of the wall with his arms crossed in frustration while he looked down at another figure who was leaning against the wall with their arms crossed as well.

I couldn't see her face clearly because of her mask but her dress looked breathtaking and the way Harry looked at her gave me proof that this girl was probably very beautiful but the way her arms fell to her sides then trailed upwards to grip Harry's arms made me feel queasy.

Who is this girl?

"Harry I know. That night was a mistake and it will never happen again but we both know telling her the truth would be the right thing to do. Keeping us a secret will only hurt her more if she finds out from someone else or worse the media." The girl sighed as Harry shook his head.

"This isn't fair to her. I shouldn't have gotten drunk that night. You're right, it's time she knew about us before things get too far." Harry sighed as he brought an arm up to hold himself against the wall as he leant over her. "But I can't deny that what we had was something I'll never forget."

"Me neither... I'm sorry Harry." she mumbled as she slipped away from under him to stand beside him. "I'm sorry too love.' If it's any consolation I think you're the most beautiful girl at this party tonight.' he pulled her in for a hug and kissed the top of her forehead as she smiled before letting her walk away.

Still unnoticed I begin to walk away myself. I felt an aray of emotions. Hurt, confusion, for the most part disbelief and of course sadness. I didn't know or understand what I'd just witnessed and I prayed that it wasn't what I thought it was.

I began to make my way back to the boys, an evident frown on my face as I tried to remove the permanent image of Harry and this mystery woman. But as I approached them and saw Harry smiling and laughing with Liam I knew he'd know something was wrong if he saw me right now.

So it left me no choice but to smile and skip towards the five who greeted me with big smiles and wide arms. I felt uneasy as Harry engulfed me in a hug and pressed his lips to my forehead, one's that were just on another. "You're the most beautiful girl at this party tonight. I love you so much." he whispered as his lips hovered above my earlobe which he nibbled lightly to no avail.

I frowned over his shoulder as he hugged me once more before moving away. I smiled up at him sadly then turned to the other's. "I'll be right back." I barely mouthed before I was off. I could sense their eyes on me and questioning ones from Harry. He was wondering why I didn't say it back.


"Why the long face?" Mattaeus chuckled lowly as he proceeded to twirl me. I glanced back at the boys who were dancing wih their dates. This included Harry who was failing to do the waltz with Ava who looked like she was contemplating on leaving him for Prince Jared by the fountain.

Zayn was with Mary and I smirked at the fact he'd been with my older sister for most of the night without knowing it. I looked back at Mattaeus and shrugged. "Nothing really. My feet really hurt though." I told him truthfully.

"I guess I could relate. These shoes are about two sizes smaller I believe." Mattaeus hopped on both of hs feet, causing me to laugh loudly. "Oh God me too."

"So Mattaeus-" Mattaeus shook his head. "Call me Matt- Please. I only go by Mattaeus when I'm with my father." I raised my eyebrows and nodded. "Alright Matt. Do you always have to follow your father's orders?" I asked him.

"Unfortunately yes. I reckon my father and your mother are a business match in heaven." he rolled his eyes. "To be honest, this isn't even the real me."

I looked at him curiously. "So then what is the real you?" I asked him.

"Want me to show you?" He raised an eyebrow as he twirled me again. "Now?" I looked at him confused. "If you're up for a little adventure, yes."

I smiled as I nodded at his words. "Follow me." He took my hand in his and began to lead me through the crowd. I laughed as we bumped into people dancing, not caring as we did so.

As we passed by the boys I felt them looking and for some reason I didn't care or listen when Harry called for me.

Matt and I opened the glass doors and ran out, shutting them behind us. He turned and began to lead me into the garden. We ran past bushes and rows of flowers until we reached the gazebo. He stopped us and motione for me to lie down. I looked at him confused but shrugged and obliged, lying down on my back beside him not caring if my dress or hair looked like a mess.

"What now?" I asked him.

"Wait." he said as he glanced at his watch. I sighed and nodded. "Now." he whispered Justas bright lights lit up the sky.

I covered my eyes slightly as I looked at him and groaned. "Ugh this is what you wanted to show me? I'm blind now thanks." att chuckled as he tapped my elbow and began to pull my hands down. "Look." he pointed upwards and I removed my hands and looked up.

I gasped before looking towards him then back up at the gazebo. "H-How?"

"I love art." he shrugged. I looked towards him then back at the gazebo once again in utter shock before smiling at him again. Underneath the gazebo was a brilliantly painted portrait of him and I the day we met.

"The day you went back to the hotel to help Oswald with something, I came over to visit. You weren't here yet and your mother invited me in. I decided to wait here. The workers were repainting the gazebo and decoration the garden so I decided to help. While everyone was on break I got bored so... this happened." he motioned to the artwork above us.

"It's amazing. You're really good you know." I told him, still in awe as he chuckled. "Thanks. I wish my father felt the same way." I frowned and turned to him. "Why, doesn't he think you're talented too?"

"He doesn't even know." oh. "I mentioned art school once and he basically laughed in my face. He thinks becoming an artist is absurd, especially if I'm an heir to the throne. I've fallen in love with art; the thought that with just a brush and your imagination you can create anything you desire captivates me."

"I've fallen in love as well." I told him. "With someone I wasn't supposed to fall in love with." I told him. "I understand."

"Happily ever after has its limits I guess." he shrugged. "For the both of us." I sighed and nodded.

"Sometimes I just want to forget it all. Just runaway again and go on another adventure and meet new people and make new memories." I told him truthfully.

"What happiness awaits in a world full of hurt? What possible memory can you share with someone who'll only forget?" he questioned as I shrugged.

"The best kind." I told him as I looked up again.

Everything was at ease and everything was fine.

Harry's POV

The ball was nearing its end. People were starting to leave, drunkards were starting to sober up, lovers were starting to fall... it was almost like everyone had someone to go home to. Everyone except for me.

"Are you leaving soon?" Zayn asked his date sadly which struck me with wonder. Zayn never asked hs dates if they were leaving before him. He was always the first one to leave, undetected for the most part.

"Nope. I live here." she told him happily which caused a smile to form on his lips. "You do?" he suddenly asked curiously as his smile faltered a little bit. "Yes, this is my home." She gestured to the entirety of the mansion as Louis and I shared a look.

"Are you by any chance Mary Ramirez?" zayn asked her awkwardly.

"Ding ding ding!" Aria yelled as she stood beside Mary and shrugged an arm around her sister's shoulders. "I thought you'd have realized by now." Aria smirked as Zayn blew a breath.

"Where have you been? The party's over and we never got to dance." I frowned sadly as Aria blushed. "Oh sorry I was with Matt for the whole night.... mum's orders." Matt? So they're on nickname basis now. Hmm......

"Oh. Okay." I nodded curtly. "So you're Aria's older sister, well one of them at least." Liam chuckled. "Yup. I'm two years older than Aria." Mary nodded. "You alright Zayn?" Aria asked Zayn who looked like he was living his worst nightmare.

"Huh what? Yeah me- I'm fine! Don't worry about me!" His voice rose an octave higher, making Mary giggle. "Alright then. Well I better head off, I promised mum I'd help with the clean up. Good night Zayn, I had a lovely time." Mary walked towards Zayn and went up on her tip toes and pressed her lips to Zayn's cheek before walking away.

Zayn looked breathless and starry eyed for a moment before he released the breath he was holding in. "Holy fuck."

"Isn't she the demon worshiping sister?" Niall asked awkwardly.

"Some people change." Aria stated, shrugging as she looked towards me. "I hope y'all enjoyed your night. Fun wasn't it?" she smiled as we nodded in agreement. "Yeah it was! I'm so full but I feel like I could still eat a horse!" Louis exclaimed.

"Oh god forbid you actually do." Aria giggled. "Well it's getting late and I still have to help." Aria sighed. "Yeah, the lads and I have another concert tomorrow night then we leave the next morning." I told her as she nodded sadly.

"I can't believe we leave in two days. We'll be going to Australia next and that's like 2874682394623 miles away." Louis frowned. "Aww Lou it'll be fun, I promise! Aren't you excited to go surfing?" Aria asked him. "Yeah but it won't be fun without you." he frowned as Aria pouted and hugged Louis. "Stop it! You're gonna have much more fun without me there trust me. At least you're not stuck here in this boring old castle."

"Maye but I'll still miss you." Louis sighed. "And your cooking!" Niall added. "And your ironing!" Liam added. "And someone to think about while I wank!" Zayn added as I slapped his arm and pushed him back. "Hey, boyfriend in the room." Zayn rolled hsi eyes and muttered that it was just a joke.

"Maybe we can hang out tomorrow morning if you're not busy." I smiled at her hopefully as she bit her lip. "Harry I'd love to but- Matt already asked me out for breakfast." oh. "and I said yes."

"Oh um... maybe you're free afterwards?" I tried to hide my visible disappointment and replaced it with little hope. "Maybe." she shrugged. "Ok." maybe is good enough for me.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." I smiled slightly as she nodded. "Yeah I guess."

I sighed and wrapped my arms around her, motioning for the boys to go on ahead. They nodded and walked off as I looked back down at Aria who hugged me back lightly.

"I love you okay. You'll always be my princess." I told her as I rubbed her back softly. "I know Haz." she mumbled into my chest as I kissed the top of her head. "Good night." a small smile graced her lips as she pulled away and leant up to kiss me lightly on the cheek before she walked away.

I sighed and began to make my way out as well, back tot he boys who were waiting outside with the car. That's when I realized something.

She didn't say it back.


follow @haztwerks for update info, spoilers and more :D

so aria catches harry and another chick having a moment :( i think we all know who she is. and Matt turns out to be a good fella and he and aria share a nice moment :) harrys sad bc aria and matt are going on a date :( poor aria and poor harry. and we all know why she didnt say 'it' back. too much ughh

next chapter the boys decide to stalk aria on her date. a fight pursues. harrys secret is revealed. it aint pretty

thank you for reading :) be sure to share this fanfic with you friends (or pet im flexible) haha love you xxxx

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