Bad Boys Get Punished .I

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Harry's POV

''A little to the left... no my left... ugh just let me do it.'' I pushed past Aria who rolled her eyes and motioned for Niall and Louis to move away from the heavy dresser. ''It's quite heavy Harry, you won't be able to hold it up yourself.'' Aria sighed as I scoffed. ''Oh please, nothing I can't handle.''

''Whatever you say.'' Aria sang as she sat down next to the door. I smirked as I leant down, scooping my hands under the dresser to lift it just slightly enough for me to hold it high enough for me to carry. I grunted as the dresser didn't budge a millimeter off the ground. ''Hold on.'' I tried again. ''It's just a- question of leverage.''

''Need help?'' I looked over at Aria who had a knowing smirk on her face, her arms crossed as if she were waiting for me to admit it. ''No, I'll be fine. You go get the rest of your things and I'll do this myself.'' I told her.

''Aright if you say so.'' Aria chuckled. ''Any of you boys want to help?'' Aria looked to the four who shrugged before Zayn and Liam stood up. Before they left the room however Aria turned around again and winked at the two boys who stayed behind. ''If he still can't do it just help him.''

''Yes ma'am!'' Both Louis and Niall nodded at her before shutting the door.

''So Haz, need help yet?'' Louis smirked. ''No.'' I muttered. ''Explain to me why and how she's staying with you?'' Niall propped himself against the wall with a questioning stare. ''Well, she's "visiting" her family here and apparently they believed she was staying in a flat here for the past year or so.'' I explained. ''No one knew she stayed with us?'' Louis asked.

''Basically, yeah.'' I nodded. ''I figured since Aria and I are together and haven't spent any quality time together in a while it'd be nice for her to stay with me.'' I said as the boys nodded understandingly. ''Wouldn't her parents find out though?'' Niall asked. ''I doubt it. Apparently they've jetted back to America to deal with some trade business or something. They think she's at her flat right now.'' I said.

''Isn't Gus here too?'' Louis questioned. ''Yeah to keep an eye out on her- make sure I don't go near her.'' I smiled. ''But Gus is one of us.''

''Man her mum really doesn't want you two together huh.'' Niall chuckled. ''Crazy bitch that one is!''

''Don't call her mother that!'' I protested. 'She may be mean and frustrating to comply with but calling her a bitch won't solve anything.'' I sighed. ''Plus she's going to be my mother in law one day so I better start learning to suck up.''

''Ah good luck mate I doubt she'll be a nice one.'' Louis joked as I shrugged and nodded. ''Probably. Anyways, this piece of shit won't budge.'' I stood up and kicked the dresser in frustration. ''Need help?'' Niall asked once more as I sighed. ''Yeah.''

Within the next half hour we were able to move the dresser and managed to not crush any of our limbs in the process. For a dresser as tall as my legs it's pretty heavy.

The three of us made our way downstairs, stretching our arms as to relieve the ache from carrying the heavy dresser. I smiled as I walked into the living room, seeing Aria sitting on the sofa with a cup of tea in her hands while laughing quietly at Zayn who anaged to spill a bit of his tea on his lap.

Upon realizing my existence, Aria stood up and kissed me on the cheek before making her way into the kitchen. ''Want some tea?'' She asked. ''Yes please.'' I nodded before taking her spot beside Zayn who looked like he was trying not to cry. ''You alright mate?'' I asked him. ''My balls.'' He squeaked looking down at his soaked lap.

''I think that's our cue to get going.'' Liam chuckled as he helped Zayn up. ''Don't you want to stay for tea?'' Aria asked, returning with my tea which she handed me before resting her hand on my shoulder. ''We'd love to but I think it's best fi you two catch up first.'' Liam chuckled. ''And my balls are on fire!'' Zayn yelled.

''Drive safe then.'' I stood up and reached for Louis' shoulder, shaking him slightly as I lead him to the door. ''You too mate, fuck safe.'' He smirked as I rolled my eyes and shushed him. ''You're an ass.''

''See you tomorrow Aria!'' Louis yelled over to Aria who smiled through her mouthful of tea, waving before turning to the other boy's. ''I want her all in one piece alright.'' Louis pointed at me warningly. ''Louis...'' I trailed off with wide eyes.

''I'm just being precautious.'' He shrugged. ''See you later mate.'' I pulled him in for a bro hug. ''See ya.'' he smiled before walking out the door. He was closely followed by Zayn and Liam who was consoling Zayn who was still whining about his jeans.

I looked over to Niall who pulled away from his hug with Aria but not before whispering something in her ear. ''Jesus Christ Niall!'' she yelled in shock, causing him to laugh. ''I'm just being precautious.'' he chuckled as he passed me. ''Later curly.'' he gave me a short wave before making his way out to the boys.

I waved them off one last time before shutting the door behind me.

''Finally!'' I yelled jokingly, walking towards Aria who had a coy smile on her face. ''We're alone.'' I smirked, leaing down to kiss her gently. ''Hmmm yeah.'' she smiled against my lips. The kiss soon grew heated, and I pulled away for a second, looking at her questionably. ''Shall we take this to the bedroom?''

''I don't know, should we?'' she asked as she began pull at the hem of my shirt, pushing it upwards as to take it off while lining little kisses along my neck. I smirked and obliged willingly, pulling away to take my own shirt off much to her excitement. Her eyes consumed every inch of me before snapping upwards to meet my own. ''A butterfly?'' she asked in a small voice.

''Look closer.'' I pulled her towards my body and breathed deeply as she lowered her head. In little writing tracing the lines of each detailed wing was her name, and at the recognition of the simple fact she blushed and looked up at me curiously. ''Why?''

''You give me butterflies.'' I smiled as she stood up again. ''And you're the wings that help me soar.''

''That was awfully sappy of you Styles.'' she giggled between kisses. ''I know.'' I pulled away and began to lead her upstairs. We didn't reach that far efore I had her against the wall, breathing heavily against my chest as I began to unclothe her.

First her top, revealing her lace tipped pink bra and bruised collar bones from our events when she first arrived. Next went her jeans that were causing us both pain from it's tightness. She didn't hesitate to reach for my own jeans, unbuttoning and unzipping them quickly before pushing them to the ground.

She reached down to stroke me through my boxers but I stopped her before she could continue, implying that I was too far gone to have her really do anything like that. ''Please love.'' I opened my bedroom door, almost collapsing as it gave way so suddenly it had me and Aria falling backwards onto my bed that was still unmade from this morning.

''Oops.'' Aria giggled, resting her head against my bare chest before looking up at me with hollow eyes. ''I love you Harry. So so so much.'' she sighed, tracing the tattooed heart on my arm before kissing it softly. ''Come 'ere.'' I mumbled, pulling her upwards so I could kiss her properly. I wrapped my arms around her small frame, hugging her close as I closed my eyes in glee.

''I love you more Aria.'' I mumbled against her lips before pulling away to peck her nose. ''Do you still want to do this, or do you want to cuddle?'' I asked her as I flipped us over slowly, hovering over her while resting on my elbow as to make sure I don't crush her.

I trailed a single finger from her clothed chest to her panties, running it delicately against her clothed core that was undeniably wet to the touch.

''Stop teasing.'' she snapped, her eyes darkening over as I smirked lazily. I take it she wants to continue. ''Please Harry.'' she was practically mewling, her eyes begging for something more than just a single stroke to where she needed me most. ''Patience baby.'' I whispered as I pressed small kisses against the spot just an inch below her ear, causing her to moan. ''All in good time.''

I sat up onto my knees and looked down at her, my lips parting as I took in the beautiful girl laying down in front of me. Despite the evident bruises forming on her stomach and hips, and the scars running along her inner chest and arms she still managed to look breath taking, to say the least. She could sense my wandering eyes and immediately reached over to over herself. ''Don't.'' I said, pushing her hands away.

''Harry...'' she trailed off, quieting down as I leant down and kissed every wound. ''I don't mind.'' I told her. ''You're still beautiful to me with or without them.'' I said before kissing another bruise. ''I'll make it all go away okay, I'll fix you.''

Her eyes started to water and she smiled, biting her lip as she blushed once again. I smiled at the effect I had on her before moving down to her legs. ''Open up darling.'' I smirked, causing her to giggle as she opened her legs wide enough to go inbetween them. ''Stop giggling, this is the serious bit.'' I frowned jokingly as I began to push off my boxers.

''I'm sorry I'll stop.'' she laughed once more before silencing herself. I threw my boxers aside and leant down once more to kiss her. ''Now for the fun bit.'' I smirked as I began to pull down her panties. I held them up towards my face, chuckling at the design. ''See through lace? I think you were planning something this morning.'' I raised an eyebrow at her before tossing them aside.

''Maybe.'' she bit her lip as she removed her own bra, tossing it at my face. ''Yeah, thanks for that kitten. Cheers!'' I rolled my eyes sarcastically as I threw her bra towards the pile of clothes already on the floor.

As I turned back to face Aria, a loud crash interrupted us causing me to nearly fall off the bed from being startled. ''This is like an episode from Naked and Afraid oh my God.'' Aria breathed as she pulled me closer to her. I laughed at her terrible joke and proceeded to get up. ''Where are you going?'' she asked confused. ''Well I'm not going to have sex with you when there might be a theif in our house. I'll just be a minute.'' I said as she nodded.

''I'll be waiting.'' she smirked, biting her lip as I groaned. ''Just- Just hold on.'' I waved my hands at her before looking out the hallway. ''Hello!?'' I called. ''If you're a theif breaking in and stuff can you make it quick, my extremely sexy fiancé is waiting for me!'' I yelled and chuckled as I felt a pillow land softly on my back. ''I heard that.''

After receiving no response, I shrugged and shut the door again, locking it behind me before walking back to Aria. ''Must have been the wind again. You know England weather.'' I sighed as I fell forwards onto the soft sheets of my bed. I looked up at Aria who was looking down at me with a distant smile on her face. ''What?'' I asked as I rolled onto my back.

''Huh? Oh nothing.'' she shrugged, lying forward, laying her cheek on my stomach. ''Just really happy I guess.'' she said as I grinned. ''I'm really happy too. But enough with the emotional stuff, let's get down to business!'' I cheered as I flipped us over again, smirking down at her as she giggled. ''Well alright then!''

''Just let me get the-'' I cut myself off and leaned off the bed to reach for my trousers, reaching into the back pocket where my wallet was and proceeded to take out a single condom packet. ''Can I roll it on'' Aria asked as I turned to her with a start. ''Sure...'' I trailed off as I handed it to her. ''Okay lean back against the headboard for me babe.'' she pushed against my chest as she sat up.

I nodded and followed her orders, leaning against the headboard with a shaky sigh. I gasped slightly as she straddled my thighs, not so much the area I wanted her most but it was close enough for me to start stuttering. ''Relax Harry.'' she smiled as she pressed her lips to mine quickly. I groaned into the kiss as I allowed her tongue to slip past my lips, exploring the inside of my mouth like it was searching for something.

Her kisses left me breathless and I felt close already as she began to pump my cock with short jerks. ''Hmmm kitten... what happened to no teasing?'' I moaned as she thumbed the slip, giggling as I moaned again. ''I want to try something, if that's okay with you.'' she whispered, her eyes big and twinling as I gulped and nodded.

''Close your eyes.'' she smiled as she poked my stomach. I nodded and did as she said.

Soon I felt her hands take hold of my left wrist gently, sending chills down my back as she began to suck on each finger. Suddenly I felt a cloth being wrapped around my wrst but thought nothing of it until I felt the cold surface of the headboard. I gulped as she did the same thing with my right wrist, giggling before pecking me on the lips again.

Still I kept my eyes shut, breathing heavily now as I felt her hands trail up and down my chest before running across my lower abdomen and my thighs before they were gone. I sighed nervously as I heard the distant sound of the condom packet being opened before I felt her tiny hand wrap around my hard on.

She pumped me slowly, stroking downwards before stroking upwards with a slight flick, making me moan her name softly. ''Aria...'' I was tempted to open my eyes, and it seemed that Aria could feel me slowly start to fall apart. ''Don't open your eyes.'' she spoke assertively and I nodded, not wanting to even protest.

''Oh fuck-'' I moaned as I felt her soft lips wrap around my head, her tongue just barely tonguing my slit before rubbing across the underside of my cock, causing me to shiver. ''Fuck babe. Right there-''

''You like it when I suck your cock?'' she slurred, her voice sounding raspy and sultry as I forced myself to refrain from coming right then and there. ''Jesus fu-fuck.'' I gasped as I felt her repeat her actions, once, twice. ''F-Fuck yes.'' I moaned.

''Hmm so big.'' she murmured as she began to pump me faster before putting me back in her mouth, shoving herself down far enough so my tip hit the back of her throat and I let out a long moan, closing my eyes even tighter from the sensation. ''FUCK just like that baby oh fuck yes- ugh- oh-''

I couldn't stop myself anymore. I opened my eyes and tried to gra hold of her and frowned, realizing what she' done. Noticing my pained expression, Aria smirked and straddled me even higher. I glanced at my bounded wrists and groaned. ''Oh fuck me that's so hot.'' I looked up at Aria who had a devilish smile on her face.

''I thought I told you not to open your eyes.'' She smirked. ''That was very naughty of you Mr. Styles.''

I gulped. ''What are you going to do about it?'' I asked, playing along. She smirked once again and rolled the condom on my impossibly hard length using her teeth, my eyes rolling back into my head at the feeling of her lips brushing against my length.

When she finished she sat back up aagain but not before smiling cheekily.

''I'm-'' She rested her hands on my shoulders and leant forward, her breaths against my neck causing me to moan as she whispered.

''I'm going to punish you.''

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