That's My Harry

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Harry's POV

"So that's why I didn't hear him come in last night!" A male voice yelled as a few others hushed him. "Shhhh Lou, they're still sleeping." Another voice cut the first one off as another sighed loudly. "Should we wake them up?" They asked.

"Nah leave them, they look cute like this." The person paused. "I mean, look at their smiles."

"Ugh... What's going on?" I mumbled, my eyes fluttering open as I tried to comprehend what was going on around me. "Good job Lou, you woke him up." Liam sighed disapprovingly as he looked straight at Louis with a pointed glare. "Sorry." he chuckled quietly as he looked down at me. "Haz you look pretty comfortable there." he winked at me as I looked up at him tiredly and confused. "What do you mean- what?" I looked around at my surroundings and realized instead of laying asleep beside me, Aria was splayed on top of me, her arms resting on my chest with her head and body resting on top of me.

My arms were around her as well, holding her close. "Oh." I breathed out, trying to hide my red cheeks among her red curls that hid them quite well. "Oh is right. What happened last night Harry?" Louis sniggered as I shrugged. "We just talked and I ended up falling asleep beside her."

"Why she on top of you then mate?" Liam asked. "I honestly don't know... not like I mind..." I whispered the last part to myself as I mindlessly rubbed my hand along the bottom of her back. "Well, okay then. The lads are planning to go to the cinemas or something and we were wondering if you two wanted to join us." Liam said as I shook my head. "Nah s'alright. Aria and I are gonna hang out today." I told him as he nodded. "Okay, be careful then. We're heading out now." Liam said as he pulled Louis along. "Use a condom!" Louis yelled before they shut the front door behind them.

I rolled my eyes and looked back down at aria who still remained unmoved. She was still fast asleep and looked as cute as a button with her nose flared and her lips parted.

"Aria? Wake up princess." I whispered as I slowly shook her awake. "Mhmmhmm." she hummed as she stretched on top of me, much like dusty would before she finally opened her eyes and rolled off me. "Morning Harry." She spoke in her morning voice and I literally needed to lie down again because I couldn't breathe properly. "Morning Princess." I smiled at her, using her nick name as she giggled. "You're seriously going to start calling me that?"

"Well yeah. I was serious when I told you last night." i told her as I sat up and rolled off the bed and onto the floor. "Get ready cause we're leaving in a bit." i told her as I proceeded to roll down towards the door. "Could you open this for me?" I asked her. "Why? Just stand up and do it yourself." She said as I groaned. "I'm too lazy to!" I whined and she sighed loudly before getting up and opening the door wide for me.

"thanks!" i told her as I rolled out her door and rolled towards my own room, looking back at Aria who shook her head at me. "I'm friends with an idiot." she said before shutting the door. "But I'm your idiot!" I shouted back before standing up and heading into mine and Louis' room. I rummaged through my closet and found something suitable to wear in this New York weather. I settled with a pair of navy skinnies, a white v-neck, and a multicolored polo shirt I buttoned up. I pulled on my old pair of shoes I wear quite often, you know the brown ones? Yeah and then I went and tamed my curls or at least tried to.

Being close to someone as fucking adorable as Aria; you just needed to dress the part. When I was settled, i grabbed my phone and wallet and walked out of my room, locking it before making my way down to Aria's room. Her door was still unlocked so I walked in. "Do you reckon I wear this sweater or this one?" Aria asked as soon as I walked inside. She held up two sweaters. One was a white jumper that had the words 'XOXO New York' and the other was an Ed Sheeran hoodie that was looked exactly like the one that i owned...

"Hey is that my hoodie?" i asked her. "What noo- ohhhh so that's why it smells like you." she chuckled in realization as she threw the white jumper to the side and began to pull on my sweater. "Why are you wearing it then?" I asked her as she shrugged and began to tie her hair up in a messy bun. "Cause, I like how you smell. Like cupcakes and vanilla." she smiled as she grabbed her phone and put it into her bag that she hung over her shoulder

"let's go!" She said, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of her hotel room and out the hotel into the busy streets of New York. Well someone's excited.


"She actually did that!" I gasped in astonishment, drinking the rest of my frap as I walked along side Aria on the sidewalk. "YES! Oh my God, I felt so sorry for the poor guy. Ava can tend to get possessive but that's only cause she really cares." aria smiled as she laughed through her ice venti green tea.

We were walking back from our breakfast at Starbucks and were now job hunting for Aria. But not without a friendly conversation about her family. "In what sense does re routing an Italian man's plane from America to Genovia a sign that she really cares though!?"

"I don't know, he was pretty cute." Aria shrugged as I choked on my drink a little. "But you said he was like in his thirties." I muttered as she shrugged. "That didn't stop you from dating caroline." she noted as I shrugged. "Touché."

"So where are you planning on getting a job at?" i asked her as we walked passed a few shops. "I don't know. Something I'm good at I guess." she shrugged as I pointed at a restaurant. "Why not work at a restaurant?" I asked her. "You're a great waitress you know and your food is like amazing." I sipped my drink as she shrugged. "Nah, maybe like a coffee shop or something but not a restaurant."

"How about starbucks then?" I asked her. "Then you can't say no whenever i ask you to eat breakfast there." i smirked as she chuckled. "True say, but I'll think about it." she said as we walked by a club, the music thumping and making the ground vibrate as the guards in front heavily watched by standers making sure only the people of age got in. "Ooh what about waitressing at a club?" She excitedly asked, just as the doors opened to reveal a group of waitresses wearing less than they should.

I gasped in horror and shook my head furiously. "Absolutely not! It's bad enough the boys have pictures of you in that sexy nurse outfit; even worse if a club full of sex starved men were around you!" aria laughed as she patted my arm. "I'm only joking Harry. But it's a perfect place for Ava to work at since she loves attention."

I laughed loudly and agreed with her. "So mean yet so true."

The warden threw a party in the county jail.

The prison band was there and they began to wail.

The band was jumpin and the joint began to swing.

You should've heard those knocked out jailbirds sing.

Lets rock, everybody, lets rock.

Everybody in the whole cell block

Was dancin to the jailhouse rock.

"Whoa..." Aria and I stopped in front of an old music shop, but the music blasting inside made the shop 900% more beautiful as I began to pull Aria inside. If the simple fact that this shop was playing old music, like Elvis Presley aka my homie, then I'm already in love with this store.

The music was louder inside and I bopped my head along to the tune as I pulled Aria down the aisles of old vinyl records and posters from the 50's and 60'. "This place is soooo cool!" I whispered to Aria, smiling widely as she nodded in agreement. "Oh I'll be right back Harry." She said before walking off. I nodded to myself and read all the artists on the vinyl records.

Elvis Presley, Chubby checker, Johnny Cash, Jackson 5, Frank Sinatra; Just wow. There were so many other amazing artists, albums, platinum singles; I felt like a boy surrounded in candy. One of my guilty pleasures- though it's not exactly guilty- is old music. Like 50's, 60's, 70's, sometimes 80's music.

"Find anything you like?"

I turned around, a bit startled but calmed myself when I realized it was an old man; probably the store owner. "Honestly, everything." I told him truthfully as he chuckled and nodded. "I agree with you.

I love hearing old songs I used to love. They're like memories you can always go back to." the man said.

"What do you suggest I get?" I asked him. "Well nothing beats a good Elvis album. Rich to the soul I tell ya. Met the man when I was a youngster; used his music to get me wife." He said as he rummaged through the vinyl's. "Well you seem to really take a liking on Elvis so here are three of our most sold album singles." He said as he handed me Jailhouse Rock, Hound Dog, and Heart Break Hotel.

"I'll take them." i told him and he nodded, leading me to the counter to pay. He went behind and punched in some numbers into the cash register. "That'll be a total of $56.98." he smiled and I fished my pockets for my wallets. I pulled out three $20 bills and handed it to him. "Keep the change." I told him and he nodded, putting the records into a nice bag before handing it to me along with the receipt.

"Have a good day...." he trailed off, realizing he didn't know my name. "Harry. Harry Styles." i told him and his face lit up. "Oh Rosaria's friend am I right?" he asked and I looked at him awkwardly as i nodded. "Huh uh yeah..."

"Oh excuse my forwardness. Aria called me up yesterday saying she was in the city and I was hoping she would come and visit and bring along company." He said as I nodded slowly. "Look at her, so into her music." he pointed behind me and I turned around, smiling to myself as I watched Aria approach us with nearly ten vinyl's in her arms. "She always come here, once every year since she was a little tyke and buys every single Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe and Grace Kelly vinyl there is in my store." He explained further as he went back to his stand behind the cash register.

"How many records?" he asked Aria who counted them. "Twelve." she told him with a big smile as he inputted the numbers. "That'll be $94.35." He said as Aria nodded and took out her wallet. She handed him two $50 bills and he began to give her the change when she shook her head. "Keep the change Parnell. Put it towards the thing." she said as he nodded and winked at her.

After he put her records in a bag, aria and I walked out of the store and began to walk home. It was nearly dark and I only thanked the Lord that aria knew her way around New York. Being a bloke from England, especially a famous one, you don't get to really go everywhere when you visit a city. I've always been busy with band stuff to even see a few mates who lived in the city.

I looked over to aria who was walking quietly, Her eyes on the sidewalk as she hopped over the cracks. She was holding the bag of records close to her chest and it brought an almost tingly sensation to my chest knowing she had a guilty pleasure for old music as well. I have never seen a girl so special as her. It was like she was made to be my friend; maybe even more.

We arrived at the hotel and went straight up to our rooms. The boys greeted us with happy smiles and asked us where we had went for the whole day. I began to tell them about how we went to Starbucks first and talked about Ava- which at that moment Louis decided to bring up the awkward fact that I'm now crushing on her younger cousin while she is obviously still mad for me. I ignored it and continued to tell him about how we were looking for jobs for Aria when we found an old music store and bought vinyl's- which at this point as well Louis noted that we had no vinyl record player to play the music but I honestly didn't mind because these were vintage and shouldn't be played but should be kept more as a collector's item.

Aria left the room, saying her brother was calling her. She walked outside and shut the door behind her and immediately questions were thrown at me.

"Did you tell her yet?"

"are you two finally dating?"

"Fucking make a move harry before someone else does!"

I groaned loudly and motioned for them to be quiet. "UGH SHUT UP WILL YA! She might here you... Anyways I'm planning to make a move on our birthday." i told them as they gasped. "so soon?" niall winked at me.

"Not like that you ass, I mean I'm gonna tell her I like-" Aria walked in and I panicked. "I-I like-e bananas." I finished as she looked at me oddly but shrugged it off as she approached us. "Good news everyone I now have a job!" She cheered, thrashing about like she was on something before plopping down on the sofa.

"Cool, what job?" Louis asked her before taking a sip of her water. "A stripper at the stripper club down the street. I start tonight actually." Aria answered casually as Louis spat out his water everywhere and began to choke, grabbing his chest as he heaved and rolled on the floor. Aria burst out into laughter, snorting as she pointed at Louis. "HAHAHA I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ACTUALLY FELL FOR THAT HAHA!"

"You need to stop scaring us like that babe." Zayn told her as she shrugged and smiled innocently. "Me? Scare you?" she batted her eyelashes as he grunted. "Just tell us your new job Hope." he spat in defeat as she giggled and sat up more. "My brother hooked me up with TGI Fridays and Starbucks. I take the morning shift at Starbucks from 6 to noon then from one to eight I do the even shift at TGI Fridays." she explained as we nodded.

"Wait, just for the week yeah?" Niall asked her. "No Niall." she shook her head. "For about two weeks."

"Oh..." he frowned as she sighed. "Don't worry Niall, I'll still be around." she told him as he nodded sadly. "Lucky you, surrounded by food." Niall muttered as she giggled and nodded. "Yup. I'll be so tempted to eat though." she told him as Niall smiled knowingly at her as she cleared her throat.

"Well don't try and eat too much cause if you do you might end up like a two tonne pig and jobless." I chuckled jokingly as Aria frowned and shrugged. "I guess... well I'm gonna go to bed. I start early tomorrow." she said before kissing us all on the cheek. When she reached Niall, he whispered something to her and she only shrugged before hugging him once more. I fumed internally until she reached me and half heartedly hugged me. "Bye." she mumbled before walking away.

I figured she was tired but Niall's glares spoke differently.


3 days later... February 1st

"Is she awake yet?" I asked Liam as he stepped out of Aria's room. "She's not even there harry. She already left for work I told you." he sighed as I grunted and crossed my arms. "But she shouldn't even have work today. It's her birthday. She should have a day off. We do." I muttered as Liam rested his hand on my shoulder, rubbing comfortingly.

Ever since Aria got her jobs at Starbucks and TGI Fridays, she's been busy working nonstop; putting in extra hours to get more money when clearly we can support her ourselves. I haven't spoken a word to her since our hangout- well date in my mind so. Actually none of the boys have. She'd get up at 4:30 a.m and leave for work and doesn't return home until around 12 in the evening since she's putting in extra hours as mentioned before.

We tried asking Paul if we could visit her but unfortunately he had scheduled last minute interviews and signings in New York and the first two were done two days ago and yesterday. So not only Aria was busy, but us as well. Thank the Lord however, we were given today off because it was my birthday. This ruins my whole plan.

"Sorry mate." Liam said as I sighed. "It's alright. It isn't your fault. I was just really looking forward for today. I got her the best gift ever and today we were supposed to hang out, just the two of us then come home to one of Louis' parties."

What if she's avoiding me? Or worse ignoring me. What if she hates me or maybe I pissed her off? I haven't really made an effort to call her or ask her how she is; she won't answer her phone. But then again she doesn't do the same. My phone barely rings anymore and when it does it's just tweet notices from Nick or one of the boys.

She asked for extra hours. She could have taken a day off today. Maybe she purposely took the extra hours and did her shifts today because she's mad at me? Was it something I said? Ugh too much thinking.

"Well happy birthday Haz. You're officially nineteen. You're one of us oldies now." Liam joked as he threw his arm around me and led me back to his room where he other's were already there.


Louis, Niall and Zayn yelled loudly as a cloud of confetti surrounded me. I chuckled and brushed off a few strands of the confetti off my shoulders as i smiled at them faintly. "Thanks guys." i thanked them as they all pulled me in for a bro hug. "why the long face Hazza?" Louis asked weirdly. "IT'S YOUR NINETEEN BIRTHDAY!" he yelled as he began to dance around and throw his arms around my shoulders, shaking me furiously.

"He's just a little down cause Aria has work today." Liam told them as i frowned again. "Awwww is wittle Hawwy sad that his wittle girlfwend won't be here to gweet him a happy birthday?" Zayn smirked as he pinched my cheeks. "She's not my damn girlfriend." I sighed as I pushed him away. "She will be tonight. Louis told me what you have planned for her and holy hell if she says no I will slap her face with reality." Zayn said as I shrugged. "That is if she comes home. She always comes home late." I explained as Niall held out his phone.

"I checked twitter and it says a blizzard's gonna hit tonight around midnight. She'll come home before the storm harry, I promise." Niall said as it ok his phone from him. "Oh even better. My future girlfriends risks getting hypothermia because she went to work on our birthday; the day a big ass snow storm is supposed to hit. And my plans involve the fucking roof of the hotel. Just brilliant." I totally love life at the moment.


"Here, how about we set up for your little romantic dinner idea on the roof and just pray that she decides to come home early." Liam said as I shrugged. "might as well." I sighed. The plan was that me and Aria go out for the day, sight see a bit, while the boys set up for the little dinner thing on the roof. I was going to tell her how much I like her? Love her? Either way she will be mine.

Then once she says she likes me back- which I hope is her response- I'm going to ask her out on a legit date. Then on that date I will ask her to be my girlfriend which she will say yes to- hopefully- and I will be the happiest man on the world, and we'll live happily ever after, the end.

"Okay then, Zayn and Niall go grab the fold up table and the cloths and bring it to the roof to set it up" Liam instructed the two who saluted him before situating to their tasks. "Harry, you and I will get the candles and the pretty china. We'll bring up the food later." Liam said as he handed me the box of delicate china we found in the cupboards that belonged to the hotel while he held onto a few candle sticks and the large golden candle stick holder thingy. Hey I ain't no Einstein.

I began to follow Liam out the door when I realized Louis was still sitting on the sofa, watching the telly. "Wait what about Louis?" I asked Liam who shrugged. "He said he's waiting for a package in the mail and he needs to be here to get it." Liam explained to me as I nodded. "Oh alright."

I followed Liam down the long carpeted corridors until we reached the elevator. We walked in and pressed the roof level, waiting for the shaft to reach the top with a ding before walking out. Outside it was pretty chilly already, but no large gusts of wind at all. Just a slight breeze. We walked over to niall and Zayn who were setting up the table.

The table was in between two sets of metal fencing almost as tall as I was to keep a person form falling off the roof.

"God damn it, it won't fucking stay dOWN!" Zayn yelled as he and niall attempted to hold down the cloth over the table. "Here, we'll put the cutlery and the plates on the cloth and it should hold it down." i told them a i set the box to the side. As Zayn and Niall held onto the cloth, Li and I quickly arranged the nice china on the table and put the candle stick holder in the middle as a center piece. Now the cloth stayed, though the hemming near the floor swished along with the wind but it wasn't too shabby.

"Now for the fairy lights." I told them as I pulled out about five rolls of fairly lights. They all groaned loudly as I smiled softly, proud of myself for going through all this effort without getting so much as pissed off.

Like Aria said; think positive thoughts. And I'm almost positive she's going to make it back here in time.

Louis' POV (FIRST EVER omg)

I waited and waited, watching the door intently just waiting for the door bell to go off so I can get that stupid package Aria wanted me to hide for her. Apparently today was her last day of working to get the present she wanted to get Harry.

Well it better be a pretty fucking amazing present if I'm missing out on whatever they're doing on the roof. After today she said she should have enough money to get the present, then get it wrapped and sent here so I could hide it- seeing as I'm the only one who knew her original plan- so while she gets the cake and guests to come, it won't be too suspicious.

Though I have a passionate dislike towards liars, Aria was-for me- more tolerable than most people I've had lie to me. Maybe she lied for a genuine reason and didn't mean to hurt me. Course, I will have to wait to find out because with what's going on, we don't want to stress out anyone any further.

It was heart wrenching to see Harry so disappointed that Aria 'ditched' their little birthday hang out together for her job and if I didn't know about her plan, I would have been even more greatly disappointed in her; maybe even infuriated. But the fact that she's going through all this trouble; using most of her savings, working hours on end, and being given small dollar less donations from her family members, to get Harry something he's wanted for so long- you just can't hate the girl.

No girl- even Ava- has made an attempt to truly please Harry. Though Harry sucked at hiding his feelings towards her whenever she was around, Aria was quite secure around us and barely slipped except for the few couple of times she blushed and even stared at harry when he wasn't looking. It's no doubt that these two are crushing on each other hard, but they're completely oblivious.

Talk about skinny love.


"FINA-FUCKING-LY!" I yelled loudly as I got up to open the door. I was shocked to see who was there.


What in the general fuck. "Ava? What the hell are you doing here?" I looked at her confused and grunted as she pushed me aside and walked straight in. "It's my baby cousins birthday. Duh." She gave me a look as she sat down on the sofa.

"Yeah, but why are you here though. Simon says you're not allowed to come with us." I rolled my eyes at her as she picked at her nails. "Chill Lou bear, I'm only here for the night. Simon said so. I leave tomorrow morning." she sighed in boredom as I opened the door wider.

"Well get the fuck out of my room then. Never said you can come in." I told her pointedly as she scoffed. "Simon says I can't leave. I have to stay in the building at all times. Sorry." She shrugged as I sighed in annoyance. Now I see why harry wants nothing to do with her.

"Can't you just stay in Aria's roo-"


"Open the door, get on the floor Everybody walk the dinosaur"

"You better answer that." Ava smirked as I muttered a few color words. "What the fuck do you think I'm doing..." I answered my phone and held it to my ear. "What's up?" I asked Liam who had been the one to call me. "Lou we have a bit of a dilemma in our hands..." Liam trailed off.

"Well what the hell happened?" I asked him as I glared over at Ava who was trying to listen into our conversation. Nosey much? Where's my bitch repellent spray when you need it. Worked on Taylor...

"Niall sorta, kinda... tripped over a few wires and fell on top of the table and now it's broken and now we need your help to get the spare one in Harry's room and bring it to us." Liam explained as I groaned and rubbed my temples. "Well why can't one of you do it?" I asked him.

"Well Niall is in quite a lot of pain right now and Harry's tryna pick up Niall off the table." Liam explained, just as loud crashes erupted from his side of the phone.


"OH FOR GODS SAKE NIALL!" Harry boomed as niall wept in pain. "AWW FUCKIN CHICKEN UGH!" I rolled my eyes as Liam sighed. "Now Harry is trying to get the shards of glass out of Niall's leg. Zayn's gone to get the first aid kit. We really need your help mate."

"But I still have to wait for Aria's package to arrive." I told him tiredly. "Just leave it for now Lou and help us! It probably won't come in until the afternoon anyways." Liam whined as I groaned and gave in. "Fine. You better fucking thank me." I muttered as he breathed out a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much!"

I hung up my phone and turned to Ava who was smiling up at me. "Just stay here. I'm going to help the boys for a few minutes. Don't touch anything and don't snoop around. If the doorbell rings and it's a delivery guy giving you a package, call me and I'll be right down." I told her sternly as she nodded. "Kay Lou. I got you." she said as I rolled my eyes and walked out the door before I punch her in the face. She still is the girl who broke my best friends heart.

"I hope you know we still aren't cool. You hurt Harry." I told her as she sighed. "I know I did but I've realized my mistake and now I'm here to fix it. I still love him Louis." she said as I scoffed. "It's a little too late for that."

"How so?" She asked curiously. "He doesn't feel the same. You're chasing unrequited love Aves. He loves someone else now." Well not necessarily love, but it's pretty close to it.

"Who, my cousin? HA like he'd choose her over me." she scoffed as she adjusted herself on the sofa. "Let's face it Lou, I'm more fit, intelligent, older and more experienced." she flipped her hair to the side as I rolled my eyes. "Maybe you are, but that won't mask that ugly heart of yours."

And with that I stormed out of my hotel room. Boom.


"Is that all?" I asked the boys as I dusted my hands off my jeans and looked towards them and the table. It took us nearly half an hour to reset up everything because we had little to no china left because of Niall's little stunt so we had to make do with what wasn't put on the table the first place. "Yeah that'll be it Lou. Thanks again." Harry smiled at me thankfully as I nodded. "No problem Haz, just need to go down at wait for that bloody package." I said as the lads nodded understandingly.

"Oh by the way heads up, Ava's here." i told them as i turned around. "Are you shitting me!?" Harry yelled loudly, causing us to all laugh at him sympathetically. "Sorry Harry but I,m not shitting you. She's in my room right now."

"UGH okay just keep her away from me and we'll all be ok." Harry sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. "Sure thing." I said as I began to make my way back to my hotel room.

As I walked down the corridor to my hotel room, I fished my pockets for my room keys but felt a piece of paper instead. Furrowing my eyebrows, I took it out. A note? I unfolded the creased paper and read the words messily written.

She's not a saint and she's not what you think. I foresee a little bitch ruining your best mate's love life all over again. Keep your eyes open Tomlinson or two people will get hurt tonight :)


My eyes widened as I looked up from the note and looked around me. Paranoia got t me and I quickly ran towards my hotel room, not wasting any time in throwing the door open and locking it quickly.

How the hell... who the hell... what the hell?

I reread the note multiple times, making sure this piece of paper in my hands was really real and not some figment of my imagination. "What's that?" I jumped high into the air, hitting my head against the coat rack as i yelled at the top of my lungs. "FUCKING HELL!"

"You look like you've seen a ghost." Ava chuckled as she crossed her arms. "What happened?" she asked as I discretely stuffed the note back into my pocket, not wanting to have a chat with her about the whole ordeal. "Nothing, you just scared me a little. Did the package arrive?" I asked her.

"Nope." she shook her head with a smile as I nodded. "Alright." I said as she picked up her over night bag and began to walk out the door. "I'm going to Aria's room now; she called me and told me where the spare keys were. Gonna get ready for Harry's party." she said before exiting the room. When i was sure she was gone, I plopped myself down on the sofa and turned on the telly while I took out the mysterious note again.

First of all who was 'Anonymous' and why were the first and last letters within brackets? Only time will tell. This person must be close to us if they had the ability to put it into my pocket. I wanted to know, yet I wasn't too sure anymore if that's what was best.


Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to three hours and the damn package still hasn't come. The party was somewhat in full swing; the boys and I were all dolled up and guests were starting to arrive. Niall brought out the booze and attempted to give a beer to Harry who quickly refused it and continued to greet the guests. Still no sign of aria as well, and Ava seems to be having the time of her life, shit faced and rubbing up to Grandpa styles over there.

Gemma and Anne were sitting on the sofa talking to Liam and Zayn while Niall continued to party it out with some of Harry's best mates. Will, Haydn and Nick were here as well and soon joined Niall. I took a sip out of my mixed vodka and coke drink and stood patiently at the door as I waited for Aria and the package- whichever comes first- to arrive.


I looked through the eye hole and smiled as I opened the door. "It's about time you arrived. Harry's been whining about missing you and how he wants you to be here already!" I greeted Aria in a chaste hug as she chuckled. "Are you drunk already Lou?" She asked me. "Nah just a lil tipsy." i told her as she nodded, her simple curls bobbing from side to side.

She was wearing, her smokey eye makeup a little more carefully applied than her makeup on New Years but she still looked like she could kill Harry just by breathing. "GUESS WHO'S HERE!" I yelled as I led Aria inside. "ARIAAAAAAA!" Niall and Liam were the first to run up to Aria and hug her tightly. "YOU'RE HEREEEEEE!" Zayn was next and nearly tackled her to the floor as he jumped on top of the pile.

"What is going on here-" Harry cut himself off as he approached the boys and Aria. "PRINCESSSSSSS!" Zayn, Liam and Niall moved to the side and let the two have their little moment. Harry scooped up Aria into his arms and twirled her around the room making her laugh loudly. He finally put her down and kissed her cheek. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRINCESS!" Harry yelled as aria chuckled. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TOO CURLY!" she yelled back as Harry hugged her again. They continued to hug until someone yelled, "PRESENTS TIME!"

Harry clapped excitedly as he pulled Aria towards the middle of the room. Aria sent me a look and I looked at her confused. "The package?" She mouthed and my mouth went dry. Her eyes widened and she began to walk towards me but Harry only pulled her closer to him.

"Okay everybody! Young Harry and Aria over here are officially nineteen! That means present time shouldn't even be happening but since they're both forever young, let's do this anyways!" Haydn cheered drunkenly as he raised his drink into the air. Harry and Aria both laughed as they watched Haydn do his little dance before he walked off.

The first two gifts were from Gemma. "Happy birthday kiddos." She winked at them as they quickly took their gift from her and tore at the paper. Harry got two new blazers, a white g-shock watch, and another friendship bracelet to add onto his already hundred many. Aria got three band shirts, a signed poster from all the members of McFly and the same friendship bracelet that Harry got as well. The two thanked gemma and moved onto the next person.

Anne got Harry five new pairs of socks, two new pairs of One Direction boxers, and about $200 of US pocket money since Simon only wants us to spend a limit of $500 every time we come to America and we've already spent it all on this party. I call his package the mum package. Aria got a few new books for her to read, some pairs of socks as well but they were fuzzy and five cardboard cut outs of us. I found the last one hilarious because Anne openly said Aria could cuddle them if she ever misses us. Harry found that bit a little too cute and kissed Aria's cheek for like the hundredth time tonight.

As they were continued to be showered in birthday presents, I watched Ava suspiciously walk towards them with a big box, wrapped in cookie monster wrapping paper with a big red bow stuck to the top. "Last one of the night!" Nick yelled as he pointed at Ava's present. "THAT'S ONE BIG ASS PRESENT!" Harry's eyes widened as Aria stared at the box blankly. "Happy birthday Harry!" Ava beamed as she handed the box to him. Harry quickly took it from her while Aria stood to the side, watching the two and the present with a weird expression on her face.

"Cookie monster wrapping paper?" Harry chuckled as he tore it off carefully. "Heard you liked cookies so why not." Ava shrugged as Harry began to open the cardboard box. When it finally opened he stared at the packing peanuts before shoveling them out like a little kid on Christmas. Everyone chuckled as they watched harry intently, curious as to what he got.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" Harry gasped before his hands flew to his mouth in shock. Everyone jumped and watched Harry turn and stare up at Ava who smiling down at him widely. "YOU DID NOT!" He yelled again but she nodded at him as he beamed and didn't hesitate to stand up and practically tackle her in a hug. "HOLY FUCKING SHIT I LOVE YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW OH MY GOD THANK YOU I LOVE IT I LOVE YOU OH MY GOD I CANT BREATHE HELP OHSDJALGDJUSA!" harry continued to scream nonsense in happiness as he hugged her from side to side before putting her down and kissed both her cheeks. "YOU ARE FUCKING AMAZING!" He yelled at Ava who blushed.

"What did she get ya mate?" Niall asked Harry who was still squealing in excitement. He walked over to the box and pulled out his present. Everyone in the room gasped in astonishment at the vintage framed limited edition Elvis record with a one-of-a-kind autographed picture of Elvis underneath it. "SHE GOT ME A VINYL RECORD PLAYER AS WELL! ISN'T THAT AWESOME OF HER!" Harry beamed at Ava and hugged her again as everyone aww'd.

Unlike all these delusional little fucks in this room, I knew for a fact that the little shit didn't get harry the gift. Aria did. I then gasped as I remembered how hard she had to work to find it and get it, how she sacrificed most of her free time into getting it, how she put in her own money into getting it.... and that little fuckwad named Ava fucking gave him the present and called it her own.

I tried looking through the mass of people for that little red head and my heart cracked a little knowing she must have been heartbroken having to witness her cousin and Harry share that intimate moment that should have been hers and his. When I couldn't spot her in the crowd, I stared out the window and realized it had already began to snow. Then I realized Aria's coat was not where it should have been, hung up on the coat rack. I put two and two together and dropped my drink as I began to charge up to Ava. "SOMEBODY BETTER FUCKING HOLD ME BACK!" I boomed angrily as I tried to grab Ava by her hair.

"WHAT THE FUCK LOUIS!?" Zayn and Liam held me back while Harry ran in front of Ava and blocked me from grabbing onto her. Niall tried to calm me down but I was not going to take any of her shit any longer, especially with that stupid smirk on her face as she held onto Harry's arm in 'fear'. "DON'T WHAT THE FUCK ME! UGH- LET ME GO! LEMME GET HER!" I tried freeing myself from Liam and Zayn but they were too strong.

"I-I didn't d-do anything..." Ava whimpered as a flash of anger erupted from Harry's eyes. "You're seriously going to hit a girl Lou? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?"

"THAT LITTLE CUNT FACE ISN'T A GIRL HARRY SHE'S A FUCKING LYING SATANIC DEMON AND I'M MORE THNAN WILLING TO STRANGLE HER." I yelled at him angrily as I pointed at Ava. Everyone in the room was quiet, watching on in fear but I didn't give a shit. Aria was still my friend and I always stick up for my friends. "SHE DID NOTHING WRONG!" Niall yelled as I scoffed. "OH PLEASE! YOU ALL NEED TO STEP ASIDE AND SEE HOW DELUDED YOU ARE." I spat at him and everyone around the room before pointing at Ava again.

"She. That- thing. She didn't get that present for Harry. Aria did. You know how I know? She told me two weeks ago she was planning on getting it for Harry." I huffed angrily as everyone's eyes widened but Ava's still stayed the same. "LIAR! I GOT IT FOR HARRY! I GOT IT WITH MY OWN MONEY! I'VE KNOWN HIM LONGER THAN YOU ALL AND I KNOW IT'S WHAT HE'S ALWAYS WANTED!"

"STOP FUCKING LYING!" I cackled as I moved closer to her. "Just admit it Ava. You're jealous of Aria and Harry and you want to sabotage their friendship, so you take the present and hide it. I asked you this afternoon if the package arrived and you said nope. You lied to me Ava. You know what happens to liars like you?" I spat at her as she cocked an eyebrow at me. "where Lou?"

"A special place in hell I like to call unwanted."

Everyone oohed and watched on as Ava stood down a little and began to tear up. "Y-You don't mean that do you?" She whispered as I chuckled. "Oh Ava I mean it more than your 'love' for Harry." Boom.

"Now you better admit to this whole damn room that you weren't the one to get Harry this gift. Aria worked her fucking ass off to get enough money to buy this whereas you had to freaking steal it from someone else. Aria invested most of her savings for this, got little to no voluntary donations from her family and others, and she even went and worked multiple jobs so she could get the money before their birthday so she could get him the present. She put Harry before herself and I'm not gonna stand here and watch her hard work being thrown away because of a little jealous ass cracker like you." I growled at her, clenching and unclenching my fists as she bit her lip.

"Ava is that true?" Harry turned to her slowly. "Did you really steal this from Aria and gave it to me as your own present?" he asked her as her lips parted. "Harry I-"

"Tell me the truth Aves. All you've ever done was lie." Harry's tone was sad and hurt, guilt clouding his voice as he stared down at Ava. "I-I..I" Ava stuttered as she blinked up at Harry, then at me, and then at everyone in the room.

"I'm so sorry."

And with that she pushed Harry to the side and ran out the door. Harry stood there quietly, breathing in and out deeply as he stared at the spot where Ava once stood, in a trance. I approached him carefully and stood in front of him, placing my hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright?" I asked him.

He was deafly quiet; curls showering his face that kept his emotions hidden as his chest went erratic. I soon realized he was softly crying and immediately put my arms around him for a hug. He held onto me, much like a little boy would to his mother as he sobbed quietly in my ear in front of everyone who were merely onlookers entertained by what had just happened and what was happening now. "I'm s-sorry." He kept whispering over and over again as I rubbed his back. "It's okay Harry. You didn't know." I told him repeatedly as he continued to cry his heart out on my shoulder.

Finally he pulled away and discretely wiped away his tears. "W-where's Ar-Aria... I n-need to apologize t-to her." Harry heaved, wiping his wet cheeks as I turned away from him, completely forgetting that Aria wasn't in the room. I also remember not seeing her jacket on the coat rack. "Shit." I muttered. "Harry."

He turned to me as I ran my hands through my hair and stared outside the window. The snow was falling, but not quite heavily so the blizzard still hasn't come yet. "What Louis?" he asked me as he looked out the window as well.

"Aria's coat isn't on the coat rack." I told him as he stepped back and furrowed his eyebrows. Once he put two and two together he rushed towards the coat rack and furiously threw on his coat before running out the door.

We can only hope he gets to her in time.

Aria's POV

Step by step, the toes of my boots sink into the centimeter thick snow as I walked down the empty streets of New York. I always thought this was the city that never sleeps but it seems like some people just grow tired. That's how I felt at the moment.

Pulling my coat closer to my body, I continue to track the blanket of snow surrounding me; my breaths creating small clouds of warmth as they met the chilly winds of this nights winter storm. I knew about the blizzard was scheduled to come around midnight and it was nearly time but I couldn't care less.

Though the winds picked up and snow flew around me like dancing angels. I'd been walking for nearly half an hour and soon found myself standing in the middle of Times Square. The sight was quite breathtaking to be honest. The colorful lights from each panel surrounded me with bright colors and happiness and the faint sound of music playing over the loudspeakers calmed me as I embraced New York's true beauty.

Frosty the snowman

Was a happy, jolly soul

With a corncob pipe and a button nose

And two eyes made out of coal

Frosty the snowman

Is a fairytale, they say

He was made of snow but the children know

How he came to life one day

There must have been some magic

In that old silk hat they found

For when they placed it on his head

He began to dance around

Oh, Frosty the snowman

Was alive as he could be

And the children say he could laugh and play

Just the same as you and me

I giggled to myself at the cheesy lyrics to 'Frosty the Snowman', despite the fact it was no longer Christmas it was still a perfect song for the weather in New York at the moment. Surrounded by snow like this; it made me want to make a snowman. Figuring I still had time before the storm it, I bent over and picked up a good amount of snow with my gloved hands, and formed a sturdy circular ball.

I gently placed it on the ground and began to roll it around. The way it picked up each snowflake in its trail, made me feel like each of my problems were slowly being picked away as I contently played in this beautiful winter wonderland. I wanted to forget all my problems; what Ava did, what Harry said about my weight, Louis and I's little misunderstanding, my parents- just everything. I just wanted to have this moment to myself; to enjoy something I wasn't allowed to enjoy as a child and had to endure the pain and temptation as I watched commoners enjoy it.

When the size grew too large, I pushed it to the side and began to work on the middle part of the snowman. I wonder what they're doing at the party. Did they even realize I left? Are they still basking in Ava's glory? Who cares. They're not the ones making the best snow man in the world, are they not? Exactly.

When i finished rolling the middle part, I rolled it towards the first ball and looked at the two skeptically. How in the world am I supposed to carry this and put it on top of that? Sighing to myself, I wrapped both of my undeniably short arms around the middle ball and attempted ot lift it, only to be unsuccessful.

"May I?"

I spun around to face none other than the cheeky minx himself, clad in boots and a warm jacket, a beanie and gloves. A small smile was on his face and his cheeks were pink from the cold hair hitting against them. "Go ahead." I shivered as he nodded and walked past me towards the ball of snow. His strong arms wrapped around the circumference of the ball and he easily lifted it on top of the bottom ball.

I stared at the two balls of snow before uneasily turning to Harry. "Thanks." I told him as he nodded. "No problem."

I expected him to stay still- walk away even. But no. He bent down and began to form the head. We were quiet as he worked; not speaking a word to each other but shared a few smiles and quiet laughs. I watched him lift the head onto the body and chuckled as he cheered loudly. "Now for the finishing touches." Harry said as he took off his beanie and out it on top of the snowman's head. I slowly approached him and unwrapped my scarf, throwing it around the snowman's neck before securing it like he was a real person who needed to stay warm.

For a face, Harry poked in two holes for eyes, one in the middle for a nose and I gave it a big smile and poked the corners of its mouth to look like it had dimples. As harry and I stepped back three times to admire our masterpiece in the middle of time square, snow began to fall around us again. It was light snow, but it was a clear signal that the blizzard was coming soon.

"I'm sorry." Harry was the first to speak up as he took my hand. I stood unmoved as I nodded. "It's alright Harry." I knew why he was apologizing, but didn't know how he found out. "No it isn't Aria. You worked so hard to get me that present and it should have been you I was thanking back there, not Ava." He said as I sighed. "Took me forever to get the money..."

"I know. Louis told me. That's why you took the extra hours at Starbucks and TGI Fridays, right?" Harry asked as I nodded. "It would have been faster. I know how much you liked Elvis; you told me back in London how much of a fan you were. So when I remembered my good old friend Parnell who actually met the man, I figured, why not call him up and ask him if he's got something good in that music store i could get you for your birthday. He told me about the framed Elvis collectible that was still in mint condition and the cost that apparently was going to kill my pocket, but I merely said keep it on my tab because I'm going to get enough money to get it. And I did, took a while but I did it and I bought it. Then Ava came along."

"H-How much was it?" Harry asked curiously as I shrugged. "Almost 50 grand. It's worth so much because it's really old and rare and still in good condition." Harry's eyes widened at the price as he turned to me in shock. "F-Fifty gr-grand? You got me something worth so much!" Harry gasped as he brought his hands to his face. "Well I couldn't have done it without having a job. Sorry for ditching our day today by the way. I really wanted to stay but I needed the money." I told him sheepishly but received no answer. Instead I felt myself being embraced by a blanket of sudden warmth.

I smiled to myself as I hugged Harry back just as tightly, running my hands through his dishelved curls as his hands held onto my waist even tighter. "Thank you so so so much. No one's ever done this for me before. It really means the world to me Aria. You're perfect." He whispered happily as he pulled away and smiled down at me, his eyes welling up but none fell because he quickly wiped them away. "what I have for you isn't even 10% of how amazing your gift is to me, but I hope the thought still counts." Harry sniffled and chuckled to himself as he brought his hands to the back of his neck and used his fingers to skillfully unclip his airplane necklace. He pulled it off his neck and held it in front of me.

"My dad gave this to my mum on their first date." Harry explained as he motioned for me to turn around. I obliged and turned around, holding up my hair so he could put it around my neck. When it was in place I put my hair down again and turned to him with a smile on my lips. "He also recited this poem to her." Harry said as he cleared his throat.

"Given angel's wings, where might you fly? In what sweet heaven might you find your love? Unwilling to be bound, where might you move, Lost between the wonder and the why?..."

"But this is an airplane." I cheekily noted as Harry nodded. "I know. My mum told my dad that the night she got it as well. And he told her this- The engine is the heart of an airplane, but the pilot is its soul." Harry sighed as he took my hands in his again. "Basically, my mum is the engine and my dad is the pilot. Since an airplane cannot go without the engine, the pilot cannot fly. Without my mum, my cannot live on basically." Harry chuckled as I nodded and smiled at his parent's memorable moment.

"Then why are you giving this to me then?" I asked him as I fiddled with the silver airplane between my fingers, looking up at Harry who looked down at me with a lazy smile. "Because you are the engine to my airplane Aria. I can't fly without you." He breathed as I felt my cheeks tint pink as my eyes darted to the ground. I felt one of his skinny fingers lift me by my chin so our eyes were locked again. His porcelain skin glowed under the moonlit sky and his curls were sprinkled with snowflakes and I can only assume how I looked.

"Don't do that love. I want to look you in the eyes when I tell you this." Harry smiled softly as I nodded cautiously. "Okay..." I smiled as Harry grinned. "Remember that night back in London? You were reading A Walk to Remember and I asked you to read to me your favorite quotes?" He asked me and I nodded, remembering that moment like it happened yesterday. "Yes I do remember." I told him.

"Well I read the story myself because I found the love between Landon and Jamie quite fascinating. Just how he was a delinquent looking for a good time and she was a person of good nature and raised in a Godly home made me think of you and me to be honest. I'll be honest with you, the love between them confused me at first but by the end of the book I understood the meaning of the story and what love meant to them. I also found my favorite quote along the way, would you like to hear it?" Harry asked as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. "Sure." I said as he nodded and cleared his throat.

"Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people's sins, but delights in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes." Harry recited perfectly, his eyes never leaving mine until the last word was spoken. One step, two steps, and lastly his third step- he was close to me; I could feel his breaths washing my face in heat as his eyes twinkled with something I've never seen before.

His right hand reached my face and he cupped my cheek as his eyes turned that breathtaking cerulean green color that only appeared when he is really happy and really cares. His lips hovered my own and I could only imagine what his lips tasted like but luckily for me I was about to find out. As my eyes fluttered closed, warmth filled every single empty void within me as his lips delicately pressed onto mines. They were sweet, like cotton candy and soft like a cloud.

As his lips moved against mines, my arms found themselves around his neck, pulling him closer while his own arms found themselves around my waist again, pulling me even closer to him as if I were going to disappear any moment. There was no tongue involved, but the emotion was still heartfelt.

This is a true kiss and everything I ever imagined one to be.

The snow continued to fall around us, showering us from the heavens like the big man from up above was celebrating but I paid no mind because this was one moment I wanted to put on replay for a long time. After what felt like an hour, Harry pulled away slowly, both our eyes still shut with just our noses and foreheads barely touching. Our breathing was uneven; having to hold it for a long time during the kiss but after opening our eyes and seeing each other's smiles, we knew it was worth it.

"Aria I think I'm in love with you." Harry whispered as his thumb ran over my cheeks that were wet from the snow. My eyes grew glassy, not because of fear from what would happen afterwards- in fact I wasn't scared at all. I was finally happy. I finally got my happy ending. His lips were red and swollen and so inviting but i knew i had to answer him. This was my moment.

"I think I'm in love with you too Harry." I smiled back as Harry's eyes lit up once again before his lips eagerly crushed onto mines again; giving me a chaste but meaningful kiss before hugging me tightly.

Suddenly he took out his phone from his jacket pockets and clicked on the camera app. He pulled me towards the snowman and kept his hand on my waist as he pointed the camera at me. "Aria?" He said as I turned to face him, just to feel his lips on mine again as he took the photo. I smirked into the kiss and pulled away from him as he smiled at his phone and saved the photo. "My new screen saver." He smiled happily as I grinned, making him smile even wider. "I can't stop smiling!" Harry grabbed his cheeks as he jumped up and down. He stopped and walked towards me again, taking me by the hand so he could kiss our interlocked fingers. "See what you do to me?" He asked as I blushed.

"Feel what you do to me?" He put my hand to his chest as I nearly jumped at the rapid beating of his heart. "taste... what you do to me." He grabbed the hemming of my coat and pulled me closer to him, enveloping my lips in another kiss before pulling away and pecking them once more before stepping back. He looked up at the sky and frowned, giving me enough time to bend over and pick up snow and roll it into a ball. I hid the snowball behind me as watched him contently. "We better get going princess. The blizzard's gonna hit soon-" Harry said, looking back at me just as I threw the snowball at his face.

"Oh." He wiped his cheeks. "No." He wiped his nose. "you" he wiped his mouth. "Didn't." He wiped his eyes and blinked at me as I giggled and began to run off. "RACE YOU BACK TO THE HOTEL!" I yell back at him and turn back, only to see him starting to run as well and with him being taller with long legs, he caught up to me. He scooped me up and threw me over his shoulder, turning us around in circles as I begged him to stop. "AHH STOP!" I laughed as harry only cackled and kept turning me. "Harryyyyy."I whined and finally he put me down.

"Happy?" He asked me. "Not really..." I sighed, fixing my coat as he smirked and kissed me quickly once more. "How about now?" he asked. "Yeah." I spoke quickly, hiding my cheeks in my hands as we began to walk back to the hotel. "You look flushed babe." Harry winked at me. "I hate you." I told him as he laughed loudly and snaked his arm around my waist. "Love you princess."

"Love you too curly." I mumbled mindlessly as Harry smiled to himself triumphantly. I decided not to bother bickering with him anymore and succumbed to the feeling of Harry's arm around me while we engaged in another conversation about Ava.

"When we get home your cousin better be gone or else I'm going to have to hurt somebody."

That's my Harry.



I am so proud of this chapter :') It was so long and took me two days to retype because cms got deleted off my laptop again and i had to repaste everything and what not AND rewrite the new chapter. BUT IT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT BECAUSE HARRY AND ARIA KISS AND IT'S JUST SO ADORABLE. I'm just extremely happy with this chapter just I CANT I finished this at like 2:15 am. cause I couldn't stop writing :'D Thanks a bunch to those who waited so patiently for this chapter. HERE IS A BIG ASS CHAPTER. I was gonna post it yesterday (Feb. 14) but I was still retyping it :( But I hope y'all liked it as much as I did.

Of course now that Aria and Harry have kissed, they're still not together yet because harry hasn't asked her. expect their first date tomorrow, plenty of haria moments and the awkwardness that is being caught making out on the sofa by your four best mates. More to come of course soooooooo

VOTE , COMMENT and SHARE this story to your friends and followers! Also please FAN me cause I'd liek to reach at least 50 by the end of the month :)

(15+ VOTES ON THIS CHAPTER- for me to update :)

twitter: @abigailtommo



Thanks for readinggg love you <333 .x

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