Okay? Okay.

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Aria's POV

You know I'd never thought I'd say this but I could really go for some Nando's right about now. Maybe a spot of McDonald's as well. I mean, this tower doesn't even have wifi, how am I even living right now? It's torturous being in this tower for 60% of the day with my only 'indoor activity' being staring at the wall for hours. I'm starting to result to jumping out the window if I don't get out any time soon.

Today was a free day; nothing to do. No photo shoots, no interviews, no fittings, no awkward handshakes no nothing. That meant I was stuck in this tower for god knows how long. I've already had breakfast which was the same as always; cereal with milk and a bowl of strawberries. Mind you this bowl could hold about a handful and you know how much I love my strawberries.

I couldn't go see Gus as well, but I did see him pass by with the daily horse feed and hollered for him to come near. He luckily heard me and approached the bottom of the tower, sending me a quick wave and smile before he set off. We didn't talk much before he left but we did share our day's happenings. Mine wasn't so interesting and his seemed no less better.

That was ages ago and now here I am in your typical bored without internet and Netflix position. On the floor looking like I need to be exorcised. "What is my life?" I muttered as I sat up, fixing my hair before walking up to my bed.

"Rosaria! Darling!" I groaned. Mother. I fixed a small smile on my face as I walked up to the window and looked down below at her small figure. "Hey mum!" I waved. "Sweetie come down please, i have an errand for you to run!" at the words 'come down' I was practically on that pulley system making my way down to my mum who was standing by Donna and Gus who was dressed differently; more clean cut but still wore those muddy boots.

"What errands do you need me to run?" I asked her as I dusted my hands off on my dress that was mind you covered in dust because well, the tower may be in good shape but those evil demonic spiders come at you form no where and you're forced to sleep in the corner.

"Nothing too special, just want you to check up on the hotel in town; see if they're ready for our chief guests who will be staying there for the duration of the Genovian Royal Ball." she explained. I nodded obeyingly; as long as I'm not in that spider infested hell hole I'm fine. "Of course I do not trust you being outside of the palace walls due to... recent events." she narrowed her eyes at me before turning to Donna.

"So donna will be accompanying you. She is going into town with Gus to get some fresh fruits and vegetables from the market Herb ordered." Mum explained as a smile graced my face. "Sounds like a plan!" i say as I rush towards Donan and Gus. "Um sweetie, before you go you may want to shower first and change. You can use your sister's clothes and shower in her bathroom." Mum said as she smelt me. "You smell of rotten wood."

"Wouldn,t smell this way if you didn't lock me up in that damn tower." I muttered. "what was that?" she aked. "nothing!" I quickly said. "I'm going to go get ready." I tell the three before rushing into the castle.

Two minutes into my stride and I was already breathless and practically dying from the heat and exhaustion. How do people do this all day? Maybe I'm just the most unfit person ever. When i reached the castle I hurried inside, embracing the chilly air like it was a friend before running through the corridor and into the main hall where my father was apparently speaking to some important man.

"Ah sweetie you remember Mr. Baron don't you?" I stopped beside my dad and stared up at Mr. Baron blinking wildly. "My mind has drawn a complete blank. I'm so sorry Mr. Baron." I blushed, feeling awkward. "It's alright my dear. I'm Theodore Baron, King of Galatia." oh he,s a king.... OH SHIT HE'S A KING!

"My sincerest apologies your majesty." I went in for the bow but only received a pat on the head. Wow even more awkward. "You not need to bow for me child, it should be me unto you, future Queen of Genovia." Queen of Genovia. Queen Rosaria, of Genovia. Gotta admit it has a ring to it. "Ah but she must be wed first." Dad coughed, making me giggle.

"I see, well I do have a son- Mattaeus Baron- he's about your age, good looking man and fit for King." Mr. Baron winked and wow awkwardest. "He seems like a lovely man. I'm ecstatic to meet him on the night of the ball." I tell Mr. Baron as I shuffle towards the marbl stairs. "Now if you'll excuse me I need to get ready." I say as my dad and Mr. Baron both nod. "You are excused."

And gone with the wind I went, running up the stairs until i reached the very top floor- damn we need an elevator. I went into what I'm guessing is Alice's room; she always had the best fashion in our family. Everythign was untouched in her room and freakishly organized but that's just the kidn of person she is.

I ransacked her closet- sorry sis- and pulled out a nice above the knee length white crochet dress and black pumps with a bow on them. I set them on the bed along with my trusty chanel bag and of course my tiara, then rsushed into the bathroom to get ready.

After that super quick shower I changed into my outfit for the day http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=82808009. I blow dried my hair and left it in it's natural untamed waby state and applied a bit of makeup, mums orders. I sighed and I placed my pint sized tiara on the crown of my head.

I looked in the mirror and smiled to myself. Every now and then I look in the mirror and am disappointed and today was no different but i think I looked a bit better than yesterday so I'm pretty happy about that. I grabbed my bag and quickly made my way down the stairs, past dad and Mr. Baron and out the door again.

Lucky for me Gus and Donna were already waiting in the car and were set to go. "Finally, I've been melting in this god forsaken car for ages!" Donna yelled as she opened the door for me. "Isn't the Air-con working?" I asked her. "It's busted." Gus pointed out. I groaned as I put on my seat belt. "I'll have someone look at it later." Donna said as she motioned for the man to begin to drive.

"Maginifcent." I muttered, causing Gus to chuckle and our eyes to meet. I smiled at him and leant over to talk to him. The ride to the city was relatively short. Gus and I spent most of it talking and Donna opted to join in once we started talking about Brad Pitt... i don,t even know how we arrived to that topic but we did.

Speaking over arriving, we arrived in the city and as we passed by the buildings around us people stepped out wondering why we were here. Some even yelled that the queen was here meaning they thought I was my mother. I sighed and sat back in my seat as the car pulled to a stop.

"We're here princess." The driver spoke as he unlocked the doors. I turned to Donna who was fixing her purse. "Now you two listen, I'll go get the order alone and you Augustus, will accompany Ms. Ramirez here at the hotel." Donan said as Gus looked at her confused. "But the Queen-"

"Nevermind the queen, I've known her since she was a little toddler; she won't mind. Aria you will need the extra protection just in case... you know." Donna chuckled as I nodded slowly. She opened the door and stepped out and I did the same before the driver could. "It's okay Earl." i told him as he chuckled and tipped his hat at me.

After Gus stepped out Earl drove off, waving at us as he passed by. I turned back to Donna and gus who were talking some more. When they finished Donna rubbed my arm encouragingly before she turned and began to walk towards the market.

"Guess it's just you and me petal." I blushed as I turned to Gus who was smiling down at me cheekily. "I guess so." I say as he shuffled closer to me, holding out his arm. "Shall I escort you inside Ms.?" He asked in a posh accent as I giggled and nodded.

"Yes you shall kind sir." I curtsey before linking my arm around his and following him inside.

Harry's POV

"When is she arriving?" zayn moaned for what felt like the hundredth time.

"I told you, Oswald is going to come by when she does." I told him in exasperation. "Well I'm getting bored and our concert is in a few hours! I need some fresh air!" He whined as he stood up from my bed and walked towards the window.

"Yeah mate, maybe she's not coming afterall." Louis sighed. I sighed and turned to Niall and Liam who kept to themselves on their phones, not looking much interested in what was happening. "Come on guys, have a little hope-" I was cut off by the door knocking.

I went and answered it, smiling when I noticed it was Oswald. "she's here." he breathed and slowly I turned to the boys who were behind me. "It's time boys." I told them as I followed Oswald out.

Together we all entered the lift and stood patiently as we waited for the elevator to reach the lobby. "Going down." the automated voice had said making the boys and I stifle our laughter while whispering, "That's what she said."

Finally we arrived at the lobby and began to make our way down the corridor. "Shhh, we must not disturb them. They can't know we're eavesdropping." Oswald whispered as he motioned for us to continue to follow him.

"Good morning Maxwell!" Her bubbly voice greeted the doorman, followed by a giggle. I smiled as we neared her. "Good morning princess, how are you today?" Maxwell warmly chuckled, a big difference to our yesterday's greeting. "I'm very well thank you and yourself?" She asked back. "Undoubtly swell now that you're here." Maxwell chuckled.

"That's good! Ah Helga, looking very beautiful today as per usual. I can only imagine the queue of men you have off hours." aria giggled her voice growing louder as she neared where we were. I couldn't see her but she seemed very happy. "Oh princess you always concoct the the most unbelievable imaginations in that mind of yours but thank you." Helga the once mean concierge freaking chuckled as well!

"Anytime Helga! So tell me, how are the rooms looking for the chief guests that will be staying?" Aria asked Helga who typed away at her computer. "They're all ready for the ball Princess. Nothing to worry about here." Helga replied. "Perfect! Mum will be so glad to hear."

"She'll also be glad to hear that business has been flowing very smoothly for the last couple of days, especially since the five penthouse suites have been booked." Helga said. "Really, by who?" aria asked. "Five new blokes by the names of Wayne, Ian, Hughey, Kyle and Hughey. No last names, not from around here."

"Interesting. Are they here? I'd like to say hello." Aria said as my heart fluttered. "But petal we have to go-" hold the full cup. Who dat. "I know Gus but it's my duty as princess and future queen of genovia to welcome new tourists here to our country. Plus it wouldn't hurt making a few new friends will it?" she told whoever this Gus guy was.

"I suppose. But do hurry." Gus sighed. "Brilliant!" Aria giggled again. "So are they here?" Aria asked Helga again. "Yes, they're in their rooms right now." Helga said as Oswald began to wobble. "Oh shit." he breathed before he collapsed, well in view of Aria, Helga and this Gus character.

"Who was tha- OSWALD!" Aria shouted as she ran up to Oswald and pulled him up for a hug, completely blind that were were behind the wall. "PRINCESS!" Oswald chuckled nervously as he hugged her just as tightly. "OH OS I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" She yelled as she hugged him form side to side.

"I missed you too you little shit." he chuckled and my eyes widened. Did not expect that at all. "You freaking left me here while you went off and had your own little adventure. Bitch you better have gotten me something." he waved a finger at her as she chuckled and nodded. "Of course Os, why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know Aria but at least you carried out my cousin's one wish for you." Os chuckled. HOLD UP, COUSIN!? Jake and Oswald... I need air. AIR. "Yeah I know." Aria giggled. "Who's this, bring home a boyfriend?" Os joked as Aria gasped and hit him lightly. "No! This is my friend Gus. He's our stable boy." Aria told Os as i let out a breath of relief. Friend. Just friends.

"Nice ta meet ya Gus." Os said. "Same to you Oswald." Gus replied. "Call me Os." Os said as Gus nodded. "So... back to those new guests. Os can you take me to them?" Aria asked Os who glanced at me and the lads. "Um... do you have to see them now I mean, don't you wanna freshen up or-"

"Oswald Jefferey Cunningham. Are you hiding something form me?" Oh snap.

"No..." Os trailed off. "I think you are." she said.

"I'm not! I swear to- Oh my God girl are those new shoes hmmhmmm damn they look fine. As. Hell-" he stuttered to a stop and sighed. "Fuck. Okay they're around the corner." Os sighed as the boys and I stood up and dusted ourselves off. "Thanks Os." Aria said as she began to make her way around the corner.

The anticipation was killing me. Just hearing her voice made my heart race. Her laughter that I'd missed so much, now being heard. Her smile, I can sense it as her shadow appeared.

And when I could finally see her I stopped breathing. I wanted to remember this moment for a long time. The feeling reminded me all too well of the first time I met Aria; a sense of serenity and happiness.

My eyes traced every part of her. And when they reached hers they clouded over in tears, an overwhelming sense of joy crushed my heart as she stopped in her tracks and stared at me in awe and disbelief. She looked so beautiful and her smile that graced her face whenever I saw her was prominent and as were her dimples.

But them something flickered in her eyes and her smile faltered. Her lips barely a frown as she whispered my name.


Her eyes looked up and widened when they landed on the boys. "Niall... Louis... Liam... Zayn... you're- you're all here..." she breathed as she neared us. I could see the tiara glistening on the crown of her head and I smiled as I nodded.

"We've come to bring you back." Louis spoke for the five of us as she looked at him bewildered. "I-I thought you all hated me... I-I-" I shook my head and approached her slowly. "I could never hate you..." I told her as she bit her lip and looked up at me with this glazed over look. "I know love." I told her.

"You h-heard the recording?" she whispered. "All of it." I whispered back.

I gently took her hand in mine and kissed it. "I promised you we'll be okay. Now here I am fulfilling my promise to you. Okay?" I told her. "Okay... b-but Ha-Harry I-I-" She stuttered, tears falling down her cheeks as she looked up at me sadly. "W-We can't be together..." she whispered. My heart slowed to a stop as her words filled my mind.

"What do- what do you mean?" I asked her sadly. "I thought you loved me?"

"I do Harry, I do and I always will. I'm so unbelievably happy that you're here but it's too late." she gasped through her tears as she attempted to wipe them away. "It's never too late Aria, please I need you. I love you so much..."

"Harry I wan- I want us to be together again and pick up where we left off but we can't. Not anymore..." she sighed. "Tell me why. I've traveled halfway around the world for you, trying to find you and wondering if you'll ever take me back; if you still love me. Now I'm here and you still love me but you tell me we can't be together? Aria please tell me why-"

"Harry I'm getting married!" she yelled, tears falling from her eyes harder as a single stray one slips from mine. "What? Wha-What do you mean?" I whimpered.

"To become Queen I need to be married... Harry I turn twenty one next year and by then I have to be engaged- I'm sorry harry btu I have no choice. I can't leave now. My people need me; my mum needs me!" she cried.

"But what about me!? I need you too!" I yelled. "What about me... wh-what about us?"

"I don't know anymore Harry..." she sighed.

The boys were stood to the side, looking between us in sadness and horror as they tried to comprehend what was happening. Gus looked at me skeptically but his eyes were focused on Aria. I didn't like how he was looking at her, it reminded me of how I looked at her before and at this moment.

"Petal... we need to go..." Gus whispered as he tapped her shoulder lightly. She nodded slowly and turned to him. "Thanks Gus, I'll just be a minute." he nodded and wandered off back to the lobby. Aria turned back to me and the boys and breathed in and out deeply before speaking.

"As Princess I personally and officially invite you to this Saturday's annual Genovian Royal Ball. It will be a masquerade ball so a mask will be needed and appropriate suits shall be worn." she spoke confidently, her head held high as she looked between us all.

"Do you need a hug?" Niall asked her. She nodded slowly as another wave of tears came falling down. "Yes." she whimpered softly as we engulfed her in a hug. She clung onto me for the most part which I retruend and held her just as tightly. I kissed the top of her head, my lips staying their for a few seconds longer as I closed my eyes.

I wished this moment would never end. Just holding her in my arms like nothing ever happened. Then she whispered those three words that not only reassured me but left me wanting to hear more. "I love you." she breathed into my neck before kissing my cheek. "I always will." she added.

"I love you too, always." I tell her.

"Then save me." she replied and as we pulled away from the group hug I stared at her in confusion.

"NOBODY MOVE!" a click of a gun was heard and immediately the boys and I jumped up straight and stood like nothing happened. As my back was turned to whoever was approaching us, I couldn't see them but Aria could.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" The boys and I turned slowly and gulped as we realized who we had encountered. Aria slipped past us and stood beside the tall superior looking woman who was surrounded by armed guards and smiled hesitantly.

"Um mum... the boys- One Direction.... erm One Direction, my mum... The Queen of Genovia."


so aria and harry basically reunite and they're crying and over emotional because they're overwhelmed, mostly Aria on their behalf because hello she's supposed to be getting engaged then married but then there's the whole Harry thing :( will she choose to reside in her family's honor and become queen and marry another man.

orrrrrrrr be with harry even if the roads are going to be tough with the hate, her mum on her ass, and anonymous? what a tough choice innit. next we got Aria's mum being a bitch and a plan is hatched to get harry and aria together. may include fluff :O it's been years since we've had fluff. WELCOME BACK DA FLUFF!!

thanks for reading love youu <3 .x

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