Hope Is Restored

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Aria's POV

I bit my lip as I watched Harry slowly make his way towards the door. I was shaking inside, a million thoughts a second over coming me as he twisted the door knob. I wanted to leave; be anywhere but here. I needed someone to save me... again.

Harry opened the door wide enough to see who was behind it and I breathed in a sigh of relief to see the one person I really needed to see. I rushed towards him and pushed past Harry to hug him tightly. He grunted as I wrapped my arms around him but chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me as well. "Hello love."

"Save me." I whispered into his chest, glancing up at him as I said so. He nodded curtly then turned to Harry. "Hey I hope I wasn't interrupting anything." he smiled, nodding at Harry who was staring at him blatantly. "Not all. She was just leaving." Harry replied.

"Oh okay then well, I knew you were probably going to be here so I saved the awkward talk with your mother and came here myself. I was wondering if you wanted to accompany me for dinner." I looked up at him inquisitively and I coudld tell by the glint in his eye that eating wasn't going to be an option tonight if I said yes. "I'd love to..." I whispered, nodding slightly as he grinned.

"Brilliant! We better be off then." he released me and took me by the hand, smiling as he kissed my cheek before looking up at Harry. "See ya around mate." he nodded at Harry again who sighed and smiled as Matt and I walked into the hallway. "Yeah... sure." he muttered.

"Hey Aria." Harry called as I turned to him. "Don't forget what I told you." He said, eyes growing dark as I nodded. "I won't."

Harry glared at Matt once more before shutting the door rather harshly. I jumped and Matt chortle as he led me down the hallway. "You should have seen his face when I kissed your cheek." Matt smirked.

"Don't Matt." I shook my head, sighing as he looked down at me with concern. "What happened in there anyways? Why are your eyes red?" he asked. "Nothing... just been proven wrong as per usual." I sighed. "Obviously it's something if someone as beautiful as you is crying about it." he spoke up. "You can tell me now or if you want tell me over dinner if that's more comfortable for you."

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow and smiled. "Yeah over dinner would be more comfortable." I nodded as he smiled as well. "Brilliant."

As we were walking down the hallway and into the elevator, I had realized that it'd been a while since someone's asked me what I wanted. Not only relationship wise but in general. I could tell the difference in Harry's and I's relationship in just that. When we first started dating he was so careful with me; like any move he would or could make would end up with me leaving him.

It grew to the point where he did everything he could just so he could be happy with me, not me happy with him. But I understood. I wasn't the only one who entered the relationship with a dark past. Harry needed that securement of me staying with him because he hadn't been treated that way in a long time. But like him I needed him too but that was in the past.

The past should never affect your future but what if this once we've defied physics again. First we went against all odds to be together and now I'm trying to find a way to get out. I'm giving myself reasons not to be with him, and why? Because I'm marrying Matt? Becasuse he cheated? We're all human and humans make mistakes.

But humans need time; time to heal. The thought of Harry and Sienna together is burned into my mind. I can't even imagine how Niall felt. Before I left I made him promise that he and Sienna would be back together when I returned or saw them again. It seems like he fulfilled his promise. How did he forgive her though?

Obviously nothing will ever be the same. Harry and I will never be that tall lanky looking bad boy with a bad attitude and little red head with a big heart ever again. It scares me that I'm losing someone I care so much about because of an engagement.

It doesn't mean I love Harry any less because I do love him. It's just so difficult now. Matt is a good guy and I wouldn't mind marrying him... but I don't love him.

Harry is the one; I've known it since we first kissed. Now, I just need a sign that we could work things out because right now I'm losing hope.

Harry's POV

Numbness. Anger. These melancholy feelings within my heart could not surpass the physical pain I felt kissing her for what could be the very last time. She didn't kiss me back and I knew I shouldn't have expected something for something so less.

The way she hugged him reminded me of the time she hugged me, the day Edward decided to come back. The way she looked at him, a look I've familiarized myself with was one of pure happiness and not so much love but care. She cares about him. The way he just held her and spoke to me like nothing was wrong made me feel bitter inside.

I used to be the one to comfort her but it seems like I've been replaced. Then he kissed her cheek and she smiled- it was no ordinary kiss though. One shared between friends is usually a peck but he closed his eyes as he kissed her and held her tighter; he cares about her too.

What advantage do I have against someone like Mattaeus? He's her mother's ideal husband for Aria and he seems to be falling for her already.

I just can't win this time can I? I'm losing hope and fast, but I need to stay strong. I need to keep believing that somewhere in her big heart there's still room for me.

I walked towards the night table by my bed and grabbed my notebook and wallet. I fixed my button up and slipped on my shoes before placing my beloved fedora atop my head. I sighed as I made my way out the door, locking it behind me before making my way to the boys.

I knocked on the door and nodded at Niall who had opened it. "Hey can you tell the lads I'm gonna be out for a while." Niall looked at me with narrowed eyes. "Okay but where are you going?" he asked. "Around. I just need some alone time." I told him as he nodded slowly. "Okay." he said as I sighed. "So how did it go in there?" he asked again.

"I don't know." I shrugged." We told her everything and she took it better than I expected... but I don't think we'll be getting back together anytime soon." I told him. "Welcome to my world." he scoffed, shutting the door in my face.

I stepped back and looked at the door incredulously before sighing. He did have a point there. I let out a short breath as I began to make my way into the lift. I pressed the lobby button and stood against the mirrowed walls of the lift as I waited for the lift to go down. The lift doors opened as we reached the lobby, and I pushed past the on coming tenants, smiling sheepishly as I did so.

"Going somewhere?" Helga rose a perfectly lucked eyebrow over her desk as I gulped and nodded. 'Yeah just going out for some fresh air." I told her. "There's air in here." she replied. "Yes but I don't like this air." I mumbled to myself as I continued towards the glass doors.

"Have a good evening Mr. Styles." Maxwell muse as I nodded in gratitude. "Thank you Maxwell, you too." I stepped out into the cold night, well it wasn't as cold as Englan per say but I am thankful I had half a brain when i left and wore something I wouldn't catch hypothermia in.

Standing alone in the nearly baren streets, I began to wonder to myself where I could possibly go. Taking a few steps back I pushed the doors open again and motioned over Maxwell. "Is there a pub near the hotel?" I asked him. "Yes, it's just down the street, around the corner and on your left." he nodded.

"Thank you Maxwell." I sighed as I stepped out into the streets once again. I followed Maxwell's instructions and soon found myself being surrounded by the unmistakeable odor of alcohol and underground drugs.

I slowly entered the pub and immediately all eyes were on me. The music stopped playing; the only sounds being the footsteps of who I presumed was the owner of the pub. I gulped, fearing for my own life. Most of the blokes here were either workers ranging from blacksmiths, hunters, knights, and business owners and bikers. Definitely, six foot five scary looking bikers who could easily snap my throat in half with their eyes closed.

"What are you doin round here pretty boy?" The owner snarked, throwing his dirty rag over his shoulder as he cocked his hip to the side. "Um... I'm here for a couple rounds... to clear my head." I replied, briefly remember how pubs worked. Not every pub was as accepting as the ones in England.

The man looked me over once more before nodding. "Grab a stool." I breathed in a sigh of relief as everyone turned back to their previous conversations while I made my way to the bar. Spotting a free stool I sat down immediately and placed my notebook along with my phone on the battered surface of the bar.

"So, what can I get for ya?" the owner asked. "I'll just have a beer." I shrugged. "Beer for the lad!" He yelled at his co worker. I unlocked my phone and checked for any messages. None. I'd lost more than half of my contacts when Zayn destroyed my phone and with the little I had unfortunately I did not have Aria's number.

I never did return her phone, in fear that she would destroy it as well and what would have been the proof of our relationship would be gone. Instead I keep it somewhere safe; a place where our relationship would always be safe no matter what. But I did have most of the photos that were on her cell phone, including the one of us on New Years at Times Square.

I glanced down at my screen saver and smiled. On my old phone it'd been my screensaver ever since I set the photo as it. I'm not breaking tradition anytime soon.

"Your beer." The owner returned with my beer which looked fresh out of the freezer seeing as I could see mist forming at the rim of the bottle as the condensation dampened the bottle itself. "Thanks mate," I popped it open and began to drink.

"So tell me, who's the lady and what did she do?" I was startled by his quite forward question. "Umm.. I don't feel comfortable telling you." I told him hesistantly. "Oh come on! You come into my pub, ask for a beer and expect me to think you just came in for a few rounds? Bullshit! They don't call beer the pity drink for nothing." he rolled his eyes.

"Now cozy up to ol' Gabe and tell me everything. Mind you, you aren't the first lad to come in here asking for a beer to heal a broken heart." he mused. "How do you know I have a broken heart?" I raised an eyerow at him despite the fact he was right. "I can tell by the way you're being defensive about it right now, and also I saw you looking at the your phone with those lovey dovey eyes teens have these days." Gabe explained as I sighed.

"Okay so I am broken hearted." I told him. "Who's the girl in the photo?" he asked. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I shook my head, smiling a little as gabe shrugged. "Well if you told me it was Beyonce then I wouldn't believe you. Try me."

"Her name is Aria. Aria Ramirez or as she's formally known here as Princess Rosaria Del Ria Hope Ramirez." I sighed. "I see." Gabe nodded. "She's quite the lady isn't she. Men have come and gone that castle, asking for her hand in marriage but she wouldn't have any of it. Set on the fact she was waiting for her prince charming to take her on an adventure of a life time."

I smiled slightly. "She is. She's everything I've always dreamed of." I told him truthfully. "Well you're not the only one who thought that." Gabe said. "Huh?" I looked at him curiously. "Yeah not too long ago another younger man came to me and said the same thing. Even ordered himself a pity beer too." Gabe chuckled.

"Who?" I asked him. "Jake Cunningham." Gabe replied. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Jake Cunningham... Oswald Cunningham's cousin right?" I asked. "Correct. He was very close to Rosaria, probably the only lad to ever be close to her. She trusted him with her dear life, befriended him. It didn't take long for him to fall in love with her, well as he'd said every time he came around. He always told me something new he learnt about her and always dragged on about how perfect and lovely she is." Gabe explained.

"Jake was so smitten, he'd never lay an eye on any other lass expect for her. It was quite entertaining to be honest. I'd never seen a pair so perfect." Gabe smiled. "Eventually Jake plucked up the courage and told Rosaria how he felt about her. She felt the same way. First loves." Gabe sighed as I nodded. Now I know why she was reluctant to tell me who her first love was.

"But one night I figured their mother found out they had feelings for each other, though they were mild she vowed to stop at nothing to ensure her daughter was to marry a prince." Gabe shook his head. "She pushed them apart, to the point he gave up. He stopped sneaking around, he stopped talking to her, and he stopped loving her or at least he tried to. He drowned himself with alcohol every night."

"Wow..." I whispered. "She was no less better, always crying herself to sleep so I've heard." Gabe sighed. "Eventually one reckless night led to his death and the princess was so heartbroken she vowed to leave and never return."

"She did." I said. "That's how I met her." I told him. "Was she happy when she met you?" he asked. "She was." I told him. More happier than me. "Were you happy when you met her?" he asked again. "At first no, but I grew to eventually." I said. "When you got together was she happy?" he asked. "Yes." I breathed, remembering that night as if it were yesterday.

"And when you got together were you happy?" he asked once more. "For first time in a long time, yes. I never felt that way before though I had many girlfriends beore her. I think- no I know she's the girl I've truly ever loved." I answered. "Then why do you answer in the past tense? Love is the present mate, loving in the past only evokes struggle in your future. Don't worry about anything except for what's happening right now." he pointed at me as I nodded meekly.

"If you love her you need to tell her now. You shouldn't regret not telling her in the past and you shouldn't create scenarios in your head of what could happen if you do. You need to focus on the present and take the risk. You're young, you're free and you're in love. Nothing's better than being in love and you know it." Gabe said. I nodded in agreemet. "You're right Gabe, but what about her mother?"

"I'll let you in on a little secret about her mother." Gabe muttered. "What is it?" I asked. "The only reason she's so against the idea of Aria falling in love with someone who isn't royalty is because she herself did the same thing when she was Aria's age!" Gabe quietly yelled.

"Are you serious!?" Well isn't this a plot twist. Gabe nodded as he motioned for me to come closer to him.

"Look I can't go into much detail about it since I only know the gist of it, but if you got to Donna, the head of their house maids, she'll be able to tell you the story. She's been around for a while now and was The Queen's house maid like she is now Princess Rosaria's." Gabe explained.

"Wow, thanks Gabe." I told him as he shook his head. "No problem. I wish you all the best, especially with that new bloke in town. He seems like a nice fella but there's something off about him." Gabe chuckled. "Ah it must be my imagination acting up again but who am I to judge a prince."

"He's always with her." I mumbled. "It gets irritating at times especially when she'd always reassure me it was her mother's 'orders'" I airquoted the word orders as I rolled my eyes. "As if it weren't any obvious that he's clearly trying to steal her away from me."

"Seems like it's working... sorry mate." I looked up at Gabe and shrugged. "It's my fault for giving her the chance to let go." I sighed. "I just have to face the music and accept the fact I'm going to be a single half-assed singer when I'm older."

"Sometimes to have the good you need the bad." Gabe noted as I chuckled. "She used to tell me that all the time."

"Wise words to follow young man. Don't make the same mistake the Queen did. Don't let her let go." He patted me lightly on the back before returning to work. I sighed as I took a moment to let his words sink in. Don't let her let go. Five simple words that ransacked my mind as I took another sip from my beer before opening my notebook and turning to a fresh page.

It took a while since 90% of my notebook had the Take Me Home song lyrics written inside as well as a few... hundred love notes... My times off work has served a productive purpose for me. I clicked my pen and fiddled with it as I stared at the blank page. I wrote down the five words he'd said, knowing they were important.

Don't let her let go.

I rewrote it again, but rearranged the words and added a few.

Don't let her go of me.

No that doesn't make sense. I crossed that one out and rewrote it again, this time in a way that made more sense to me.

Don't let me go.

I underlined the four words and sighed to myself as I stared at the smudged ink. It's amazing how this sentence could be used in a variety of scenarios. Let's say you were falling and someone caught you- don't let me go.

Or how about you love someone so much you want to be with them forever- don't let me go. You feel like you've lost them...you're all alone; tired of being alone... and the last bit of hope you have left is within those four words- don't let me go.

With that last thought in my mind, I allowed the pen to glide down across the page, words splilling from my deepest emotions onto the blank page as I fueled myself with everything I had experienced in the past and now.

By the time I had finished there was a slight ache in my hand as I dropped the writing utensil on the surface of the notebook. I reached over for my beer, only to realize it had been taken away. I muttered to myself at how unfortunate that was but as I stared down at what I had written, I knew that drink didn't matter as much as this.

It'd been a long time since I'd written a full song. The album was written and finished when I was with Aria; every single song being written through my inspiration from my relationship with Aria. Little Things, the song I wrote to make sure she knew how much she meant to me; nothing but a withered rose in a field of thorns.

This song; everything's been put into it. I'm a mess without her. There's no want in this plead for love but need. I'm afraid if I lose her, I'll lose myself again.

I yawned as my eyes began to droop. I closed my notebook and slipped the pen back in it's little pocket before bringing my arms up to the table and resting my head against them as I allowed myself to succumb to the tiredness in my eyes.

And for once I was afraid; afraid of love.

Aria's POV

"I had a good time." I smiled up at Matt who grinned. "Fantastic! I did as well. I feel like I could sleep for ages though!" He yawned loudly, stretching his arms up high before bringing them own to pat his stomach.

He brought his arm up again and rested it around my waist as we walked back to the castle. "Oh I agree. Mother will be so angry if she found out I disobeyed her dietary rules!" I laughed as he nodded. "Oh God she makes you diet, good." I looked at him oddly after his comment. "Why good?" I asked him.

"I donno, you're kinda big for your age you know." He shrugged. "Oh." I frowned. "It'd be good for you if you lost some weight, what are you size 14? My mother's a size 14 and she's had like five kids." Matt laughed as I chuckled uneasily. Erm.

As we walked along the lit up street, I couldn't help but glance in the pub Jake and I used to go to. My eyebrows furrowed as I narrowed my eyes at a mangled mop of curly hair and the body belonging to it almost comatose at the bar. "Hey Matt I think I'm gonna walk alone form here." I told him, stopping past the pub. "Why, it's just down the road?" he seemed confused.

"Um yeah I just remembered um Os and I were going to hangout for a bit and catch up some more." I scratched the back of my head. Matt still seemed unsure. "The hotel is just a few streets away, it's not that far of a walk." I reassured him.

"Well... if you're positive you'll be safe." He pointed at me. "I promise." i told him. "Alright. I'll see you tomorrow then." he walked towards me and kissed my cheek lightly before walking off. I watched him walk down the street, waving at him occasionally when he would turn and wave at me.

As soon as I knew he was gone, I turned and began to walk back down the street before turning and entering the pub. All eyes were on me immediately, but quickly brought away as I began to walk towards Harry. I'd been here so many times in my life time, these people are like my crew you know?

"Psst... Harry?" I tapped his shoulder lighly and waited for him to respond. "Go away." He muttered huskily, shrugging my hand off his shoulder. "Harry it's me." I sighed. I watched amusingly as he whined under his breath. "What was that?" I asked him. "Nothin." he sighed softly.

"It's pretty late." I looked at the time on the wall. 12:39 a.m. "You need to get back to the hotel." I told him. "I can't." he groaned. "Why not? Are you drunk?" I asked him worriedly. "No... just a little tipsy." he sighed. "No amount of alcohol will numb my- broken heart." his voice cracked as he sniffled quietly.

"Now you're just being melodramatic." I sighed. "You know... if you take me back... maybe I'll be better?" he stammered cutely as I sighed and stroked his hair lightly. "In time Harry, you're not the only one who got their heart broken." I told him. "I know." he sighed. "It was worth a shot." he raised his head and turned to me.

"But at least promise you'll wait for me. I'm scared of when I come back from this world tour you'll already have moved on." he frowned, then smiled hopefully. "I want to promise Harry, I really do, but the future is inevitable. Matt and I are getting married. I'll always love you though Harry." I smiled slightly as I brought my finger up to wipe the tears that began to stream down his cheeks. "Now stop crying will ya? What happened to being the tough guy?" I mused.

"He retired and emotional mess guy replaced him." Harry sniffled. I giggled as I rolled my eyes at him. "I really can't be mad at you forever Harry. You had every right to react that way though sleeping with someone else wasn't your best choice. I'm sure I'll forgive you with time." I told him.

"That's more than anything I could ever ask of you." Harry smiled slightly. "By the way-" he rubbed his eyes as he yawned. "It's pretty late now what are you doing here?" I rolled my eyes at my previous mention of the time he'd just realized and shrugged. "Matt and I were walking home from dinner." I said.

"Where's he now?" Harry asked. "No clue. I told him I was going to manage walking back to the hotel alone because me and Oswald were going to hangout for a bit." I explained. "Then why aren't you there now?" how slow is this child.

"I made up that excuse so I can come here and talk to you." I told him truthfully as he blushed. "Really? That's sweet of you. I wouldn't have expected you to care since... you know." he trailed off. "You're only human Harry. You may have broken my heart but that doesn't mean I should let my hatred towards what you did affect me in such a great way that I ignore you forever. You weren't always my boyfriend you know." I nudged him as he nodded. "I guess... thanks." he smiled.

"Anytime." I smiled back. "But wait, what made you want to come see me?" He asked confused. "Like I get you still care about me- kind of- but what made you want to come that you left Matt behind to do so?" he asked. I sighed. "He called me fat."

"He fucking what!?" Harry raised his voice. "He fucking called you fat that little shit!"

"Well at least I think he did." I shrugged. "He worded it in a way it sounded like he did." Harry shok his head. "How did he say it?" he asked. "well first we were talking about being full and stuff then I told him how my mum would be pissed if she found out I bailed out on my diet then he laughed and said, " donno, you're kinda big for your age you know." and I was like what?" I explained.

"Then he said I looked like a size 14- which I am then he said his mum was a size 14 and she's had five kids so..." I frowned. "Okay that is just wrong and the most fucking stupid thing to ever say to a girl, especially you. Don't listen to that little shit head. I don't give a shit if he's a prince or not I'm going to fucking kill him for calling you fat, no matter how he phrased it." he muttered angrily.

"And you better not believe his fucking words okay, you may be a size 14 but that's what makes you beautiful- DON'T GIGGLE WHEN I'M TRYING TO COMFORT YOU!" He barked as I giggled even more. "I'm sorry, the that's what makes you beautiful comment got me." I chortled. "Ugh anyways, beauty comes in all shapes and sizes so fuck this ass wipe who can't see it for himself. You're perfect Aria so fuckin perfect I want to rip my hair out." He growled.

"Ooh if you do give it to me and I'll sell it on ebay so I can see Leonardo Decaprio!" I jumped up and down excitedly. "Seriously Aria!" Harry groaned. "How am I supposed to win you back with my romantic speeches if you won't even let me be romantic." he pouted. "That's just the alcohol talking, the most romantic thing you've ever done for me is carry me down the stairs because I was too lazy too." I joked.

"Hey that took a lot of upper body strength and quite frankly I think it was because my bad posture's kicking up again, not you." he chuckled.

"Wanna leave?" I asked him, yawning as I looked at the time. "I'm tired." I told him. "Why don't you come back to the hotel with me? The boys miss you and there's no way in hell I'm risking you getting potentially raped and killed at night by letting you walk home alone." Harry offered.

"I'd love to." I told him. "As long as you carry me there because a princess can only walk so many steps a day." I wiped the invisible sweat off my forehead as Harry rolled his eyes. "Fine, but if my back gives in again and we fall to our deaths it's all on you." harry pointed at me before standing up.

Squealing, I got behind him and jumped on his back. "Yeah that took every last percent of energy I had left now onwards servant!" I pointed forward as Harry grunted and picked up his things to shove them into his pocket before he began to walk. "Instead of servant can you just call me curly again. Servant makes me feel downgraded." Harry whined.

"Ugh fine curly, ONWARDS UNTIL DAWN!" Harry let out a strange wail before he began to walk off. "Harry what was that noise?" I asked him. "A horse neighing." Harry smiled proudly. "Ah I see." I nodded. Weirdo. "well at least you still look good." I told him as he gasped. "Hey!"

"Don't have any on me." I joked. "And aren't you supposed to go neigh?" I asked him, laughing to myself as he began to whine. "Aria stop! Enough with the horse jokes!" but I didn't stop. Horse joke after horse joke later we finally arrived at the hotel.

"Okay one more, what do gay horses say? HAYYYYY! Okay I'm done." I jumped off his back as he let out a sigh of relief. "Thank the lord the jokes are over!" He yelled. We both entered the hotel, quietly sneaking past Helga who'd fallen asleep at her desk.

We entered the elevator and clicked the top floor. The ride up was silent, until the doors opened and together Harry and I stepped out, tiredly making our way down the hallway. "Where do you wanna sleep?" Harry asked me through his yawn. "The boys are probably asleep so I guess with you... if you promise to not do any funny business." I told him.

Harryy yawned again. "No promises love, but I'll try." suddenly Harry began to madly twerk towards his room. I've heard of the consequences of night blogging but this was something I've never seen before. I figured it's probably just another regular night for Harry.

I followed after him and entered his bedroom. "Sorry if it's a mess." Harry sighed as he tried to clear most of the stuff on the floor and bed. "Nah leave it." I told him. He looked up at me confused as I walked towards the bed. "Reminds me of our home." I looked towards him with a small smile as he nodded understandingly with a smile on his face as well.

Like before he lended me a shirt and boxers to change into, and I did so in front of him and as did he. I guess the sense of being comfortable around each other never left. I jumped onto his bed, and watched Harry climb in as well.

"Oh before I forget." Harry leant over the edge of tehe bed and reached for something that was underneath. When he pulled the item out I gasped and brought it to my chest quickly. "HAROLD!" I hugged the bear tightly, making Harry chuckle.

I placed the large bear underneath me and resumed my usual cuddling position as Harry watched me get comfortable. "Good night." I told him, closing my eyes as I did so. "Good night love." I felt a pair of soft lips come in contact with my forehead, knowing who it was but I was already in too deep of a slumber to care.

All I did care about though is the fact Harry and I reconnected tonight. Our spark had be reignited. Hope had been restored.


im so so so excited everything is starting to get better in CMS!

next chapter: some good old fashioned aria and the boys hanging out, haria moments, maybe a kiss or two :D see how uplifting everything's gonna be wowowow

love y'all but i gots to go it's like 12 am ok byee xx

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