She is Love

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Aria's POV

I sigh shakily as I bring the hair curler up to the last strand of hair, curling the end delicately before letting it fall against my shoulder blade. Glancing down at my summer themed outfit of cremes and light pinks, I decided a white ribbon was necessary so I took the long ribbon and tied it expertly around the hair tie holding up my hair and smiled to myself at it's success.

Slipping on my white an beige sandals, I let out a sigh as I look over myself once more in the mirror. If I was going to come out as Harry's girlfriend, I'd like to make a good first impression, especially since Harry's had a long history of relationships that the fans have known about and I'm almost sure of it that I was going to be judged today.

"Babe are you ready yet?" Harry questioned as he knocked on the bathroom door lightly. "Yes, I'll be out in a moment." I told him as I inspected my face for any unwanted blemishes. Concluding that I looked decent enough to be human, I opened the bathroom door and stepped out, shutting the lights behind me before looking up at Harry who grinned down at me. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks. You look..." I fixed his hair a bit and unwrinkled a bit of his top then smiled. "Nice." I finished as he chuckled. "Good, I'd like to look like I'm actually your boyfriend so nudity was a no." I shook my head at him as he rested his hands on my waist. "I'm really nervous which is odd because I've been to so many world issues meetings and trust me when politicians mean business they mean business." I said as he sighed.

"It's a radio interview love, no one's going to see you except for me and the radio station workers." He twirled a bit of my hair with his fingers as he smiled at me reassuringly. "If you want I can do most of the talking so you'll only have to speak when spoken to." he suggested.

"Yes please." I squeaked, looking at him wide eyed becase of this brand new information. "hmm alright." he smiled as he let go of my hair. "We better get going then the interview's in an hour and there's traffic." Harry said as he turned and began to pull me out of our shared room. I nodded and followed after him.

"Off to the interview then?" Louis asked from the sofa as Harry jumped off the last step and nodded at him. "Yup! Ya gonna listen in?" Harry Lou who nodded. "Yeah me and the lads are tuning in later." Louis said as he got up. "Best of luck to the both of you." Louis said as he ushered us out of the house. I turned to Harry slowly and sighed. "We're going to need it." I told the two who nodded in agreement.

"Are you two ready for this?" Louis asked as he leant against the door frame. "I am- sort of." Harry smiled weakly as he took my hand in his. "Me too.. I guess." I breathed as my mind began to run a mile a minute with different scenarios that could happen when Harry and I come out as a couple. Then came the scenarios of what would happen after I cheat on him. I frowned at the thought, not wanting to be reminded of the awful plan I had to do in order to protect the boys.

I hope they understand in the end. I'll be hated by everyone, I just know it. Am I prepared for the hate I'm going to get? Who would be. It's impractical to hate someone when you don't know what they've been through. I only pray that I don't turn against my morals again.

"Chin up little one, I'm sure it'll go along smoothly." Louis smiled at me reassuringly before looking at Harry. "Be careful." He directed to Harry who nodded. "I will. Come on." Harry tugged me along as Louis shut the front door. Harry and I quickly climbed into the waiting car where we were greeted by Paul.

He immediately drove off to our destination and kept to himself as we listened to the soft music playing on the radio. I was seated beside Harry with my arms crossed, scared of what was to come. I already had it all planned out- somewhat. I was going to cheat on Harry- when and who with, I still don't know. It's going to be somewhere public, with the boys there unfortunately.

So that's basically what I'm going to have to do, but of course I have an escape plan. An escape from the future hate, future lies, and future tears. "You look like you're deep in thought." Harry whispered as he slipped his arm around my shoulders, allowing me to lean into his side as i sighed. "M'just tired." I yawned.

"Okay... you know you can tell me anything right?" Harry said as he held me tighter. Yes but this is one thing- no pun intended- I can't tell you. "I know, I really am tired." It's true, I am tired. Tired of life. "Alright... you're not sick or anything or-" I cut him off with a dry laugh. "Harry I'm fine, seriously. Stop worrying about me." I told him.

"Sorry force of habit." Harry chuckled as i smiled into his chest. The rest of the ride was peace and quiet and eventually I fell asleep to the soothing music of Frank Ocean.


Like life all good things must come to an end, including my sleeping time. I yawned and rubbed my eyes as Harry stopped tapping me. He helped me out of the car and took my hand in his, manoeuvring us through the large crowd of fans to reach the building while Paul stood behind us making sure no one got hurt.

We entered through the glass doors and were immediately met by friendly smiles and polite hellos. "We're here for the interview." Harry told the secretary woman who nodded and looked up at us. "Brilliant, Dan is in interview room 209, that's up those stairs, 9 doors down on your left." The woman explained as Harry nodded and proceeded to follow her instructions.

"Up..stairs...9 doors..." Harry mumbled to himself as he opened the stair doors. We began our trek up the stairs and by the second step I was already tired. "This is the most exercise I've done in the past month." I huffed, dragging myself up to the third step as Harry laughed. "You're like Niall when it comes to exercise." He said as I smiled half heartedly.

"I want to know who designed this building so I can write them a strongly worded letter on why they should put an elevator in the building. Some of us just aren't capable of walking up flights of stairs." I grunted as i finally reached the top where Harry stood looking down at me as he shook his head. "You remind me every second why I'm dating you in the first place. This is another reason why." he chuckled.

"What, is it because I like to use my intellectual understanding in arguments or is it the fact that my stories drag on as long as yours?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "Both, and also because you laugh at my jokes." he smiled cheekily. We both entered the second floor and began to walk down the hallway. "How many doors down did she say again?" I asked Harry. "Nine." He said as he counted them out loud.

When we reached the ninth door, he knocked on it slowly then proceeded to open it. "Is this the interview room for Harry Styles and Aria Hope?" Harry asked as soon as he walked in. I'm pretty dure she said door on your left, not right. "No this is the interview room for Cat News Daily." A person responded as Harry looked around the room confused for a moment before awkwardly walking back to me.

"You never know where to go do you?" I joked as he scoffed. "I believe I do have a sense of direction, hence the fact i am in the band One DIRECTION. I just simply mistaken that room to be our interview room." he replied. "Hence? What are we, 80?" I laughed as Harry huffed. "Let's go." he walked to the door on our left and knocked. He opened the door and the both of us walked in.

"Hey!" A man popped out of no where. "I'M DAN!" He shouted, brushing his straight black fringe to the side as he held out his hand. "Nice to meet you." Harry shook his hand briefly. "I like your hair." I blurted out, mentally wanting to hit myself with a table as i grinned shyly. "Thanks! I like your hair too." He smiled back, thankfully not feeling awkward as he led us to our seats.

"Now this interview is going to be pretty basic. I'll ask you some questions about your album and whatnot then we'll bring in the fan questions and then we bring in the lovely lady and you go on from there. Understood?" Dan explained as he fixed his cue cards. "yes." Harry and I both nodded. "Great! We're on air in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1-" "ZERO!" I added, blushing when I realized Dan hadn't said zero as well. "Oopsies." I blushed even harder as Dan and Harry laughed together. "You're adorable." Harry whispered lowly as he pecked my cheek quickly before turning to Dan.

"Afternoon radio listeners, I'm joined here today with 1/5 of irish-british boyband One Direction, Harry styles!" Dan and Harry cheered as I sat silently, making sure I didn't get hit by one of Harry's arms. The boy gets violent when he's excited. I mean...

"Thanks for being here!" Dan exclaimed. "Thanks for having me!" Harry yelled back, just as enthusiastically. "Now I understand that you and the boys have been busy in the studios recently, starting to record your second album. Tell me how's that going on." Dan smiled at Harry to continue.

"It's coming along quite well actually... erm... we've got some of the songs recorded but we're not quite finished yet. It's just cause it's like, this is our second album so the whole second album paranoia is there." Harry answered. "oh yeah the whole ' the second has to be as good if not even better, thing." Harry nodded understandingly.

"Okay so I've tweeted on the official twitter and asked your fans who might I say are quite persistent, to ask us some questions and tag it with #AskHarryNow. Would you like to answer some now?" Dan asked Harry. "sure." Harry nodded.

"Okay this one was sent in by @HarrysJewls and she asks Harry, how do you get your hair to look so perfect?" Dan looked over at Harry who pouted his lips. "Hmmm, it's probably got something to do with my shampoo... I erm use, what's your shampoo and conditioner called again?" Harry turned to me. "Loreal Strawberry smoothie shampoo." I whispered as he nodded.

"Yeah I use strawberry smoothie shampoo so my hair smells lik strawberries." Harry replied. "Alright next one sent in is from @HarryCox-" I covered my mouth to stop my laughter. Failed. "I'm sorry, continue." I shook my head as Harry rolled his eyes yet smiled. "And she asks Harry, if you were a chair, what celebrity would you want to sit on your face?"

"That is a very good question. That's literally the most amazing question ever, oh God." Harry rubbed his chin in thought. "I reckon I'd have Jennifer Lawrence sit on me. I don't know man, she's hot." I'd go lesbian for her- I mean what. "Haha okay next one we got @liams10inch who's with you right now because you asked them what shampoo you used??" Dan read.

"Um, my... um Aria is with me." Harry replied as he rested his hand on my thigh. "Okay the next few are asking if you and Aria are dating so..." dan began as he read the tweets. "This one says, Harry a few rumours have been going around the fandom that you're dating @AriaH. Don't get me wrong I think she's adorable but we really want to know. Confirm or deny?" Dan looked over at Harry who sighed.

"Confirm." he smiled as Dan nodded. "Well we,ve just crashed twitter..." Dan chuckled as he set the iPad down. "So tell me, how did you two meet?" He asked Harry who looked down and blushed. "Um... we met in a Nando's bathroom..." he trailed offas Dan's eyes widened. "WHAT!? Were you two-" Harry quickly shook his head.

"No, no, no not like that! Aria used to work as a waitress there and I had to use the loo. Right before I went she walked in and said she was on cleaning duty." Harry explained, leaving out some details. "Oh I see. So was it love at first sight or were you two friends first?" Dan asked.

"We weren't friends at all actually. I was a bit cold to her but she was kind to me. Erm eventually we became friends and as our friendship progressed I guess so did my feelings for her." Harry smiled at me as I blushed. "That's almost too cliche to handle. How did he ask you to be his girlfriend; this question is for Aria." Dan turned to me as my mouth went dry. Come on Aria, pretend you're talking to over 60 country representatives. It's like eight grade all over again.

"We were in New York and it was a fairly nice day, sunny, not too cold, not too warm-" Harry tapped my knee. "Get to the point love." He smirked as i rolled my eyes. "The boys and I decided to go to M&M's world and while we were there Harry asked me to be his girlfriend. He gave me a little bear that I carry around in my bag, with a bouquet of chocolate roses and a little poem he wrote that I had to answer yes or no to." I explained as Dan smiled at the two of us.

"Amazing, I would do the same thing for my girlfriend, you know IF I HAD ONE!" Dan yelled as Harry and I laughed. "What did the poem say?" Dan asked us as I looked over at Harry. "Harry why don't you do this one." I mused as he shrugged and cleared his throat. "Okay." He said before he recited the poem.

"Roses are red, violets are blue, the sun shows their beauty, but true beauty is in you. A boy broke your heart and left you so broken, so I'm here to fix you as a token of appreciation. For everything you've done in my life you truly have fixed me, now I can't imagine waking up without you sleeping beside me. These three simple words just aren't meant for any person, so listen closely because it's almost the end of this poem. Roses are red, violets are blue I can't ever explain how much I love you. So here is the question that everyone wants to know, is if you love me back as much as I love so. A rose may be short, long, thick, thin or thorny, but whenever I'm with you I get kind of corny. So this is the moment I get a bit teary, so Aria Hope will you please belong to me?"

I don't know why but I founded it impressive that he had the poem memorized off by heart but considering he'd written it then it's understandable. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as Harry kept eye contact with me. "And lucky she said yes." Harry smiled down at me before pecking my cheek.

"You two are very smitten of each other. I understand Aria isn't someone famous or very well known so what made her stand out from all the other girls who have taken a shining to you?" Dan asked as Harry intertwined our hands.

"I think that's a very good question. You see, the reason why I fell for Aria is because she wasn't like any other girl I've known. I've been shamed as a womanizer for most of my career and many people judged me because of what they saw while Aria took the time to know me. I was suffering from a bad breakup and lost hope in love but then Aria came along and pulled me out of those dark times. I guess you could say she saved me from myself and I can't be more thankful. Everyone has a soul mate and I know Aria is mine. She even laughs at my jokes and she's a good cook." Harry beamed proudly as I felt my eyes start to water.

"That's all we have time for today. Thank you for joining us." Dan said as we shook his hand again. "Thanks for having us mate." Harry said. "Thanks." I smiled quietly. "Next week join us where we interview Justin Bieber on his alleged cheating scandal on Selena Gomez!" Well this is awkward. As Dan put us off air, we took a couple pictures with him for the web site then left.

As Harry and I walked down the hallway, down the stairs, and out the building, I dug my hands deep into my pockets as I looked down, feeling a bit ashamed of myself knowing what I was going to do to Harry. He talks about me like I'm some prized jewel but little does he know that I'm going to break him. Leave him shattered then run away.

Harry was never a lost cause; I was. And I still am.

Time to start the plan.

Harry's POV

I sighed slowly and walked alongside Aria who seemed rather quiet. Surely she's not upset with me; I haven't done anything wrong have I? She seemed deep in thought again; her eyebrows furrowed and eyes directed on the floor with an adorable pout playing at her lips.

"You know what?" she suddenly spoke up. "What?" I asked. Maybe she's going to tell me what't wrong. "I could really go for a smoothie right about now." she said as I shook my head at her, yet chuckled at the utter randomness of her statement. "We could go for one if you want." I said as she shrugged. "Kay." she was vague with her answer and didn't look at me at all, like she was ignoring me.

Maybe she's on her period? Yeah let's go with that. We went out through the back and walked down the alleyway leading to the parked car that Paul was currently sat waiting in. Aria walked ahead of me and climbed into the passenger seat, shutting the door quite harshly as she kept her eyes down. Period Harry she's on her period.

I sighed and climbed into the back seats. After shutting the door, I quickly told Paul where I wanted Aria and I to go and he nodded, starting the car and driving off. During the drive I tried making conversation with Aria but she just wouldn't speak. I frowned even more.

Finally we reached Starbucks and Paul descretely dropped us off a few streets down so we wouldn't be too obvious. I was quick to try to hold Aria's hand but to my surprise she flinched back and continued to walk ahead of me. I made nothing of it, thinking she was probably tired. I knew i get cranky sometimes when I'm tired so I couldn't really complain.

We walked in and Aria went ahead and sat down in the far back while I queued up to order. Drumming my fingers against my leg, I reach the front and tell the barista what I want, memorizing Aria and I's orders from the couple of times we've been to Starbucks. A few minutes later my fake name is called out and I take our drinks and cookies and make my way to Aria who was sititng with her palm under her chin.

"Here ya go." I smiled, setting the strawberry frap in front of her and the cookies. It wasn't a smoothie, but close enough. "Thanks." She smiled meekly as she took a sip. I sat down in front of her and began to chug down my ice venti green tea. Maybe I should ask her now. "Babe are you alright? You seem a bit off again." i said as she sighed. "I'm just tired Haz."

"Okay." I nodded, still not believing her but figured it was best to let her be. "So we're official now." I began as she nodded. "Yup." Why is this so awkward? "Are you planning ways to break up with me?" I joked dryly as she looked at me alarmed. "what makes you think that?" she asked worriedly. "nothing, it just seems like you hate me all of a sudden." we both frowned. "But I love you?" she seemed to question me as i smiled. "That's all I need to hear." I smirked as I leant down and kissed the tip of her nose.

"You know what I need to hear?" she asked as she looked around the coffee shop. "What?" I asked, already expecting a random answer. "Free food, everything has to go." she replied as I laughed. "You're adorable but I'd rather hear you say you love me." I said as she rolled her eyes. "Cheese!"

"That was not cheesy I was just speaking the truth!" I protested as she gave me a dry look. "C-H-E-E-S-E!" She shot back. "You know you love it when I tell you I love you. Your cheeks get all red and you smile at the ground." I smirked as she did just that. "Hey Aria." i called her. "What?" she asked.

"I love you." I smiled teasingly as she blushed and smiled at the ground again. "I love you, I love you, I love Aria Hope, I love love love you, love you baby." I smirked as she hid her face in her hands and shook in laughter, drawing attention to the both of us. "Aw come on baby show me that beautiful face

of yours." I tapped her arms as she giggled. "Stooooop!"

Eventually she looked up and rested her chin on her arms and i did the same, smiling at her as dimples arose on both our cheeks. I couldn't stop smiling too. Seeing her happy was enough to make me happy. Her eyes seemed to twinkle as she looked up at me from under her lashes. "I don't deserve you. You're too good to me." she whispered under her breath and my smile faltered to a rather serious look.

"No, I don't deserve you. You're perfect and I'm- me." I sighed as she smiled again. "I'm not perfect, you are." she said as I grunted. "Are we really doing this?" I asked her as she giggled. "I'm really happy with you harry." She said as I smiled. "Thank you." she breathed as I moved closer to her. "No, thank you." I leant over the table and kissed her, smiling into the kiss before pulling away and kissing the top of her head.

"Thank you for showing me what love is."

I've been beaten down, I've been kicked around,

But she takes it all for me.

And I lost my faith, in my darkest days,

But she makes me want to believe.

They call her love, love, love, love, love.

They call her love, love, love, love, love.

She is love, and she is all I need.

She's all I need.

I look up and chuckle at the lyrics playing around us. Aria looked up as well then directed her eyes to me. "I love you." She mumbled with a knowing grin as my lips spread into a small smile.

If I could listen to her say she loves me for an eternity, I would ask for more time because hearing her say she loves me is like listening to my favorite song on repeat. I never want it to end.


first of all i'd like to thank everyone who reads my story for all the support and love because really you all are the reason I continue to write :) I promise when friday comes around updates will be done regularly again. I still have exams to do and I should be studying but I sort of took a 30 minute break to finish this chapter. heh.

it's sad to think that these cute moments will soon be forgotten because of Aria's task :( but we can always look back on them and reminisce The song in this chapter is "She is Love" by Parachute. Basically Haria's theme song dhjdkjsd it's perfect.

there's an external link to this hariana video i posted on my blog with the song and it's basically CMS summed up into one vid :D

thanks for reading and remember to like this chapter for more updates!! (10+ VOTES FOR UPDATE)

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