Invisible (Mayuzumi Chihiro)

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A/N:This is one of the hardest I've ever written. The song is so awesome that I don't want to ruin it. I played the song so many times and dug so deep for the meaning. Don't mind my errors. Leave some comments. Enjoy reading!

Requested by: dreamingonhigh

Song: Invisible (Hunter Hayes)

Note: You two are already in a relationship here :*

Crowded hallways are the loneliest places
For outcast and rebels
Or anyone who just dares to be different

After the bell rang, you went to the rooftop to eat lunch with your boyfriend -- Mayuzumi Chihiro. You ran towards your destination but when you were near, you suddenly remembered that you don't have your lunch with you.

You ran back to your classroom and got your lunch. You were now hurrying to go back to the rooftop when your enemy, (Enemy's Name) asked you, "Where do you think you're going?"

"The rooftop." You answered. She rolled her eyes and held your arm. Her grip was so tight and you're sure that it will leave a mark.

One of her minions, (Bitch #1's Name), held her bento above your head and pour all of its contents into you. (Enemy's name) let go of you while all of them laughed at you. Your eyes started to water but you held your tears because you don't want to cry infront of them.

(Bitch #2's Name) on the other hand, poured her soda into you. In a mocking voice, she said, "Oops. You owe me soda now, nerdy."

You shivered at the drink's coldness. All of them were laughing at you while (Enemy's Name) pushed you to the ground and gave you a slap.

But then, the girls were pushed aside and someone poured chocolate milkshake on (Bitch #2's Name).

"Oops. You owe me chocolate milkshake now, bitch." The boy said, copying (Bitch #2's Name)'s tune.

At the sight of him, the girls backed away with the poor (Bitch #2's Name).

"(First Name), stand up." You looked up to see that the girls were gone and your boyfriend is infront of you, offering his hand to help you stand up.

You grabbed his hand and he took off his blazer for you to use it.


Now cleaned up, you are eating with Mayuzumi dressed in your extra uniforms.

"Those girls doesn't have the plan to leave you alone, do they?"Mayuzumi asked.

You paused eating and glanced at him. "Hiro, don't mind them. I am already used to it."

He finished eating and held your hand, his lips attached to it. "That's the problem. You're already used to it. You shouldn't have been used to it. No one should be used of bullies bullying them. Especially now thay they're doing that in the hallways. There were too many people watching earlier. It'd be good if the people were helping but they're not. They're even murmuring and spreading rumors about you."

"H-huh? They do?"

"Yes," Mayuzumi placed his palm on your cheeks, carresing it. You held his hand that's on your face.

"Don't worry, they'll eventually stop," Mayuzumi wanted to object but he sensed that you don't want to talk about it anymore, "Besides,we're already graduating. I'll just deal with them for a year."

He sighed and kissed you passionately."Remember this,even if they don't like you, I love you." He whispered right after breaking the kiss.

"I love you too."

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