Best friends (Akashi Seijuro x Reader) LEMON PART ONE

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Hello fellas! I hope you still know me and read my story lmao. I finally updated! HUEHUEHUE

So I hope that this lemon would suffice.

My very first lemon.


He was your childhood friend.

He was like the brother you never had.

He got most of your firsts.

First playmate, first friend, first person that you introduced to your parents, first person that you shared your secrets with, and many more.

You spent many moments together; funny, sad, embarrassing, gloomy, and all.

To him, falling for you is very easy.


Second Year, Teiko days.

You hurriedly followed your best friend and shouted his name in order to get his attention. He stopped on his tracks and smiled, waiting for you to say something,"Thank you for tutoring me yesterday! The sleep-over was fun and it was all worth it. I passed the quiz, and that's all because of you!"

He ruffled your hair and said,"You're welcome. I am very glad that you enjoyed our sleep-over last night. Even though you kept on complaining about your hunger and taking breaks. I had fun, too." Your eyes gleamed and grinned widely,"That's good to hear! Let's do it again next time, shall we?"

He agreed and ordered you to go to your class.

"I will treat you later, I promise!" You said as you waved your hand to gesture goodbye. He smiled at you in reply.

But falling for him wasn't.

First Year, Rakuzan High.

"Sei-kun, thank you for your help last night. You see, I aced the quiz on our class. It was a great help, thank you.

-(First Name)"

He sighed after his heterochromatic eyes skimmed through the note that you left on his locker. You two stopped talking to each other whenever there are other people around since you stepped in high school.

He searched for his pen and a piece of paper in his bag, then looked for your locker.

He wrote a note and left it there, glad that no one saw him do it. As he proceeded to go to his class, he thought of your feelings. How do you feel for him now?

After he confessed to you on your middle school graduation ceremony, you started treating him differently from before. Awkwardness always fill the air whenever you would talk, and it's like a thick wall appeared after that time. However, he was fully aware that this would happen.

But he never had any regrets. After all, you told him something that surely gave him some hope.

"After a year or so, if your feelings remained, if you still love me, I will consider you. We're just too young right now, Sei-kun... Not now, not tommorrow, but later on. Wait for me, okay? I will get ready. The next time we would talk about this, I am ready. Ready to have you and be yours."

Change is the only constant in this world.

But his love for you was not.
"Sei-kun?" Your fragile yet beautiful voice echoed in th big student council room. You repeated when no one answered. Tilting your head to the side, you wondered where he is and why he called you.

Finally, he answered,"(First Name), come over here and stand behind me."

You did as told.

Akashi Seijuro is at the far end of the room, looking outside the window.

You are looking at your senpais who are doing different activities because this day is their graduation ceremony.

"Uhh, Sei-kun, I just remembered. Why did you told me to come here? Is there any particular reason?" You asked, trying to break the silence that ensued.

He opened his mouth, as if he was about to say something. But he closed it again and just smiled at you. You blushed furiously. It's been a long time since you last saw him smile like that.

Your eyes were focused on the floor as you tried to cover your blushing face. He wasn't doing anything (A/N: yet. HUEHUEHUEHUE) aside from smiling, so why are you this affected?

Ah. That may be because of the feelings that you developed in your heart in your first year of high school. If it wasn't for Kim (SHAMELESS PLUG HUAHUAHUA), you wouldn't know or realize that you actually love Akashi.

She is your classmate, and your new best friend. Once, on a debate contest wherein Akashi is a contestant, Kim saw you looking at him intently while blushing. She nudged you and asked, "Oi. You like the President, don't you?"

"H-huh? He's my childhood friend and he's almost like a brother for me! That's all!"

"The way you look at him tells me otherwise."

You blushed harder with that. Sigh.

"(First Name), do you remember what I told you on our middle school graduatiom ceremony?" Akashi' s voice snapped you out of your thoughts.

"E-eh? Yes... Why?"

"It's been a year. My feelings stayed the same. Now, can I have my reward?" He smirked.

You blushed and decides to cover your face with your hands. He giggled at your action,"Adorable."

Your eyes widened. His hands reached out to you and removed your hands. He smiled when he noticed that you're looking down. His fingers lifted your chin up, looking up at him.

" I love you, (First Name)."


Your heads moved forward instinctively.

And your lips met.


Part two will come later. Love you all huahua

Love, kim.

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