Teardrops on My Guitar [Akashi Seijuro II]

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Another songfic for my bae.

I'll give you guys feels.Trying hard feels xD

Play the video so you can feel the Feeels :D


Drew looks,at me
I fake a smile so he won't see
That I want,and I'm needing
Everything that we should be

Akashi Seijuro.

Your childhood best friend,even up 'til now,just looked at you.Aside from being bestfriends,he's also the love of your life.You've been in love with him since who knows when.

You smiled at him,which he returned,and paid his attention back to the class.

You want to confess yet,something gets unto your way.

I bet she's beautiful
That girl he talks about
And she's got everything
That I had to live without

[Girl Best Friend's Name].

Akashi Seijuro's girlfriend.

She's your bestfriend since your first day on Teiko.Let's admit it,she's charming,intelligent,rich,has good curves,which probably what Akashi liked on her.How about you?You're just a simple nerd in Rakuzan.So simple and plain.You can't even catch the interest of boys.

Adding the fact that Akashi is her boyfriend,she is pretty popular in Rakuzan,not just to boys,but also to those girls who likes to cling in rich girls.

Drew talks,to me
I laugh cause it's so damn funny
That I can't even see
Anyone when he's with me

Even though he has a girlfriend,every time he would talk and laugh along with you,you just can't help but to fall for him all over again.

He says he's so in love
He's finally got it right
I wonder if he knows
He's all I think about at night

He says all of his plans for him and (B/F/N) for the future,which pained you.

Everytime he asks you for advice,everytime he will come to you crying,because of some misunderstanding with (B/F/N),everytime he tells you how strong their relationship is,it hurts you.

If he left after talking to you,you'd silently cry at your room,not bothering if someone hears you.

'Cause he's the reason
For the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing
on a wishing star

You kept on wishing that it's you,not her.You wish that Akashi loves you,need you,care for you,not (b/f/n).

But,not all wishes comes true.

He's the song
In the car
I keep singing don't know why,
I do

Drew walks by me
Can he tell that I can't breathe?
And there he goes,
So perfectly
The kind of flawless I wish I could be


One word to describe him.

He's the best in everything he does.Shogi,test,basketball,horse racing,and anything.

No one can beat him.No one.

She better hold him tight,
Give him all her love 
Look in those beautiful eyes,
And know she's lucky 'cause

And an unexpected thing happened.

You caught (B/F/N) kissing a certain senpai of yours at the rooftop.You can't believe at what you saw.She wasn't that type of person who will have an affair with any person.But right now,there is one thing that describes her:cheater.

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