Part 2:The Marriage

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I was awoken a few hours later by the loud door opening. I sat up in the bed and I noticed it was Thomas coming in.

"I am supposed to bring you upstairs to get ready," Thomas said and I stood up to follow him. As we reached the top of the stairs there was mass chaos. People were running around like crazy and there were many people in the kitchen cooking.

We headed up the staircase and on the second floor, I noticed there were about seven doors. There were three on each side and one at the end of the right hall. We walked all the way to the last door and as we opened it we were greeted by a master bedroom.

As you walked in you were greeted by a giant bed, and across from it on the wall was a big dresser, with a giant tv hung over it. All the way in the back of a room was a window cell with a place to sit and a giant window. There were two doors next to the dresser and I could see a giant walk-in closet and a bathroom next to it.

The bedsheets were grey and the wall was painted a light grey color and the floor was black wood. The dressers were black and so was the little window cell seating spot. In the bathroom, once you walked in on the direct right was a sink with nothing on it, and in the corner, there was a big tub. On the other side of the tub was another sink with a toothbrush and some hair product deodorant and cologne next to it. Finally, on the left side was a huge shower and a toilet right near the door.

"Shower and then change into this robe, Carly put a razor in the shower for you and some girl products, she will be here in about ten minutes," Thomas said handing me a black robe that smelled like cedarwood, sage, and a hint of lemon so I knew it was Atlas's.

I stripped my clothing and I turned on the shower. I saw that there was a laundry chute right above the toilet and I threw my clothing down it, not wanting to leave my clothing on the ground. I left Atlas's jacket hanging on the bathroom door.

I stepped into the shower and let the warm water hit my cold body and it stung a little. I finally warmed up enough so I looked at all of the products. There was a shelving unit built into the side of the shower and on the top was a men's razor, body wash, conditioner, and shampoo. On the bottom was some body wash, shampoo, conditioner, shaving cream, and a brand new razor.

I washed my hair with the new shampoo and conditioner which both smelled like vanilla. I then scrubbed my body with the body wash which smelled very similar. I took the shaving cream and I quickly shaved before rinsing off my body. I grabbed a towel and I dried my body off. I then put my hair up and threw on the robe.

I opened up the door and there was a girl standing there. She had blonde hair which was cut to her shoulders and bright brown eyes. She smiled as she saw me and she pulled me to the closet which had a little vanity in the back of it which was now covered with makeup.

"I brought all of the essentials, I was so excited when I heard Atlas had found a girl," She said and I smiled at her not wanting to ruin her perfect bubble by telling her the truth.

"I get to keep this all?" I asked her and she nodded her head.

"Yes!! You can put it wherever you want, I am just here to get you ready," She said before spraying and then combing through my hair. She started to blow dry it and she clipped the dry pieces in little curls on my head to hold the shape. She then sprayed it with hairspray and said we were going to let it sit there while she did my makeup.

She put on some foundation and some bronzer. She also added a bit of highlighter and a natural pinkish brown lip color. She did a brown smokey eye look and added some fake lashes. She turned me around and I looked stunning. She then let my hair down and I had perfect waves. She pinned half of it back with a silver clip that had a moon and stars on it. She left a few face-framing pieces curled in the front of my hair.

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