Part 11: The Meeting

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I saw Atlas less and less as he was put under a lot of stress to catch Lorenzo, especially after Lorenzo kidnapped another gang member's girlfriend and tortured her, leaving her bleeding on the front door.

Atlas called another meeting with all of the other gangs to try and get help taking Lorenzo's gang down. Atlas asked me to sit in the meeting to try and convince them to help.

Patrick Romanov arrived first and he shook Atlas's hand and kissed me on the cheek before sitting down. Next was Joseph Rigolio and his wife Rene Rigolio. They both had dark brown hair and brown eyes. His wife hugged me and Joseph gave me a friendly smile.

Next was Ben Burton who showed up with his very pregnant girlfriend named Maria. Maria was more outspoken and gave us a warm hello. The last two to arrive were two brothers Carlos and Marco Gesiepe. They were twins and a few years older than Atlas. They shook Atlas's hands and gave me a curt nod saying nothing.

"I called everyone here today because Lorenzo has taken things too far. He has sent men to kidnap two of my gang members and both were assaulted badly and then returned to us. I am working on taking him down but he has gotten bigger than I can handle alone. I called you all here today to ask if you can assist me in taking him down," Atlas said and Ben spoke up first.

"Why should we put our families at risk to save your own," Ben said to us, and Atlas clenched his jaw.

"Because after my gang is taken down, who do you think he is coming to next? Both of the members who were attacked were women. He is going after defenseless people to try and destroy the trust I have built with my gang," Atlas said, and I put my hand in his, giving it a tight squeeze.

"We have set in place maximum security for women and children in my house. So far the only person Lorenzo has even attempted to destroy is you Atlas," Joseph said, as he crossed his arms.

"In fact, Lorenzo showed up a few weeks ago asking for a peace treaty with my gang," Patrick said and Atlas's hand tightened around my leg.

"Did you agree to it?" Carlos asked, finally speaking up.

"No, I had promised Atlas I would consider helping him out. But Patrick offering the treaty confirmed my belief that he isn't after me or my gang," Patrick said. And everyone started to argue including Atlas. The twins were on his side and the rest of the group was not. I looked over at heavily pregnant Maria and quiet Rene and I realized they could be next.

I left the room and I grabbed Atlas's computer and the dvd. I put it in and walked back into the room slamming the door behind me causing everyone to stop and look in my direction.

I pressed play and set the laptop on the table next to Patrick who was on the end and I went and sat back in my seat. I was no longer going to be embarrassed by my rape, not if hiding it meant that more people would become victims.

Everyone watched as Lorenzo taunted Atlas while fucking my unconscious body. I held onto Atlas's hand and squeezed it, trying to tell him I was okay. He pulled me in closer and kissed the side of my head as I turned away from the computer.

"Enough," Maria finally said with tears running down her face. Patrick paused the video and looked at me as if he was in pain.

"He came into our home drugged me and then left me in Atlas's bar bathroom with nothing but a shirt on four days later. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. This happened again yesterday to a girl four years younger than me, and I am only 19," I said with tears streaming down my face. I stood up and continued through the tears.

"You may be safe today but how about in a year once our gang falls and Patrick is ready for more power, who in your gang are you willing to sacrifice?" I asked them all and everyone looked down.

"We need your help taking him down," Atlas finally said, standing next to me and grabbing my hand.

"We are with you," Marco said standing up along with his brother.

"So are we," Maria said, holding Ben's hand as they stood up. Patrick stood up.

"I will help you take down that sick fucker," Patrick said.

"What is the plan," Joseph said standing up smirking and everyone sat down as Atlas arranged a meeting to think of a plan. 

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