Part 7: The Recovery

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I woke up and I was feeling warmer but still shaking. I looked up and noticed Thomas was carrying me and I was wrapped in a blanket. I looked around and noticed the snow had picked up. I looked over and Atlas was still on the ground and Jonah was wrapping up his injuries.

"At-" I tried to speak but my vocal cords wouldn't work.

"He is alive," Thomas said as he placed me in the back of the car. I laid down in the back seat and felt myself falling back asleep.

I woke up and I was being brought into the torture room. I looked up and saw that Thomas was carrying me. I felt myself start to squirm as I panicked.

"Please don't," I said with my voice cracking as I spoke. Thomas brought me over to the table and I saw that a guy was waiting there and he grabbed my arms and held them down.

"Please," I whimpered as I felt a shot go into my arms and I felt my consciousness leave as I stared at the torture table.

I woke up again and there was an annoying beeping sound. I blinked open my eyes a few times and I felt groggy. I went to shift but I felt pain shoot through my right arm and shoulder.

"Don't move," I heard and I finally could see again and Jonah was standing over me. I noticed I was in Atlas's room and I had an IV hooked up to me and I was connected to a machine to read my vitals. I looked next to me and I noticed that Atlas was asleep connected to machines as well.

"What happened?" I asked, my voice was dry and sore.

"We found you both hypothermic and bleeding out. I had you rushed to get your arm fixed so we could bring Atlas in after and fix all of his injuries. We had to remove the bullet in your arm and repair the muscle. It also cracked your bone so you have a slight break. I stitched you up and wrapped it, you will have to stay in a sling for the next few weeks," Jonah said and I nodded.

"Are you a doctor?" I asked him, and he smiled.

"Yeah I am the gang's doctor," He said, I looked over at Atlas who seemed pale.

"How about Atlas?" I asked and he frowned.

"He got shot in the side of the chest and luckily it didn't hit any major organs. It was more so a graze on his side. His left arm will have to stay in a cast while it heals. He just lost a good amount of blood and his hypothermia was a bit harder to get him back from," Jonah said and I nodded my head.

"How much longer do I have to stay on bed rest?" I asked him.

"We are going to keep you here until Atlas wakes up.  We need to put you under strict security now and Atlas needs to tell us how to do it," Jonah said and I nodded my head not wanting to argue about something he can't control.

"Okay," I said and he nodded his head and left the room. I put on the tv and must have fallen asleep because I woke up to people talking.

"And she is okay?" I heard Atlas say, his voice sounded groggy and was deeper than normal.

"She should be healed up in a month or so," Jonah said.

"I want them to pay for this. Get Rodger to tighten security and I want all girlfriends of our gang to either move in here with their spouses or in the gang house. They specifically targeted my wife and I want them dead," Atlas said and I heard someone leave the room.

"How long am I on bed rest?" Atlas asked Jonah.

"I would say for at least one more day, preferably two," Jonah said.

"She stays with me, and once we are allowed to leave the bed I only want you or Thomas with her at all times if I am not here," Atlas said and Jonah left the room. I pretended to stir and I sat up and groaned at the pain in my arm when I tried to use it to sit up.

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