Part 12: The Package

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The next day all the men returned to have a meeting and I was in my room waiting for Atlas to be done. Carly ran into the room with a box.

"I have two of your first packages!" Carly said as she opened my door and tossed me the boxes and I thanked her. She told me to come and show her the outfits later and left after Atlas walked in from the meeting.

"You okay?" I asked him, and he sat down next to me.

"We have a plan in motion, it is just going to take some time," Atlas said and I gave up trying to open my box with my hands.

"Can you open this? I don't have scissors" I asked him, handing him the box. He took out his pocket knife and he cut it open and handed them both to me before he threw on another shirt. I opened up the box excited to see my clothing and instead it was two pairs of baby booties one blue and one pink and I felt my heart drop. I saw there was a note inside.

Will you be bringing me a little girl or a little boy to be my heir?


I dropped the box in shock and Atlas looked at me concerned. Atlas picked up the box and he looked inside. He seemed pissed but most of all he was concerned about me. He grabbed my hands and told me to breathe. I felt my heart racing and I could barely breathe as I had a full-blown panic attack.

"It is okay," He said, as he brushed the hair out of my face and made me look at him as he kneeled in front of me. I counted and then recounted the days in my head.

"I am late," I said, my face must be pale as I realized I was indeed five days late.

"We will figure it out, it is okay," He said, trying to calm me down but, I could tell he was just as worried.

Atlas left the room and a few minutes later he walked in with some pregnancy tests. I took them with shaky hands and I went into the bathroom. I peed on all three sticks and I put them on the counter.

I ran my hands through my head as I tried not to have an anxiety attack as I waited for the results. I heard a knock at the door and I opened it and Atlas was waiting with a worried expression.

"I can't do this," I said, and I felt nauseous as I waited for the results to come back. Atlas picked up the test and his face fell. I knew what the results were and I slid down the wall, my legs giving out on me. I wondered why nothing in my life could go right. It was like I was being punished every day that I lived.

"I am sorry," Atlas finally said and I was just numb. I didn't cry or lash out. I didn't move a muscle. I just stayed there on the bathroom floor and I stared at the floor.

Atlas at some point scooped me up and laid me on the bed. I don't know how long I laid there for. I felt like I was now just a shell of my body, my soul must have gotten sick of all the pain and left me for good. I couldn't sleep, and I wouldn't eat or talk to anyone. I just hoped I could wither away.

It must have been a day or so when Jonah leaned in front of me and he pushed some hair out of my face. I looked at him and he was speaking but I couldn't understand what he was saying. I felt a slight pinch in my arm and finally, sleep came to me.

I woke up and I was in a bedroom. I noticed the sheets from the video that we had found of me. I jumped up in shock and I got off of the bed. Once I did I saw Lorenzo sitting in a chair watching me.

"It won't change what happened here," He said as he played with a DVD in his hands.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked him with tears running down my face. I was just getting over this trauma and here it was again waiting to repeat itself.

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