Part 4: The Ambush

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I sat there for a while trying to decide what to do. It was about 4 pm so I had some time to kill before going to bed. I decided to go into the closet and organize the stuff that Carly had left for me. I put my makeup all in the top drawer of the vanity and I took the toothbrush, deodorant, perfume, hairbrush, and hair product into the bathroom to put it on the sink closest to the door.

I then turned on the tv and decided to watch a Netflix movie. I could hear people in the hallway talking and then it got pretty quiet. After the movie was finished I found a second one to watch. About ten minutes in the door slammed open and Atlas walked in and he was covered in blood.

I looked up at him in shock and I sat up in bed. He grabbed a painting off the wall and he threw it against the wall, causing me to jump back in shock. I flinched as he took the lamp off the side table and yanked it from the outlet and threw it against the wall causing the lightbulb to shatter and the wall to dent.

I was terrified to remind him I was in the room and have his anger be directed towards me. When Atlas punched the giant mirror in the room causing it to shatter and his left hand to become bloody I finally stood up and gently walked over to him.

"Atlas," I said, gently putting my hand on his shoulder and he turned around and grabbed me by my shirt and held me against the wall. His eyes softened as he realized it was just me and he let me go.

"Are you okay?" I asked him worried because he seemed so out of control which was not like him. He always seemed to be two steps ahead of everyone and was always extremely calm. He walked into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror.

"Kaleb is dead," He said and I thought of the man I met yesterday, he was around my age and seemed so full of life and so young.

"What happened?" I asked and he threw his head into his hands.

"We were ambushing the Celtics gang when things got out of control. Someone told them we were coming and they were waiting for us armed. Kaleb blocked a bullet meant for me and was dead within seconds," He said, holding onto the counter for dear life. He looked like he was physically in pain from all of this.

"I am sure Kaleb knew what he was doing," I said to him and he looked up at me.

"He saved my life because I am supposed to be their leader. But all I did was lead them to be slaughtered. I lost ten men tonight," he said bitterly, standing up and going to the bedroom, where on the dresser was a bottle of scotch. He poured himself a big glass and he sat down on the window ledge.

I almost went to comfort him but realized I would most likely just piss him off, so I decided to try and clean up the mess he had made. I walked over to the broken glass and I grabbed the garbage can in the room and I started to pick up the bigger pieces. I also picked up the broken lightbulb and I unscrewed the rest of it from the lamp and I returned it to the bedside table.

I looked at the painting and it was actually still intact so I hung it back up. I looked over at Atlas who was deep in thought. He finally finished his drink and stood up. He walked past me, his boots crunching over the broken glass and he slammed the door open. He walked into the hall and pounded on all of the doors.

"Meeting in the basement in five minutes, call everyone else, it is mandatory," He screamed into the hallway before slamming the door shut so we were in it. He cracked his neck and I watched him as he thought about what he was going to do next.

It was almost as if I could read every ounce of emotion on his face as he grieved his friend and the anger finally took over. He picked up a gun he had put down before getting a drink and he looked up at me.

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