Part 14: The Fight

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After a long drive, we finally reached a cabin and we all got inside and we locked the doors behind us, while the few guards stayed outside. The cabin was beautiful and looked homey.

We all found our rooms and then met back up in the living room. Maria's face looked tense as she watched David color. I sat next to her and I gave her a questioning look.

"Are you okay?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"I think I am going into labor," she said and my eyes widened.

"Are you serious?" I said and she grabbed my hand and squeezed as a contraction hit. Kate walked in and sat down across from us.

"How long have the contractions been happening?" I asked in a quiet tone, and Kate's eyes widened.

"I was feeling crampy all day but I thought it was just my body getting ready to give birth," She said, groaning in pain.

"How close have they gotten?" Kate asked quietly.

"About 6 minutes apart," Maria said and she finished the contraction.

"We need to get you to a hospital," I said to her, and she nodded her head.

"I will go with her," Kate offered, helping Maria stand up.

"I can stay here with Carly and we will watch David," I said as I stood up to help Maria to the door. I opened up the door and three guards were standing there.

"You guys can't leave yet," The one said, putting his hand up to us. I pushed his hand out of the way.

"She is going into labor, two of you need to go with her to the hospital," I ordered them, and their eyes widened. They called two people who must have been hiding and they came to bring Carly and Maria to the hospital.

"Good luck!' I said to Maria as I helped her into the car.

"Please keep David safe," she asked me as she squeezed my arm.

"I will," I promised as I put my hand on top of hers.

Once she left I sat with Carly and David and we played a card game together. We were joking around and trying to keep David distracted. That was when the power went out. I held onto Kate and David and my heart started to beat out of my chest.

"Stay here," I said to Carly as she picked up David.

I went to check out front and as I looked at the peephole I noticed the guards were passed out. I locked the front door and I realized something was wrong. I grabbed the gun from the drawer and I ran over to Kate who was standing up with David in her arms.

"The guards were knocked out," I said to Kate, whose eyes went wide.

"We need to hide," she said and we decided to go into the guest room on the main floor because it had a door leading to outside so we could escape if necessary.

I pushed David and Carly into the closet and hid them behind some blankets and pillows. I grabbed the gun and hid behind the dresser. I heard the door break down and I realized I needed to do everything to protect pregnant Carly and little David.

"Fuck," I mumbled as I headed to the closet. I handed Carly the gun and I walked out into the living room. I put my hands up as four guns were pointed at me.

"Just who we were looking for," the one guy said as he walked over and grabbed my arm. They put a cloth over my mouth and I found myself succumbing to the dizziness.

I woke up and my head was pounding. I sat up and I found myself handcuffed to a bed. I sat up and I saw a video camera facing me. I backed up so I was as close to the headboard as possible.

The room was dark with just a small dim light over the bed. I heard a laugh and I looked over and on a chair next to the bed was Lorenzo. I was in just a t-shirt and I was freezing. I felt my heart drop as I realized this wasn't a nightmare, this was real and I was screwed.

"You know, your husband is really bad at protecting you," Lorenzo said as he climbed onto the bed to get closer to me.

"Stay away from me," I warned him, and he laughed at me.

"Or what? There isn't anywhere you can go," Lorenzo said as he grabbed my leg. I kicked him and it hit him square in the nose. He felt his nose and he was bleeding.

"You stupid bitch," he said before punching me in the face hard. The punch had hit me in my cheekbone and it hurt so badly.

"You know I was going to go easy on you, but now I am not feeling so kind," he said as he roughly pulled me towards him. I was kicking my legs and hitting him with my one free arm and he was getting pissed.

He punched me again and I cried out as he split my lip. He grabbed my hips roughly and held me down on the bed. He got on top of me so his legs were holding down mine and he grabbed my wrists to hold me down.

"I have to say, it really hurt my feelings that you aborted our child. We are both so attractive it would have been one cute kid," he said and I was crying.

"Fuck you," I said as I screamed for help as he laughed at me.

"Oh, I am planning on it. I just need to make sure it is a great show for our dear Atlas. I plan on making this the finale," he said, winking at me and I started to cry.

"Please don't do this," I said and he let go of my handcuffed wrist, which was definitely cut, and brought his hand up to my face.

"I love when my women beg," he said, teasing me. He got off of me and I sat up curling my legs into a little ball.

"Now, I will give you a choice, we can fuck first and I torture you later, or torture first then I fuck your lifeless body," he said and I was instantly pissed.

"Is that the only way you can get a woman, by drugging them?" I said and he yanked my leg, breaking my ankle in the process. I screamed in pain as he continued to pull me down to him.

"Forget the torture, I will make your life not worth living. I will fuck you for days until you can't walk. I will then force you to have my child, and keep you for my own pleasure," Lorenzo said, losing his patience.

"Atlas will kill you for this," I said to him with tears in my eyes, and Lorenzo laughed.

"He won't ever find us," Lorenzo said before taking off his pants and trying to thrust himself into me. I screamed, cried, and fought against Lorenzo and he enjoyed every second of it. I was hit in the nose and I could feel the blood start to drip down, and he dug his nails into my arm.

He was about to enter me when we heard a huge explosion happen. He pulled out of me instantly and he actually looked scared. I sat up trying to cover myself up from the cut t-shirt I had on.

He wasn't able to grab his gun from his pants on the floor before the door flew open and there were three guns in his face. He stood there with nothing covering his bottoms with his hands in the air.

The two men grabbed Lorenzo and brought him out of the room, he was kicking and screaming at them. I looked up and noticed Patrick was standing there with a horrified look on his face.

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