Part 3: The Police Station

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Once I arrived I was sat on a bench and was told to wait there. Atlas came over, I am assuming from being processed, and was handcuffed to the bench right next to me. I looked over at him.

"Not what you pictured happening on your wedding night," he said after a few moments of silence, and I laughed.

"Not really," I said to him smiling and he let out a little smirk.

"I will make it up to you later I promise," he said suggestively to me and I did a quick glance and noticed that the police officers were watching our interaction.

"I will hold you to that," I said before leaning over to kiss him and he gave me a sweet peck.

"I love you," he said to me and I fake giggled and smiled at him.

"I love you more," I said to him and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"You know your lipstick is messed up," he said and I let out a chuckle.

"I know, it is all over your face," I said and he shook me off his shoulder.

"Get it off, I don't want to potentially be in a jail cell with makeup on," He said looking serious and I took the side of my hand and gently wiped the lipstick off.

"It is gone," I promised. I looked up and my heart dropped. I was looking at Jonathan Peak who was the son of my parent's friend who was a complete asshat. He had shaved his blonde hair and he was what you would picture the douchebag at your school to look like. He was a year or two older than Atlas.

He walked over and roughly grabbed my arm to pull me up. I was still wearing Atlas's suit jacket and it hurt through the jacket.

"Come with me," he said, and I gave Atlas one last look and he was glaring at Jonathan. Jonathan brought me to a room and sat me down roughly and let go of my arm.

" Jess, I have a few questions to ask and then you are free to go," He said and I glared at him.

"I will answer your questions once my lawyer gets here," I said to him and he seemed irritated.

"Listen, I know you and your parents. I can't imagine you dating and marrying a notorious criminal. Let me know how he got you to marry him Jess and we will put him in jail and I will keep you safe," He said and I looked at him.

"There is nothing to say, he asked me to marry him and I said yes. It is plain and simple. Like I said I will not be answering any questions until my lawyer arrives," I said to him, and Jonathan slammed the chair into the desk, causing me to jump, before leaving the room.

I waited about 20 minutes when Thomas walked in along with Jonathan who seemed even more annoyed. Thomas sat down next to me and Jonathan sat down across from us.

"I would like to state that as of 12:30 pm, which was 10 minutes before both of my clients were taken into custody, they were legally married and the paperwork was processed. So unless you have questions not pertaining to Atlas Jacobs, Jessica doesn't have to answer any of your questions and is free to go," Thomas said, and I was shocked about how much power was in his voice when speaking to this police officer.

"I guess she is free to go then," Jonathan said, and I got up from the table and Thomas led the way out.

"Jessica, I will be contacting your parents," Jonathan said and Thomas hesitated, giving me a confused look as he led me by my back out the door. I got to the lobby and Atlas was waiting for us. He walked over and pulled me in for a kiss.

"Are we free to go?" He asked the other Officer who nodded his head yes. Atlas wrapped an arm around my waist and we left the station. A limo was waiting for us and Atlas helped me in and got into the back with me and we headed back to his house.

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