Part 13: The Date

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The next few days I rested, which I had been doing a lot lately. I was sitting on the bed doodling while watching a movie when Atlas walked into the room.

"Get changed, we are going out," Atlas said to me, and I got up and went into the bathroom to get changed into leggings and a sweatshirt I had stolen from Atlas. I braided my hair into two tiny french braids and I walked into the room where Atlas was waiting for me.

He grabbed my hand and we walked down the stairs. We went out the front door and we got into the car. Atlas started to drive and five minutes away from the house he parked the car in the middle of a dirt road.

"Where are we?" I asked him, Atlas looked at me.

"I am teaching you how to shoot a gun," Atlas said and I looked over at him.

"I don't know," I said, nervous that I would hurt somebody by accident.

"You will be fine," Atlas said before getting out of the car and grabbing some targets from the back and he set them up in the middle of the field. I got out of the car and I walked over to him.

He handed me a small pistol. He then stood behind me and positioned my legs and arms to be ready to shoot.

"Line it up with your eye and make sure you are aiming towards the target. Breathe in and let out the shot as you breathe out," Atlas said, and I did what he wanted and the loud gunshot went off as I hit the edge of the target.

"Nice job, try again," Atlas said, standing back and letting me try on my own. I let a shot out and I hit just right of the target.

"Again," Atlas said, and we continued to practice until I hit right through the middle of the target.

"I did it!" I said giving him a huge smile and he smiled back at me.

"Finally!" he teased and I crossed my arms.

"Like you could hit the middle of the target every time," I joked and he raised an eyebrow.

"Want to bet?" he said and I tilted my head and smirked.

"Sure, what are we betting?" I said and Atlas walked over to me and grabbed the gun.

"If I lose I will watch an entire rom-com with you," Atlas said, and I laughed.

"Okay, what if I lose?" I asked him, and he went serious causing my smile to drop.

"You go on a date with me," he said and I felt my heart drop to my stomach in anticipation and excitement.

"A real date?" I asked him, and he nodded his head.

"We both dress up, get some food, and kiss you goodnight but nothing more because I am a perfect gentleman," he said with a small smile.

"You are on," I said, sticking out my hand, and he shook it and turned around. He let off three quick shots and each one hit the target right in the middle.

"Let's get you home so you can get ready," Atlas said, walking past me with a smirk on his face as I tried not to let it show how excited I was to be going on a date with Atlas.

Once we got home Atlas went into the closet and grabbed some clothing and headed into the backroom.

"I will be quick," he promised before shutting the door. I went into the closet and looked through my clothing trying to decide what to wear.

I grabbed light blue ripped jeans, a black belt, and an oversized silk button-up. I got changed and I tucked in the silk shirt and left it unbuttoned so it was slightly hanging off my one shoulder.

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