Part 15: The Execution

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"I want Atlas," I cried to Patrick trying to pull on the handcuff which had now ripped my wrist to shreds. Patrick tucked his gun in his pants and he went over to the bed frame he tore the wood and it broke, letting the other side of the handcuff fall. 

"Here," Patrick said, as he unbuttoned his blue dress shirt and he helped me put it on, as my hands were shaking too badly to button the buttons.

"He broke my ankle," I cried to him and he scooped me up in his arms. He carried me out of the room and I was blinded by the light. I noticed we had been in a literal shed in the backyard of a giant mansion. There were dead bodies everywhere and I realized we were in the middle of nowhere.

"Are Carly and David okay?" I asked, my voice scratchy from screaming.

"Yes, the guards got them to the hospital to be with Maria and Kate," Patrick answered me and I nodded my head.

We walked into the front yard and there were twenty or so men tied up sitting on the ground, being guarded by three guys and the front door was wide open. I noticed Jonah was giving stitches to a guard and he froze when he saw me.

"Shit," he said as he finished his stitch and he opened the back of an SUV so Patrick could put me down.

"He is still searching inside," Jonah said to Patrick who headed indoors. I cried as I looked at Jonah realizing I was safe. I was starting to shake and I wasn't sure if I was cold or in shock by what had just happened to me.

"He is going to be pissed," Jonah said to himself, as he started to clean the blood off my face. He had gotten to wrapping my ankle when Atlas came running out the door.

"Where is she?" I heard him ask and I pushed Jonah out of the way.

"Atlas," I cried as I tried to stand so I could run to him. He ran over and he picked me up and I sobbed into his neck.

"I was going insane once I realized he had taken you," Atlas said into my head in between him kissing me. He pulled me away and looked horrified at my face.

"I know I was beaten up but I can't look that bad," I joked with a pained smile and he brushed some hair out of my face as he sat me back in the car.

"You always look beautiful," he promised as he stood up and turned to Jonah.

"Take the prisoners to the cells and leave Lorenzo for me," Atlas said before sliding into the back with me. He held me in his arms as we drove back to his house.

Once we arrived Atlas picked me up and brought me up to our room. He set me down on the bed and he looked at me. I looked up at him and I could see a million things racing through his mind.

"I am okay," I said to him, and a few tears escaped his face. He pulled me into a hug and we both cried as we held each other.

"I failed you," Atlas finally said, and I grabbed his face and kissed him.

"You could never fail me," I said as I wiped a lone tear from his face.

"Did he touch you?" Atlas asked me quietly and I shook my head.

"He was close but didn't get the chance," I said to him and Atlas let out a shaky breath.

"I am going to help you shower and then I will have Jonah come get a cast on your ankle," Atlas said and I smiled at him and nodded my head.

After I was put in a cast and my cuts were cleaned I was helped onto the bed. Atlas left to go interrogate Lorenzo and Kate and Carly ran into the room and we all started crying as we saw each other.

"I was so terrified once I knew you were gone," Carly said as she held onto me and I rubbed her back.

"I am sorry, I just couldn't risk them hurting you or David," I said to her and Kate leaned her head on my other shoulder.

"Things should calm down for a while now that Lorenzo is dead," Kate said and we nodded our heads. They told me all about Maria having a baby girl and everything that had happened at the hospital.

Atlas walked in thirty minutes after Kate and Carly had left, and I looked up at him. His white dress shirt was unbuttoned and he was covered in splattered blood. He looked at me and I finally decided to speak.

"Is he dead?" I asked, and Atlas shook his head no.

"I didn't know if you would want to be there when it happens. We got all of the information we needed and I figured it might make healing easier if you know he is no longer here with us," Atlas said to me and I considered it for a moment.

"Okay," I said. Atlas picked me up and helped me get changed into a black long sleeve dress and I put my hair in a tight ponytail. I didn't bother covering up my bruises. Surprisingly Atlas brought us outside and I saw the entire gang was there, along with the members from the other gang.

They all looked at us as Atlas carried me to the front where Lorenzo was on his knees. His hands were tied behind his back and he was covered in sweat and blood. I could tell that Atlas had cut him pretty bad and Lorenzo actually looked pathetic.

"You are all here to witness the death of a gang. You involved my family, my wife, and you will die for this," Atlas said to Lorenzo. Everyone waited silently as Atlas lifted up his gun, surprisingly he handed it to me.

I looked down at it and I realized he wanted me to kill him. I looked up at Atlas and he spoke quietly so only I could hear.

"I will do it if you want, I just thought maybe you would want to," Atlas offered and I fiddled with the gun and looked up at him.

"I will do it," I said and he smiled and kissed my forehead. I took off the safety and I raised the gun and Lorenzo let out a laugh. The sound made my skin crawl. I lost my composure for a moment and lowered the gun.

"You are not a killer," Lorenzo said to me, as he stared at me, blood spewing from his mouth.

"You made me one," I said, as I lifted the gun and pulled the trigger. Lorenzo stood still for a moment as if shocked that I had shot him. Then he started to bleed from the hole I had created in his chest and he fell to the ground choking on his own blood. 

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