Part 6: The Shootout

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We went into the garage and he examined all the cars and he finally chose the SUV. I hopped into the passenger side and he got into the driver's side.

"Where do you live?" He asked me.

"I live right behind Moon Time," I said and he started the 20-minute drive. He parked in front of Moon Time.

"Let's go," He said and I got out of the car and he grabbed my hand. We walked past the back of the club and I noticed there was caution tape and dried blood everywhere and I tried not to think of what had happened here just days ago.

We crossed the street and towards my apartment building. It was the cheapest one I could find in the area so it wasn't the prettiest to look at. I walked up the stairs to the second floor and realized he had thrown away my keys yesterday.

"You threw away my keys," I said to Atlas. He kicked in the door and it opened within seconds.

"Not a very safe lock system," Atlas said, opening up the door for me.

"No one has bothered me yet," I shrugged my shoulders and walked into my living room which had a cheap old couch and nothing else. In my kitchen, there was an old table I found at a thrift shop and two chairs.

"Weren't you loaded in high school," Atlas said as he looked around my apartment.

"My parents cut me off," I simply said and he nodded his head. I walked over to my bedroom and Atlas followed me. He sat on my small twin-sized bed while I grabbed a suitcase from my closet. I had grown out of most of my high school clothing so I had to buy new clothing whenever I had the extra cash.

I had about four pairs of leggings, two pairs of jeans I thrifted, and I had two nice shirts I bought and mostly sweatshirts and T-shirts. I packed my small amount of clothing in the bag and threw in the two pajama sets that I had.

"Is that all you have?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"I don't need much, I was saving up for a computer and college," I said as I grabbed my sneakers and winter boots.

"What did you decide to go to college for?" He asked me.

"I hadn't decided yet," I said, closing my closet now that it was emptied out.

I then walked to my bathroom and I grabbed my hair straightener and blow-drier. I also grabbed my favorite hair product. I carried them all in and I threw everything in my suitcase and I zipped it up.

"I have everything," I said and Atlas picked up my suitcase and we walked out of my apartment. We walked over to the car and Atlas put my bag in the trunk and I went to open the passenger side. I looked over and saw a black car driving slowly towards us and the windows were rolling down. I saw the end of a gun starting to stick out the window.

"Atlas," I said in a gasp trying to warn him and his eyes went wide.

"Get down," He said, diving behind the car and I kneeled behind the wheel and covered my head with my hands as I heard bullets start to fly. I could feel the car shaking as it was showered with bullets and I looked over and Atlas was ducked with his gun in his hand. He looked over at me and he seemed worried.

I was covering my ears and the guns were still so loud. I could hear my heart thumping and I felt like I was in a dream. Atlas was watching me, to make sure I was okay and we heard the car pull off fast and the guns stopped firing.

Atlas waited for a moment before standing up and scanning the area. I sat there trying to repeat that I was okay over and over again. I remember this one time I fell out of a tree and while I was falling it was like I had tunnel vision and the world was starting to blackout as I knew I was about to be injured. I felt like that right now. Atlas ran over to me and pulled my hands away from my ear.

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