Part 10: The New Start

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I woke up the next morning and the drugs were completely out of my system and I could feel how sore I was. I sat up slowly, wincing in pain and I noticed Atlas was sitting in a chair next to me and he looked exhausted.

"Are you okay," he said, sitting up so he was right next to me.

"I uh.." I felt some tears brush to the surface and I let only a few fall.

"I am ready to have an exam," I said, and Atlas brushed one away and I flinched as his hand got closer, he pulled it back.

"I will get Jonah," He said, and I was grateful that he wasn't making me move. A few moments later Atlas and Jonah walked in, and Jonah had a huge bag with him.

"If you feel uncomfortable at all you just tell me and we stop," Johna said and I nodded my head.

"So what are your main problems?" Jonah asked me and I glanced over and Atlas was standing next to me with his arms crossed.

"Uhm, my neck is pretty sore," I said wanting to start with the easy thing to fix. Jonah looked at the bruise.

"Yeah, it seems that he had choked you at one point so you will be sore for the next few days," He said, checking in my throat just to make sure it wasn't something else.

"And I-" a few tears fell and I wiped them and took a shaky breath.

"I uhm, I have a bite-" I said crying into my hand for a second trying to pull myself together. I felt Atlas sit me up and he sat behind me, and he pulled me into his arms. He wiped my tears and kissed my head. I took another shaky breath. I decided just to show him, and I lowered the robe to show a bite mark on my chest which was pretty deep and was still bleeding.

Jonah looked shocked as he moved the robe to examine it closer, and I felt Atlas rub down my arm and I found myself leaning into him, hoping he could be strong for me.

"It's okay," Atlas whispered in my ear as I tried to not cry.

"This may need a stitch or too,' Jonah said, before turning to his bag to get the anesthetic. He put it on me and he gave me two stitches and then covered them up.

"I am assuming you are feeling some discomfort in the vaginal area," Jonah finally said and I was glad he brought it up so I didn't have to.

"There was some bleeding," I said, and Jonah looked at both Atlas and me.

"I think it would be smart just to check, and maybe to do an STD test," Jonah said gently and some tears fell down.

"Okay," I said, and he asked me to move down and spread my legs. My entire body was shaking as I did and Atlas held me saying soothing words in my ear as I did it.

"It is definitely raw, but there are luckily no tears. You will be sore for the next few days but it should heal fine. I am going to do a vaginal STD test as well as a blood one just to be thorough," Jonah said and I nodded my head.

He grabbed a speculum and he lubed it up and I flinched as he entered it inside me. He swabbed my cervix and then he put it in a test tube. He told me I could sit up and I did, still in Atlas's arms. He then took some blood and he then looked at both Atlas and me.

"I know this is a difficult situation, I would recommend taking the morning after pill just in case of an accidental pregnancy. I just want to prepare you because Jessie has been gone for so long it may not be effective," He said and that made my heart drop.

"I want to take it anyways," I said and he handed me the pill and I swallowed it. He then left the room promising to have results within the next few hours. Atlas sat up and he moved next to me, pulling me into his chest.

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