Part 8: The Kidnapping

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"Fuck" the man said and I kicked his gun and I ran away and he started chasing after me. I started running up the stairs and started screaming.

"Atlas!!!! Help!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. The intruder grabbed my ankle and I landed on my side really hard, trying not to land on my gunshot wound. I held onto the railings and started kicking my legs at him. He dropped the files and papers went everywhere. He let go of me and started to run away when the click of a gun stopped him.

"Not so fast," I heard Atlas say and I saw that he and Jonah were standing at the top of the stairs with guns in their hands. Two guards had come to see what was happening and they grabbed the man and started dragging him downstairs.

I sat on the stairs and I tried to catch my breath, I was shaking in fear. I was almost kidnapped or killed. Atlas walked down the stairs and he pulled me into his chest and I found myself trembling in his arms. He held the back of my head and I buried my head in his neck trying to calm myself down.

"You are safe, it is okay," he said and finally I let go of him.

"What happened?" Atlas asked me, and I looked at his face and I could tell it had worried him too.

"I went to the kitchen just to get some water and I looked up and that guy was coming out of your office with two folders. He dropped his gun in shock at seeing me, and I kicked it and started to run towards you. He grabbed my ankle to try and stop me from running away," I said and Atlas looked over at Jonah who had picked up all of the papers.

"What was in the folder?" He asked Jonah and Jonah looked up at us.

"It was copies of your marriage license, and the papers to legally change Jessie's name. It was also information about the next meeting," Jonah said.

"I am going to interrogate, do you want to come?" Atlas asked me, and I surprise even myself by nodding my head yes.

We headed into the room and the man was already handcuffed to the wall with bruises on his face. The two guards let us into the room and guarded the exit.

"I can't tell if you are stupid or incompetent," Atlas said laughing and the man glared at him. Atlas walked over to his torture table.

"I am not scared of you, you need me alive to get information," The man said, and Atlas turned around and threw a knife at the man and it hit him right at his dick and the man screamed out in pain.

"You see, I have a gift of being able to slowly torture men for years. I have one I have been torturing for four years, another I have been torturing since I was 15. So you are right I do need you to get information but I have all the time in the world, and so do you," Atlas said pulling the knife out of him.

"Who sent you here," Atlas said and the man shook his head.

"Salt," Atlas said and Jonah threw him a bottle of salt and Atlas poured it on his wound and the man screamed as the salt burned his cut, and I cringed at the thought of it.

"Who sent you here," Atlas asked again and the man spit on him. Atlas turned away with an evil smile on his face and I knew whatever was about to happen was going to be ugly.

Atlas walked over to the table and he grabbed a butcher knife and a lighter. I turned away and I heard the man pleading for Atlas not to do it. I then heard screaming and the sound of the lighter and more screaming.

I turned back around and I noticed two toes and a finger were on the ground and the man looked like he was going to pass out and was sweating. He had pissed himself and there was pee and blood dripping down his leg. I looked over at Atlas and I noticed his chest was bleeding down his side.

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