☆𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 12☆

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moments before Y/n left, the Addisons were reuniting, just as they had suspected. the 5 were brothers, and the colored Addisons were heartbroken when Spamton went missing. Spamton didn't respond, still in shock from seeing the others. he was overjoyed! but he had no idea if they were still going to avoid him again like before.

on the other hand, Yellow was relived and happy to see him safe. though who's to say the person next to him wasnt the same reason that made Spamton go missing? Orange was very happy to see Spamton again, just seeing him there gave him hope that everything will return to before.

Blue felt the same way as Orange, he missed the little guy. the mornings spent, going out to eat, just all of them together again made it worth any wait. Pink was furious at whatever made Spamton go missing, but let it go for now. they were all joined in on a hug, not wanting to let go.

after a hour spent walking around and catching up, they were currently at the bar and grill they used to go to. Spamton was sitting in the middle of the seats at the bar, with the others around him. they had ordered food when Yellow asked,

"Where were you, anyways?"

Spamton was a bit hesitant, as he didnt want to say that he was homeless. actually, as he thought it over, he suddenly remembered about Y/n. realizing he forgot to introduce them, he was about to say something when Pink spoke up since he took too long to reply,

"Yeah, c'mon Spamton where were ya? You had Blue here bawling like a baby!"

Blue looked shocked, and said a bit offended,

"Wha- I didn't cry that much! At least I didn't attack anyone-"

Orange whined and said,

"Cmonnn guys, this is supposed to be a happy moment!"

Yellow chuckled at their antics, and said to Orange,

"No no, let them at it."

Spamton looked on and smiled, he really missed these dorks. Blue and Pink got into one of their little play argumentsIt just ended with them both laughing and blue giving Spamton a side hug from their bar seats.

he smiled wider, though he still wanted to ask something, he decided to do that later. they let Spamton go just so they could continue to eat again. Yellow stayed quiet, he finished his food, but was content with watching them. they finished the food, and Yellow paid for the bill.

when they walked outside, they were planning on going to their house that they all used to share. that was when Spamton saw the opportunity to speak up, and spoke,

"L3TS [[Come over to my place]] F1RST!"

"Your place? Guys- lets go right now!"

Orange said, excited to see where Spamton had been living these past few years. Yellow hummed an agreement, and Pink replied,

"Hell yeah! Lets see where've you been at all this time"

"That would be nice"

Blue finished off. Spamton took the lead, and was talking to them about his roommate, Y/n. Pink didnt trust them, but he was usually upset about something. Orange was excited to meet them, and Yellow didnt care either way. Blue was a bit anxious to meet them, so when they were standing outside their apartment, Blue held Spamton for comfort.

y/n pov

"i watched tv for about another hour or so when i got a knock on the door, going up to the door i could hear murmurs of different people. looking through the small hole on the door, i saw 4 differently colored people, with the Blue one holding Spamton. oh! its the Addisons and Spamton. i opened the door, only now feeling a bit guilty for leaving them behind."

Spamton waved at me, saying,


"Heya Spam, and hello Addisons, what brings you here?"

i replied back, a bit nervous but i tried my best to not show it. luckily, they didnt mention anything about it as the Yellow one replied,

"Just call us by what color we are, its similar to being color coded. We wanted to see where Spamtons been living at for the past few years."

he said to me, coldly. i suppose we did just meet after all, but i was confused by the years part. i was going to say something about it, but Spamton gave me a look so i decided against it for now. i reply to Yellow,

"Sure then! you guys can come in, you are Spam's family after all."

"Great, thanks!"

Orange said, almost immediately coming in to the apartment after i said they could. Pink followed, then the other three. they took a quick look around the livingroom, before they got dragged off by Spamton to look at the rest of the apartment. i didnt know what to do, so i sat down on the couch again, looking at the tv.

they spent some time talking, but i couldnt overhear their conversation. i relaxed into the couch, waiting for them to walk out. in the distance, i heard Spamtons door opening, and confused noises. i guess the found the 'pipis', i giggle out loud at the thought of their reactions.

they come back, this time Spamton was on Oranges shoulders. they were talking togther, when Spamton included me in their conversation,

"TH1S IS y/N          ! THEYRE MY [[Friend Request: Accepted!]]!"

"Ah, so your Y/n. Nice to meet you"

Yellow replied, before Orange grabbed my hands excitedly, saying,

"I shouldve asked for your name earlier! Ive heard so much about you from Spamton- we have to catch up!"

"Go easy on em' Orange"

Pink said with a chuckle at the end. Orange dragged me to the kitchen, where he talked to me about.. a lot. is he usually like this? hes talking super fast, though i know what hes saying as jumps from one point to another. he seems friendly, just a lot to take in at first glance.

we end up talking for a few more minutes before i get dragged by him again, only this time to the livingroom. where once again they were talking, but this time i was invited to the conversation. they made themselvess right at home it seems. well, they are Spamtons family, so theyre probably going to be over here a lot.

despite their accidental rude introduction, theyre pretty funny to listen to. im just glad that Spamton actually has people to invite over now, as i know hes pretty lonely. we continue talking, and they left later that night.

ok idk if this sounds rushed or not, but my brain is already fried, so maybe ill go through and edit the book once its finished?? maybe

anyways, once again credit to my discord friend! i took some things from the rp we have, so im giving them credit again lol

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