☆𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 16☆

698 32 41

y/n pov

the person who glitched in was.. Spamton? speaking of which, the heat i felt was probably from our soul bond. he looked distressed, and his glasses were covered in static. i feel my heart hurt a bit, he looked so panicked and distressed, he always looked like this after nightmares. thats why i let him in my room if he had a nightmare..

no! this isnt the time for this. this little shit used me for my apartment, he never actually cared about me. i scowled at him, the betrayal in my eyes evident. he speaks up, running at me,

"Y/n! you cant trust him- you cant- he isn't what he seems!"

the panic in his voice was blatantly obvious, what was he so panicked about? that he wont have a free place to stay? he disgusts me, how shameless of him. i trusted him, i hate him. i hate himi hate himi hate himi hate himi hate himi hate him.

i turned to G, about to agree anyways, when he crashes into me full speed. i take a second look at him, and it felt as if i was calm. i dont understand why i was so mad at him earlier? my head hurts like hell, and it feels like my vision is blurred. G uses magic to throw Spamton to the other side of the room. he says,

"My child, that impudent rat is trying to sway your choice. I have given you warnings about him, will you listen to the man who has been nothing but kind to you, or someone you found in a dumpster?"

"uh- i-"

i start tripping over my words, now that G was near my, suddenly it was like i was on pain killers. i start rethinking everything. only now that im back around G, am i thinking about Spamton again. that prick- wait what? he looks at me, the disappointment obvious as he tells me,

"Are you seriously still choosing him over your father? Even though we aren't related by blood, I still thought of you as my child. I thought wrong, hm?"

"that not it- im just-"

its almost like my brain cant form any other thought than 'Your disappointing him. He is running out of patience, go to your father'. this isnt like me- why is he acting like this? i know that if he cared, he wouldnt be acting like this, im not that stupid. though i feel stupid for even trusting him, for some reason no matter how much i hate him, my inner dialogue is still repeating the same phrase from before.

focused 3rd pov

Y/n was completely surrounded by G's magic, and it was only now visible to Spamton the green string that was dangerously close to them. Spamton was glad he got here when he did- but now he was being bound to the floor, unable to move. being forced to watch as the person he cares so much for, the person he loved, make the same massive mistake as he did.

due to the massive amount of magic G has, Spamton also couldnt yell or speak to Y/n. this was torture to him, as he was panicked, and now crying on top of it. though G's figure was starting to wave in and out of existence, he couldnt stay for too long. this lesssened the magic used on both of them, as Y/n was finally able to take a few steps away from G.

Spamton shouted,


Y/n, seemingly in a better state of mind now that the magic was off, sprinted to Spamtons side. they were keeping a close eye on G, as he shifted to his true, goopy form. he said,

"It wont matter what you do, where you hide, or how you try to avoid me. From the void, I can see everything."

"Shut up!"

Y/n replied to him, furious. they felt betrayed and stupid, but pushed those thoughts aside as they watched G closely. as his form was was rapidly going away, he said,

"No matter, a lightner soul is infinitely more valuable. I will win this game, Y/n."

unfortunately, Y/ns fate was sealed, it has been the moment they entered this world. with the soul bond cutting Spamton strings with G, Y/ns been the ideal target ever since. Y/n didnt know this, and flipped G off, then he vanished. it didnt take a rocket scientist to know that it wouldnt take long for G to be back, and both of them knew it.

though Y/n picked Spamton up, as now that G was gone, the magic was gone as well. they walked back to the apartment in silence, as they were both lost in thought, and scared of the man who speaks in hands. when they got back, the silence was broke with Spamtons 10x more glitchy voice asking Y/n if they were okay, and the duo finally started talking.

they started to come up with a plan, and it seemed like they were getting nowhere when Y/n half-hazardly mentioned a new lightner. Spamton instantly replied,


"Oh, its a college guy's sibling. Their name was Kris or something, apparently they were just at the card castle."

Y/n was thankful that they read up on the different dark worlds, apparently there was an infinite number, but there was 5 main ones. Kris was in one of them, meaning that they were likely to come to this one next. Y/n said,

"Wait a minute, I think that means that they're going to be here next-"

"TH3Y ARE?! [[This is your chance]] T0 BREAK [[Free for a low cost!]]           W3 C^N USE THEIR [[Hyperlink Blocked]] T0 GET 𝚢𝚘𝚄 OUT OF TH1S [[Mess on aisle 5]]!"

"Wait what? What and how?"

"I M3@NT [[Heart Shaped Object]]"

"A soul?"


"How will that help?"

"[[Heart Shaped Object]] AR3 ᴠᴇʀʏ P0WERFUL, USING OUR [[Bonded]], 1 CAN BR3AK US BOTH [[Free! Free!]]"

"Wait- we have to take their soul?! Thats messed up, wont that be the same as murdering them?"

"T3MP0RAILY, WE JUST HAVE T0 [[Borrowing it]] F0R A WHILE"

"We can just give it back?"

"IT CANT [[Be on hiatus]] FOR TO0 ʟᴏɴɢ"

Spamton meant that it cant be away from the body for too long, and miraculously Y/n understood as they nodded. they were against the idea, but it might be the only way to get out of this without being a puppet. the conversation continues, and Spamton mentioned the machine in the basement. 

again, Y/n was hesitant, but Spamton was too determined to say no to. after about an hour, they came up with a plan to get Kris to do everything for them. sighing, Y/n sat down on their bed, exhausted from today. Spamton hugged them, saying,

"... I really did miss you... ..."

"I missed you too"

as Y/n yawned. Y/n didnt even hear Spamton mutter a confession, as they were already asleep by then. they both fell asleep on top of the blankets, as they cuddled closer together.

watching regular show while typing this is like a acid trip, whats your favorite show? i might watch it as backround noise when im writing-

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