☆𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 14☆

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y/n pov

i waited for a few hours, just doing my favorite hobby in the meantime. i look back at the laptop to see that a response came through. i opened the article to see that he wanted to make a shoot with me, and if i did, that hed take me back. nothings free of charge in this life, huh.

i know hes the only darkner i can access, as suddenly asking for Kris's contact information is a no. i send an email back, saying that ill do the shoot if i can see the recording studio first. he replies back almost instantly, agreeing to the idea. i was about to make a reply, when the screen went to static.

the screen seemed to make a smile, as this time everything was going dark, like how it did before. it caught me off guard, but i was able to stay awake this time. i could see how my clothes were changing, but as i looked down, i was changing into a suit, and not what i was wearing before in the dark world.

the suit was the same one as before, in that hyper realistic dream.

(just think of the same suit you imagined before, as the picture is here just for inspo.)



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i look up to see a typical shooting set for things like tv shows and commercials. taking a look around, i also see the same table from my dream surrounded by the voids darkness. i was about to walk around before i was cut off by a gameshow host-like voice,

"Welcome Y/n, nice to see you in good health after your hospital visit!"

whoever he is, just shouting my visit for the world to hear, a jerk move. i start to turn around, still trying to be polite,

"Id prefer you not shout that. Now who are- Mike?"

i say his name as soon as i turn around, shocked that im suddenly meeting face to face with him. he replied to me,

"The one and only! Shocked? Confused? Dont worry! You agreed to see the studio before the shoot, so here it is!"

hes saying all of this in a very pushy tone, i already dont like this guy, but if i want to go back i have to play nice. i was about to say something when he continued,

"You recognize the table over there from your meetings with the publisher, correct?"

the publisher? all i know is that table is extremely similar to the one in my dreams. i speak up and ask,

"The publisher?"

"He goes by many names! Hes my publisher, and maybe a tutor figure to the next. Dont worry, my lips are sealed about what he is to you!"

"Is it supposed to be a secret?"

"Of course! I just happened to overhear, so thats why I told you mine! Theres certain roles we have to fit, and yours is going to be decided shortly! So we might as well go ahead and check out the studio, as you might be spending some time here!"

"Wait wait wait- what?"

"So this is the-"

he continues talking, and im still having issues with what he just said. although he wont go into anymore detail about it. i follow him, wary of where i am. what did he mean meetings? all i remember is the dream i had. i rub my arm as i think, but i feel it bandaged. he stops talking, before looking at my arm and going,

"You had a nasty fall the last time you were here! Didnt he tell you to stay there? Dont worry though, you got patched up, and your as good as new! One of the others even sowed up your suit for you, you still have to say thank you after this!"

"Oh- yeah of course! Ill tell them thank you later."

i added a small chuckle at the end, trying to convince him that i knew whatever hes talking about. he continues to lead me around, and i just hope he bought it. we eventually go back to where we started, and he said,

"Unfortunately i have another client, and he needs to speak with you. So the shoot will happen later, but go have a good talk, and tell me how it goes!"


i say, still faking that i knew what the hell was going on. he ushers me outside, and i stand on a invisible platform. i look around, now only seeing nothing for miles. i take a few steps forward out of instinct, almost as if i knew the place. i walk to the table and sit down, the tea from before gone.

was this place not a dream? i dont think it is, as i can feel my back, and now that i pay attention to it, its super painful. i guess it didnt heal fully like Mike said it did. i fidget with my hands out of instinct, nervous. i didnt want to fall again, the last time i did it hurt like hell. though maybe the only way out of this place was to die?

i didnt want to test it. i look at the table, where i remember there tea being. was this place like the dark world? or was it a new world entirely? if theres shadow and light, is this the place between?.. the place between shadow and light.. why does that sound familiar? i close my eyes as i try to remember, when i suddenly remember void.

it seems like that opened a flood of memories, they all seemed of this place, as i finally know what Mikes talking about-

so plot, am i right? man my brain is going mmmmm rn

so hows it feel to use the suits again? you thought it would be just for one chapter? nah!

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