M.R. | Hush Pt. 4

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lady_dragonyy  wrote this entire part & did an amazing job!! Please tag her in your comments and thank her! Enjoy 🥰

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lady_dragonyy  wrote this entire part & did an amazing job!! Please tag her in your comments and thank her! Enjoy 🥰

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Ratched's POV

It doesn't happen often that patients have nightmares. Or, well, maybe it does. But it is not often that they cry or scream so loud that we have to wake them up. Tonight though seems to be one of these nights. Someone is whimpering so loud I heard it in the staff room. As I hurry down the corridors, I come closer and closer to Y/Ns room. Could it be her having the bad dream?

When I open her door, I find out that it was indeed her. I rush to her bed and reach out for her shoulder to shake her gently, but just as I touch her, she jolts up with a panicked expression on her face. Her breathing is way too fast, she is almost hyperventilating.

"Ms Y/L/N, breathe, slowly. In... and out. In... and out." I repeat the whole process a few times, until her breathing is normal again.

"Wait here a minute, I'll fetch you a glass of water." I stand up and head to the staff room. But insetad of filling a glass for Y/N, I splash myself some cold water at my face. This whole sight has me way too flustered. I should't feel this way towards a patient, but I can't help myself. I finally fill a glass of water and walk back to Y/Ns room.

Just before I enter, I stop for a minute in the doorframe to look at her. She hasn't seen me yet, so this gives me a moment to admire her without shame. She looks beautiful like this. Messy hair, dilated pupils, all sweaty. I can't help but imagine how she would look like squirming underneath me, begging for any kind of release. I snap myself out of my thoughts and walk in to set the glass down on the girls nightstand.

Y/N looks at me. "Thank you" she breathes.

"Don't mention it, I'm just doing my job." I answer, sitting down on the bed.

She stares at me with big innocent eyes. I almost get caught up in the moment, before I clear my throat. "I should check your temperature, your face is all flushed."

The young girl nods and leans back again. I bring my right hand up to her forehead, shifting my weight on my left arm that is placed on the bed, a few inches over Y/N's shoulder.

I retreat my hand from the girl's forehead again, just to find her gaze fixed on my chest. I smirk knowingly, waiting a few seconds before breaking the silence.

"See something you like?" My voice is raspier, a bit deeper than usual. Y/N blushes furiously and averts her eyes from my breasts.

She stammers an excuse, trying to find something to make me believe she wasn't staring at me. "I wasn't- I, uhh, the medication, I can't think straight-"

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