L.T. | Your Mom Pt. 3

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I gather the abundant saliva on my tongue, pushing it through my lips and onto my chest. My skin erupts in chill bumps at the sensation dripping down my sternum.

Without saying a word, Linda rakes her nails along my stomach and into my shorts, stopping at the first turn of hair. I've wanted nothing but her hands in my woman hood for months, but I can't help but be self-conscious, even if for a moment. It quickly fades as she dips a single digit in my slit, softly gasping at the puddle gathered there. She looks up at me with heavy eyes, her brows drawn together in disbelief.

"My god, baby..."

I close my eyes and lean my forehead against hers, ready to surrender to her every desire. She kisses me softly, sighing in contentment at the feeling of our mouths locked together. I soon feel her finger leave my slit and relocate to my nipple, drawing damp, slow circles. If there's one thing I love most about Linda (other than the obvious 🤤), it's her hands. One touch, and I'm useless. I might as well be in another realm.

Her hot breath on my nipple causes it to stand erect, providing the perfect opportunity to be captured by her lips. My eyes flutter open as I hear her moaning, sucking the arousal off of my breasts.

"You taste so fucking good, Y/N..."

Fire flashes behind her eyes as she dips her finger into my wet desire once again, scooping it up to my clit. Before she can remove her hand from my shorts, I grab her wrist, shoving her hand back where I want it.

"Fuck me," I whine through clenched teeth.

"Oh my," a low chuckle rattles through her throat. "Is this where you want me?"

"I do...please...I can't take it any longer."

"Say no more." She grins at me and removes her shirt, now just standing in her bra.

"Unclasp this for me, will you?" I remove my shorts and position myself behind Linda, pressing my pelvis against her beautiful ass. As I remove her bra, I can't help but inhale her scent - leaving kisses behind her ear and down her neck.

"My god, you're intoxicating."

Her right hand flies to my hair, encouraging me to continue as I mark her skin with my mouth. I snake my arms around her waist and up to her heavy breasts, fondling them with my fingers ever so gently.

"Turn around, I want to see you..." I whisper.

As she faces me, completely naked for the first time, I can't help but stare in awe. She looks even more ravishing with the sheen of sweat across her chest and abdomen, highlighting her dips and curves. She smirks at my dumbfound expression, reaching for my hand to intertwine our fingers.

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