W.V. | Secrets Pt. 2

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The Following Day

I was hungrier than usual as I awoke this morning...the only downside to eating a huge meal the night before. I've decided to distract myself by spending all day in the library. I've only read about half of the books in here, so I've still got plenty to choose from. Sometimes I play the grand piano at the far end of the room, but I only know so many songs and they become bland after a while.

Although I've read it several times before, I pluck "Leaves of Grass" from the shelf and tuck it under my arm. I settle into a plush Victorian chair by the fire and crack the worn book open. I skim for my favorite page, finding it in no time. It reads,

"I celebrate myself;
And what I assume you shall assume;
For every atom belonging to me,
as good belongs to you"

I let the familiar words comfort me as I get lost in the pages of emotive poetry. Whitman is special, his words are just as grounding as they are abstract. He affirms my thoughts and questions them at the same time. Our conversations through these pages makes me feel not so alone. It's a funny thing, really. I might write myself one day. That's what I'll do if I ever see the world again. I'll travel everywhere I possibly can and capture it with the most spellbinding prose.

"You read that one a lot," a monotone voice sounds from behind me and I jump, dropping the book on the floor. As I lean forward to pick it up, a cane comes into view.

"You're easily frightened I see," Ms. Venable stands before me with a hint of a smirk playing at her lips.

"I- no I'm not. Well, sometimes noises scare me. But people don't."

"Is that so?" she asks.

I suffice with a nod.

"Dinner is starting in five minutes, don't be late." And with that, she disappeared as quickly as she came.

How long was she watching me? And how the hell does she know I like Leaves of Grass? I guess the library isn't the most private place, and I frequent here quite often.

I'm secretly hoping that another pot of steaming oysters will be awaiting me, but my wish deflates as I spot the foggy gelatin cubes on every plate. I can sense the same energy among the others, as we reluctantly take our seats and wait to begin our meal.

"There are no oysters tonight, but be grateful for what we do have." Ms. Venable taps her cane twice, but no one moves. I'm the first to pick up my fork and poke at the cube, cutting off tiny bites so I can swallow without chewing. The rest follow gradually. Besides the cutlery scraping the plates, silence is all that can be heard. No joyous conversations or bellowing laughs like last night, just tension.

"Do you think they'll send us other meals? Maybe they can get some from where they got the oysters, surely it's getting better out there?" Gallant hesitantly questions.

Ms. Venable looks toward him, her dark eyes shining in amusement as she finishes chewing. "Did I tell you that there would be another meal?"

"Uh...well - no." Gallant sighs in defeat and picks at his cube.

"Well then, there you have it." The dry tone of Venable's voice indicates apathy but her eyes hold something else.

"THIS IS BULLSHIT!" Coco's fists slam down on the table, making everyone jump in surprise.
"We have been in here for too goddamn long! Is the cooperative doing anything? I mean how fucking long does it take to do what they promised?" She stands up forcefully, flipping her chair over backwards.

Pointing at Ms. Venable, she yells, "And you! If you're as powerful as you say you are why the hell are we sitting down here rotting away. Is it because you're too afraid to give it up? Huh? You couldn't fuck your way to the top like the rest of them?"

"How dare you speak to me like that!" Venable's voice thunders with rage as her fists meet the table.

Without thought, she lunges across the table and grabs Coco by the throat, pulling her close enough to feel her struggling breath waft against her own face. "May I remind you, all of the other outposts have been overrun. If it weren't for me, your pathetic disgrace of a life would've been swallowed up a long time ago." She growls through clenched teeth and tightens her grip.

"Nothing to say? Hmph." She pauses to enjoy the sound of Coco's wheezing. No one moves a muscle or makes a sound.

"That's what I thought, you imbecile," without warning she spits on Coco's face and throws her into the floor.

"Ms. Mead, would you please escort this ungrateful idiot to the chambers."

Without question, she and the other guard lift her unconscious body by the arms and drag her down the dark hallway.

"Dinner is over!" Venable's voice booms over us as she taps her cane twice and the grays come scurrying in to clean up.

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