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"ok mom I'm gonna go back to bed I'm still a bit tired"
I say while holding my head down so she doesn't see how red my eyes are.
"ok honey"
I run upstairs trying to hold back the tears but once I get into my room all my emotions come flowing out. I can't believe she lied to me. I thought we were something special but obviously not. I open my phone to see a text from a unknown number.
"she's mine."
I look at it confused
"whos this" I text
"Katherine. I think you should back off serenity I seen you guys kissing and I know you were at her house I seen your shoes in serenity's house"
"what do you want from me just leave me alone"
"listen just back off serenity she nor anyone else will ever love you. you pig"
"ok." I text
I didn't notice I was crying till I seen a tear on my phone screen. i walk to my bed feeling numb. She was right nobody would ever wanna be with someone like me. I should just keep my distance it would be better for her and everyone else if I left her alone. I close my eyes and try falling asleep when I open my eyes again it's around 9pm. I get up and walk downstairs to get a glass of water." once im done I get the sudden urge to take a walk. I'm in my pajama pants and the same oversized shirt Serenity gave me. I put on my Nike slides but just before I'm about to leave I see serenity walking the same direction I was planning on going. i sigh and take my shoes off. I go back upstairs and decide to take a shower to take my mind of things I grab some clothes and a towel and walk to the bathroom I get in the shower and sit there for a sec trying to get my mind off things while I'm showering I get a text. I don't look at it till I get out the shower.
"hey it's jade, what's up!" serenity texts me
I block her. it would be better if I stayed away from her. the weekend passes and school starts I do my usual in the morning then get on the bus. once I got to school I started walking to my class.
"move it fatty" i hear coming from behind me.
it's Kathrine. I wish I could stick up for myself more often.then I see serenity she smiles and waved at me but I ignore her and keep walking to my class. she doesn't deserve someone like me. I get to my class and pull out my favorite romance novel and start reading while waiting for class t start. the class goes by slower then usual. the bell finally rings and I go to my locker and put in the combination once I open it a note falls out.
"meet me in "the classroom" at 2:20"
I crumble the note and throw it away. I feel a bit bad but oh well I'm not good enough for her. she deserves better. I go to my next class and the time goes by faster this time. it's finally the end of the day I get to go home lay around and watch anime till my mom yells at me for watching to much tv. I go to my locker and put in the combination then I open it and grab my book bag. i get a text...when I looked down I gasped.
"OH MY GOSH" I yell before quickly covering my mouth. it's sage my bestfriend and only friend since like forever.
"hey wanna come over for a bit and watch saiki k with me ;)"
"OFC!" I send
I quickly run out the door and to her house not even worried about serenity. I finally get there and knock on the door................

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