chapter one - avengers assemble

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Evans's POV
The day starts off like any other. My dog, Dodger, wakes me up and gets me out of bed. Then we go for a walk, before I have to go to Marvel 'headquarters' for a meeting. Everyone's been summoned, all of the main 'avengers'. I have no idea what it's about. No one does, but you get used to that working with Marvel. Luckily, I'm staying at my LA place. If I was in Boston, you can bet they'd still expect me to fly over. That's the thing with Marvel. They call, you run. When we get back from the walk, I feed Dodger and make myself a bit of breakfast, while watching the morning news. As usual, I get a bit invested in it, losing track of the time, until there's a knock on my front door. "Ah, shit." I mumble, shoving half a piece of toast in my mouth and rushing over, swinging open the door to see Scarlett on the other side. 

"Seriously, Chris? You're not ready?" She utters, rolling her eyes with a smile.

"Just gimme two minutes." I mumble through chewing, rushing back towards the kitchen. I dump my plate into the sink, then turn off the TV in the living room. Scarlett watches me running around, while stroking Dodger.

"Your daddy needs a girlfriend, doesn't he? Yeah, he does." She comments, talking in a baby voice. With a smile, I roll my eyes, shrugging my jacket on.

"I don't need anything." I tell her, giving Dodger a head scratch. "Me and you are more than content on our own, aren't we, bud? Course we are. See you later, bubba." I add, powering out the front door. Scarlett follows me out and I lock the door behind us.

"You want a girlfriend though, don't you?" I give her that look, unlocking my car. She smiles. "C'mon, I know you, Chris. You're an old romantic. You've barely even looked at another woman since you split with Jenny last year. Do you still love her?"

"I'm fine, Scarlett. I'm over Jenny." I assure her, as we both hop into my car. At least, I think I'm over her...

"That's what you said last time, and then you got back together."

"And we broke up again. And it's going to stay like that. We've both moved on. I'm happy being on my own right now. It's so much easier just being on my own. Yes, finding someone would be great, but I'm sick of getting into relationships that won't last, so I'm taking a break. Enjoying my own company." 

"Well, as long as you are happy." Flashing her a smile, I nod, starting the engine. "So, what do you reckon this meeting is about?"

"Fahck knows with Marvel. I'm guessing probably something to do with Endgame. Maybe doing something to promote it." I say with a shrug.

"Yeah, that would make sense. Must be pretty big if they're dragging us all in, though. Instead of just FaceTime."

"Well, you know Marvel. Go big or go home."


We're all here. Well, the original six - me, Scarlett, Hemsworth, Downey, Ruffalo, Renner. And of course, the Russo brothers. The ones who summoned us here. Everyone's reunions are pretty great and wholesome, especially mine and Hemmy's. We share a brotherly hug, and then immediately start messing around.

"You two, behave." Joe tells us, pointing at us playfully.

"Only if you un-ban us from doing the press tours together." Hemmy bargains and I laugh, slapping my hand on the table.

"Yes. What he said." Both brothers laugh and roll their eyes.

"Well, you have a chance to un-ban yourselves." Anthony says and we smile in intrigue. "So, you're all probably wondering why we've got you here today."

"I stopped questioning the things Marvel rope us into years ago." Downey jokes, making us all laugh.

"Alright, alright, pipe down. As you all know, we're getting closer and closer to the release of Endgame, and we all know it's gonna be a big one. Of course, pretty much every year we do something to help promote the movies and raise money for charity." Joe explains. "And it's usually just someone winning a spot at the premiere, but we thought, this year, as it's an end of an era, we'd suggest something bigger."

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