chapter eighteen - the way it's supposed to be

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The following day, Evans and I get up early to leave for the weekend to make the most out of our complete alone time together. We end up leaving around the same time as the others, so it's nice to be able to say bye to everyone this time.

"Have fun this weekend. Don't overthink. Talk to Chris." Scarlett tells me when we hug goodbye. With a smile, I nod gently, then she hugs Evans. After everyone has said their goodbyes, Evans puts a lead on Dodger and we head out to the car. I can't lie, during the drive I feel a little bad leaving Liv behind on her own. I should have at least told her.

"Hey, you okay?" Evans asks, noticing how quiet I am.

"Hm? Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm good." I reply with a forced smile.

"We don't have to do this, y'know. We can go back to the house." I quickly shake my head.

"No, no. I w-want to spend the w-weekend together, alone. More than anything. I just..." I sigh. "I f-feel guilty for n-not letting Liv know." I confess, to which he smiles weakly. "M-Maybe I should text her. Just so she doesn't worry." He nods.

"Yeah, that might be a good idea actually. Just so she knows." I nod, getting my phone out and bringing up Liv's messages.

To: Liv
Hey, just wanted to let you know that I'm going to Chris's for the weekend.

After I send it, I slide my phone back into my pocket.

"Feeling better?" Smiling over at him, I nod.

"Much. I'm sorry. I know I'm st-stupid."

"Hey, c'mon, you're not stupid. I admire your kindness. Long as you don't get hurt in the process." He says, placing his hand on my thigh when we hit traffic lights. I smile uncontrollably and glance down, blushing deeply.

Soon enough, we're parked outside a supermarket and Evans unclips his seatbelt.

"Right, I'll just pop in and grab enough to keep us going for the weekend. Anything in particular you fancy?" Just you.

"Umm, n-not really I don't think. Just snacks." I say with a laugh and he chuckles, nodding.

"Of course. I won't be long." I nod an okay and he hops out of the car, hurrying into the shop. I look at the backseats to see Dodger watching Evans through the window and I smile a little.

Then I exhale deeply, getting my phone back out of my pocket. I bring up Abi's messages and reread the messages. Then I look at my mum's message again. Right. Okay.

To: Mum
Hi mum, sorry I haven't spoken in ages, it's been a pretty eventful few days... lots to tell you. I'll call you later today. Nothing to worry about though, it's good news xxx

After sending the text, I draft up one to send to Abi.

To: Abi
Okay. So. Lots to tell you. It's been a crazy few days. I don't even know how to explain this, but... well, Chris and I are sorta dating now... 🙊

I bop my leg up and down uncontrollably, feeling nervous, wondering if anyone would actually believe me. I mean, I wouldn't believe me. Luckily, within a couple of minutes, Abi replies.

From: Abi

From: Abi

From: Abi

From: Abi

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