chapter sixteen - a steamy morning makeout

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The following morning my eyes peel open slowly and I'm met with the ray of light shining through the small gap in the curtains. I groan softly, squinting.

Then I realise. I clock whose bed I'm in, whose arm is slumped across me as we spoon. Holy shit. We're spooning. Chris and I are spooning. We slept in the same bed together, for a whole entire night. Shit, I hope I didn't fidget too much. Or sleep talk. Crap, what if I did and he heard?

I suddenly unintentionally stiffen up, feeling nervous. Shit, what is wrong with me? He's spooning me, so he must have liked sleeping next to me. I bet I look like crap right now. I should sneak out to the bathroom. Brush my teeth, at the least. I bite my lip, slowly shuffling to the edge of the bed, being careful not to wake him. Or Dodger. I drop my legs onto the floor, sitting up. Dodger suddenly wakes up, jerking up. Shit. He looks at me, tail slowly starting to wag. Slowly, I stand up. The bed ruffles and I hear a muffled groan. Fuck. I screw my face up, pausing.

"Hey, where're you goin'?" Evans mumbles and I bite my lip, spinning around to see him looking at me with a tired smile, resting his upper body weight on his elbows. Jesus, how does he look so good in the morning as soon as he wakes up? I can't believe I went the entire night without jumping him. How can someone this gorgeous be interested in someone like me?

"Errr... just the b-bathroom."

"Mmm, okay, don't take too long." He says, smile widening, while his eyes trace down my body. I blush slightly and nod.

"I won't." I reply, before quickly tiptoeing out of his bedroom. I speed walk to the bathroom and slip inside, shutting the door behind me. After I use the toilet and wash my hands, I exhale deeply, looking at myself in the mirror. God. Before anything else, I brush my teeth, even mouth washing. Then I pick the sleep out of my eyes and run my fingers through my hair to try and make it look a bit more presentable. I raise my arm and sniff close to my armpit. Hmm, smells fine. But just in case. I grab the deodorant and spray under my arms, before dipping each hand down my t-shirt to rearrange my boobs in my bra. I'm a fucking idiot for wearing one to sleep in. So, so uncomfortable. But going braless was just not in the cards last night.

Okay. Think I'm good. As good as I can be right now. Just breathe. He fancies you. He's attracted to you. He wants to have sex with you. So you must be attractive to him, otherwise he wouldn't want that. With a deep breath, I give myself a nod and then head back to his bedroom. However, the door is wide open and when I step inside he's nowhere to be seen. Neither is Dodger, so I'm guessing he has gone to let Dodger out to do his business. I bite my lip, folding my arms awkwardly, so uncomfortable in my own skin.

Then suddenly, a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and I jump uncontrollably from shock, making Evans chuckle softly and lay a gentle kiss on my shoulder. He's wearing a t-shirt as well as his boxers.

"I'm sorry, didn't mean to scare you. I just went to let Dodger out."

"Ah, I th-thought that's what you might be doing." He nods, inhaling my scent and hugging me tighter. I can't lie, it's an amazing feeling. I feel so safe and secure. My worries and insecurities seem to just disappear for a second. "Mm, this feels nice." I whisper and he smiles widely, kissing my cheek.

"Good. Get used to it." He demands playfully, making me laugh uncontrollably and blush. "Right, I'm just going to pop to the bathroom. Won't be long."

"Okiedokie." He lets go of me and then walks back out of the room. With a wide smile, I bite my lip and collapse onto the bed. This feels like such a dream. The best dream ever. If it is, I never want to wake up.

My phone suddenly goes off, notifying me of a text. I sit up and grab it from the bedside table to read the message. It's from my mum.

From: Mum
Hi honey , you ok ? Haven't heard from you , just checking in . Nothing bad has happened has it ? Or are you just too busy drooling over Chris to text your poor old mum 😜 love you sweetie stay safe xx

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