chapter four - a run in with laundry baskets

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The next morning, my eyes peel open uncomfortably and I groan softly, pulling the duvet up over my face. Then I remember where I am. Who's sleeping in the room down the hall. I shoot up and my lips stretch into a smile. I glance at my phone - It's only seven. Fuck. Screw timezones. I could attempt to get another hour in, but that's not going to happen. I wonder who is up. Probably only Hemsworth, doing a crazy workout or something silly. I hope Evans is up - wait, no. I don't. I need to pee. If he's awake and up, that would be dangerous. There's no lock on the door. I sigh deeply, screwing up my face. Ugh. Pull yourself together. It'll be fine. You're over-thinking. The quicker you do this, the less chance of Evans accidentally walking in.

I glance over towards Liv's bed. Still asleep. Now I need to decide whether to get dressed in here or in the comfort of the bathroom — with the possibility of someone walking in. Even though Liv is one of my best friends, I've never really been comfortable changing in front of her. I've never really been comfortable changing in front of anyone. I guess that's what you get when you have crippling low self esteem who overthinks almost everything.

I haul myself out of the comfy bed and then wander over to the chest of drawers. I collect some clothes together; just some black denim skinny jeans, a band t-shirt and a flannel. Standard Meg attire. I really need more summery clothes. I hide some underwear in my clothes, before anxiously tip-toeing out of my room. Evans's bedroom door is fully closed. I hope that means he's still asleep. As I head to the bathroom, a floorboard creaks and I shit myself, hauling arse to the bathroom. I run in and shut the door quickly. My heart is pounding. Stop being a pussy, jesus christ. Just breathe.

After I have a wee, I wash my hands and then brush my teeth, before I nervously begin to undress from my baggy bed t-shirt and shorts, replacing them as quick as I can. Once I'm done, I scoop up my pjs, smiling in triumph. That wasn't so hard. Yeah, I've got this. I can do this for an entire month. Easy peasy! I swing open the door, confidently stepping out only to bump into a hard surface - a hard, half-naked surface. My eyes widen and I stammer out an apology, completely star-struck at the sight in front of me. Chris Evans. Shirtless. Not just shirtless, but practically naked, wearing nothing but boxers. Holy fuck, keep it together.

"Oh, crap, my bad." He mumbles apologetically, his hands on my upper arms. He doesn't seem at all phased by the fact that he's practically naked. I mean, he's comfortable with being completely nude, but— Oh my god, what if he were completely naked!? I choke on my own saliva, which seems to amuse him, as his lips stretch into that cheeky smile. "How you doin'?" I nod eagerly, letting out an awkward kind of squeak.

"Yep! G-Great, th-thanks. You?" I reply nervously. You're stood practically naked in front of me, in all your glory. Sweet baby jesus. I gulp, my eyes unintentionally wandering down his body, at all his tattoos, his nipples, his six pack, his package - inches away from me. Ohhhh holy crap.

"I'm good, thanks." He answers and my eyes snap back up to his. He's smirking slightly. Oh fuck. "Are you sure you're okay? You look a little peaky." He comments. Oh just stop making words with that beautiful mouth and put it against mine. Please! Wait, shit, no. This is just a stupid crush.

"I-I do?" I question nervously and he nods. "Pffft, I've n-never felt b-better! Um, anyway, err, s-sorry, um—" I unintentionally step away from him and slightly to the side, backing away. He raises his eyebrows and steps forward. "Meg—" But it's too late. I step back onto the laundry basket, crashing into it and falling on top of it. Oh. My. God. Kill me. Actually kill me. "Fuck—" Evans seems half-amused, half-worried, as he breaks out into small laughter while crouching down to my aid.

"Shit, Meg. Are you alright?" I throw my hands over my face, absolutely appalled with myself. I can't be taken anywhere.

"Yep—" I mumble under my hands, embarrassed. He laughs softly and his fingers wrap around my wrists.

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