chapter six - the allure of penguins

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The following morning, my eyes peel open slowly and I reach over for my phone, checking the time; 8:16AM. A reasonable time today. I still feel really tired, though. I wish I could stay here all day. With Evans. Oh that would be bliss. Waking up next to him would be the best thing in the world. I bet he'd be so cute in the mornings. He'd have a sexy tired groan, with an adorable little smile. We could spoon all day.

Shit, I need to stop. I cannot be feeling like this, especially when it's only been a few days.

I glance over to Liv's bed — she's still asleep. Exhaling deeply, I toss the duvet off me and force myself up. I wonder what's in store for today. I collect some clothes together and then head into the bathroom to get ready. Once I'm done, I walk down the many stairs and find Scarlett, Hemsworth and Evans in the kitchen. All eyes turn my way when I enter and I blush. Well, this is a tad awkward. Evans grins at me, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Morning, sleepy." He utters. Dude, it's literally not even 9AM yet.

"Moooorning." I mumble, smiling awkward.

"We're heading out for kayaking once everyone is up and ready, is that alright?" Hemsworth asks and I nod.

"Sure, yeah." They all smile, taking sips of their coffees. Dodger wanders up to me and sniffs around my legs. With a smile, I reach down and give him a head scratch. "Hey, handsome."

"I'm gonna scout the house, see who is up." Hemsworth states with a smirk, raising his eyebrows at Evans.

"I'll help." Scarlett adds with a smile herself and they both leave the kitchen. Oh, strange. Me and Evans are left alone. I gulp, slowly swaying forward and back. He smiles slightly.

"How'd you sleep?" He asks curiously.

"Oh, y-yeah! P-Pretty good. How about y-you?"

"Yeah, not too bad." He says with a small nod. "Want some coffee?"

"I-I'm okay, th-thanks... N-Not a fan of c-coffee."

"Whaaaat!?" He says dramatically, making me laugh softly and flush.

"I know! I w-wish I were. M-Maybe be able t-to function b-better." He laughs and shakes his head.

"I'm not sure it helps with that. Just gives you false hope that you can function on it." I laugh again, glancing down. "Are you a posh tea drinker then?" He asks, again trying to put on a posh British accent, with his mug up by his mouth. He raises his eyebrows, making me laugh again and shake my head.

"Bluergh, no!"

"So no tea either? What hot drinks do you like then?"

"Hot chocolate."

"Hmm, yeah, okay. That's acceptable." He says with an approving nod. "But no coffee. Waw."

"I know..." I then laugh softly. "It's w-weird, cause I l-like coffee cake, but n-not coffee itself." His eyes widen and he bursts out laughing.

"What!? How does that work?" He asks, pulling a really confused expression. Oh, man. So cute.

"I-I have no idea. I'm b-backwards." His laughter dies down slowly and he shakes his head, finishing his coffee.

"What other weird, backward ways have you got then?" He asks with a grin, wandering to the sink and swilling out the mug.

"Errrr, p-probably too many t-to name." I say quietly, blushing ever so slightly. He chuckles, turning around and leaning against the counter, folding his arms. Man, he looks good.

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