chapter seventeen - surprise

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We all relocate onto the big wooden table. I sit on one end while Evans takes the 'host' seat to my left, and Scarlett sits to my right. It turns out we're playing a game of charades. Great, not my strongest area, especially right now. Luckily, the others are eager to go first. Perfect time to get my head out of the gutter and in the game. Hemsworth goes first, followed by Jeremy, and I really struggle to concentrate. When Scarlett stands up to have a go, I notice Evans glancing under the table, as if he's on his phone but doesn't want anyone to see. I furrow my eyebrows, then my phone buzzes in my pocket to notify me of a Whatsapp message. Oh god... what's he up to? I fish my phone out of my pocket and unlock it to open the message — a photo message.

But it's not just any photo. Oh no. It's a photo of his erect penis. Oh my god. My eyes widen and I quickly lock my phone in panic, glancing around the table. Everyone's busy trying to guess Scarlett's charade. Evans is smirking, watching me. I lightly kick his ankle, unintentionally flushing a deep red, and his smirk widens, as he rests his elbow on the arm rest and nibbles at his finger seductively. My heart is racing. Holy shit, I can't believe he did that with everyone around. But I suppose they aren't paying attention to us...

I bite my lip, glancing down and unlocking my phone again, taking another look. Fuck. That is a cock. That is Chris's cock. His big, hard cock. Hollllyyyy fuck. I wonder when he took it— the background looks like our bathroom. Holy shit, what if it was earlier?

I can't seem to peel my eyes away. I'm getting a little bit flustered. I mean, as far as penises go, it's a damn nice one.

"Meg!" Robert beams and I panic, dropping my phone.

"Ah, I got it—" Scarlett says, starting to bend down.

"NO!" I shriek in panic and everyone looks at me. Oh fuck. "It's fine! I got it. Thank you." I sink to the floor and quickly grab my phone, locking it, before using the table to lift myself back up. Evans can't keep the smug smirk off his lips.

"It's your go, by the way." Mark tells me.

"Ah— right. Yeah. Cool. Uh." Shit, I am not in the headspace for this right now. I slip my phone safely back into my pocket and walk up to the front. Right, need to think of something now. Anything except Chris's penis.

I end up doing Princess and the Frog, in which they eventually guess and I'm free to go sit back down. Evans goes next, but I really struggle to concentrate. God, why do we have to be on a boat in the middle of the ocean right now?

I wish it was easier to know whether you're ready for sex. How are you supposed to know? I've never felt like this about anyone before. I'm crazy about Chris, and I trust him. I really trust him. And I want him. The way he makes me feel, it drives me insane. I've never wanted anything so much. But god, it's daunting. Giving myself to someone in that way, fully, in all my vulnerability. What if he finds me disgusting when I'm naked? What if I can't satisfy him and he doesn't finish?

Suddenly, Evans is sitting back down, taking me out of my thoughts. Placing his hand on my knee, he leans closer to me.

"Did you like my message?" He whispers and I blush deeply, biting my lip.

"It was d-definitely a surprise..." He nibbles at his lower lip, sending me into a frenzy.

"A good surprise, or..?" I smile uncontrollably, glancing down. God, I'm desperate to snog him right now. I nod slowly and he grins, before glancing down at his phone again. A few seconds later, a message comes through for me. Slyly, I take my phone out of my pocket and keep it hidden under the table to read his message.

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