chapter twenty - making s'mores under the starry night sky

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I'm suddenly awoken by the tweets and chirps of the birds outside, singing their morning tunes. My eyes peel open and I let out a tired groan, but a slight smile soon plays on my lips when I realise where I am, who I'm with, what exactly happened last night.

Chris and I slept together — we had sex, and it was incredible. It was more than I could have ever dreamt it being. He was perfect, and I'm falling so deeply for him.

He's spooning me — arms wrapped loosely around me with our legs entwined. It's hard to think of a time I've ever been happier than I have been these last couple of days. I never want this feeling to disappear.

Suddenly, he takes a sharp breath, presumably waking up quick. After a few seconds and a couple of readjustments, he tightens his arms around me, planting a soft kiss on my neck. It sends chills down my spine and I bite my lip.

"You awake?" He whispers.

"Mmmm, I am. Hi."

"Mornin', gorgeous." Oh my. I gain butterflies in my tummy and I blush deeply, burying my face into the pillow. He chuckles. "You hiding?"


"Liar." He retorts, leaning over me to try and look at my face. "C'mon, look at me. I wanna see that face." Hesitantly, I turn my face until our eyes meet, then I stick my tongue out at him. He grins. "There she is." He leans down to kiss me, but I quickly move my head to the side so he catches my cheek. "Whoa! Brutal, much?" He pouts.

"No, no, I w-want to kiss you. It's just, w-well, what if I have awful m-morning breath?" I point out, shuffling to lie on my back. He smiles again and shrugs.

"I don't mind."

"B-But what if it's reeeaaally bad and p-puts you off?"

"You smell good to me." He assures and with a smile, I roll my eyes. "Besides, I thought I told you last night I'd never be put off by you? A little morning breath isn't going to scare me away, Meg. You'd have to do a lot more than that." I bite my lip.

"Promise?" He nods.

"I promise. So, kiss?" I smile a little and nod eagerly, to which he leans down and gently presses our lips together. Mmmm, absolute bliss, as always.

It soon deepens, growing more passionate, but still slow-paced. He shifts on top of me, bringing my thigh up against his hip as I tangle my fingers in his hair. There's something kind of sensual and sexy about it, and I'm absolutely desperate for him.

"I'm just going to let Dodger outside." He whispers, and it suddenly dawns on me that Dodger is still in here with us. We both glance over at the poor pup, tilting his head at us. God, how could I FORGET about Dodger? I am a terrible person.

Evans climbs off me and hops off the bed. Dodger then immediately jumps off the bed too, skipping towards the door.

"You wanna go for wee-wees?" Dodger gruffs at him. "Yeah! Come on then!" He quickly slips on a pair of boxers and opens the door, following an excitable Dodger out. I smile and toss my head back, closing my eyes. I can't believe this is all happening. And I can't believe I forgot poor Dodger was in here. It's crazy what being horny does to you.

A few minutes later, Evans hurries back into the bedroom, quietly shutting the door behind him. I lift myself slightly, resting my weight on my elbows. "Did he go?" He nods.

"Yup, he did both! I've just given him his breakfast now." He states, removing the boxers. I bite my lip, eyes trailing down.

"I f-felt awful. I completely f-forgot he was still in here." I confess, making him chuckle softly as he hops back into the bed next to me.

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