chapter fourteen - honest hearts produce honest actions

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Before we start properly drinking, we eat out for dinner at a kind of fancy Italian restaurant. Can't be heavily drinking on an empty stomach. We start off at a couple of low-key pubs and bars, discussing favourite drinks and mixers. This time, when anyone asks me a question, Liv doesn't interrupt or jump in, at all. She keeps quiet, and I can't help but feel bad about earlier. Luckily, we both end up needing to use the toilet at the same time. "Hey, Liv..." I utter, just before we walk into the bathroom. She turns to me. "I'm s-sorry things got a little out of hand b-before." With a weak smile, she shakes her head.

"No, don't be silly. You've got nothing to apologise for. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that stuff. I'm just an idiot. I really am sorry, Meg. I just don't think before I speak sometimes. My mouth runs away with me." I let out a small laugh and nod.

"I know, it's okay. I know y-you mmmean w-well." She nods. "And I know I n-need to get over Chris, b-but another guy isn't the answer, okay?" With a gulp, she nods.

"Right, yeah. I know that. Yeah."

"J-Just let me do it in m-my own way."

"Of course, yeah, absolutely."

"So we g-good?" She nods eagerly.

"I hope so." She utters, giving me a tight hug. I laugh softly, hugging back. After we go to the bathroom, we head back out to the table and sit down, both much more relaxed and I think excited for the night ahead. I am, at least.

"So do you two go on nights out a lot back home?" Jeremy asks us curiously.

"Yeah, we sort of do! I've gone on my fair share, I have to say. Meg's a right party animal too." Liv comments, smiling at me. Evans smiles widely and I blush a little.

"You don't say?" He says, arching an eyebrow.

"I wouldn't say I'm a p-party animal." She laughs.

"You do love a night out, though. We both do." She retorts.

"Evans is a party animal too. My wife usually doesn't let me go out with him." Mark tells us, causing us all to erupt into laughter.

"I don't know why. I'm the life of the party." Evans answers with a wink. "So, you're a party animal too, Meg?" He asks and I smile a little.

"Well, m-maybe a little..."

"Get a bit of alcohol in her, and in a few hours she'll be confident as anything." Liv tells them and they all chuckle softly. I smile again and roll my eyes.

"So how bad does she get?" He quizzes, raising his eyebrows.

"She is r-right here!" I whine.

"Just keep buying her shots. She'll drink them no questions asked." Liv says with a nod. "Few alco-pops down the line and she's dancing all over the place with no shame."

"Oh my god, is it attack Meg day t-today?" I whine dramatically and they all laugh again, before Evans slides my drink closer to me.

"Come on then, get it down ya." He teases and I blush deeply.

"I'll have you all know th-that I can handle m-myself very well, thank you." I say confidently, taking a sip of my drink. They all smirk. Crap, I've probably just jinxed myself now.


We somehow end up in a karaoke bar, much to Evans's excitement. That man really loves karaoke. I would say everyone is at least a little bit tipsy, myself included. I've received the odd shot ever since Liv mentioned I'll drink them no questions asked, and they're starting to hit me. My confidence is slowly rising. Oh crap. Now Meg, lil pep talk before you drink anymore... don't say any stupid shit. Keep yourself together. Remember who you are with. This isn't the work crew.

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