chapter twelve - the thrills of rollercoasters

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Evans's POV
I'm awoken pretty abruptly from a really nice dream, where Meg and I were together and we were just in bed, cuddling and talking to each other about anything and everything, with Dodger getting jealous, wanting attention. I'm genuinely confused when I wake up alone and it really throws me off, before I realise. Oh yeah. We're not together. I sigh deeply and instead of going back to sleep, I decide to just get up and take Dodger for a walk. When I get back, nearly the whole gang is in the kitchen, all except Scarlett and Robert.

"Ah, morning guys." I greet to the three of them; Hemmy, Jeremy and Mark. They all utter a morning in reply. "What's on the agenda today then?"

"We're not too sure yet, honestly. We figured we'd just wait and see what Meg and Liv fancy doing." Mark answers and I nod gently, walking over to make myself a coffee.

"I actually thought maybe we could go to a theme park today?" I suggest.

"Why, weren't impressed with the water park?" Hemmy teases and I laugh, rolling my eyes.

"Meg's never been to a theme park - well, she has, but more of a family one that didn't really have big rides and she wants to try it out, see if she enjoys riding them."

"Why does she need a theme park for that? Sure you'd let her ride you." He jokes with a wink, making me exhale deeply but smile unintentionally. Both Jeremy and Mark giggle, smirking. Now I have naughty thoughts.

"Fahck sake, Hemmy." They all laugh even harder.

"I love winding you up."

"I think a theme park is actually a great shout." Jeremy says. "It's something fun. And the water park wasn't really that great considering not everyone could participate." Both Hemmy and Mark nod in agreement.

"Yeah, how about Six Flags Magic Mountain?"

"Yeah, that's a decent one." That's when Scarlett walks into the kitchen.

"Oop, morning boys." We all murmur a morning in response. "What we chatting about?"

"Just what theme park to go to today." I answer, pouring the hot water into my mug.

"We've got a very exciting day planned today then."

"Yeah, Meg's never been to a theme park before, so obviously Evans wants to take her." Hemmy teases with a smirk.

"Ahhhh, of course." She answers with a smirk too, and I smile, blushing ever so slightly. "Are you actually going to share her out today, or keep her all to yourself?"

"I don't know what you mean." I lie, taking a sip of my coffee. They all laugh and roll their eyes.

"You really need to tell her how you feel, mate." Mark states and I sigh, folding my arms.

"I second that."

"I think we all second that."

"I will... soon. I just... I don't know. It's not the right time. I think we need a little more time."

"To what? Drive everyone crazy with your sexual tension?" I laugh and roll my eyes.

"I'm going to go see if Meg is awake." They all raise their eyebrows at me. "Shut it." I say with an uncontrollable smile, wandering out of the kitchen. I hop up the stairs and when I skip up the last step on our floor, I see Meg come out of her bedroom, wearing a baggy t-shirt and short shorts. I smile and raise my eyebrows, as she smiles nervously. Damn, she looks so cute.


"G'morning." I chirp, resting my hand on the hand rail. "I was actually just coming to check you were up."

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