chapter twenty eight - something about the way you look tonight

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Today is the day — the Endgame premiere. Where hundreds of thousands of people are going to be. Where I'll meet Evans's family and probably a bunch of other famous people. It's an understatement to say I'm terrified out of my mind. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to go through with it.

I'm currently in Scarlett's bedroom, as she's helping me get ready again. Honestly, it's really nice. It's so fun spending time with her and she's so helpful. She curls my hair and gives me a 'waterfall' braid to change it up a little. Then she also puts a very small amount of make-up on; just a little bit of lipstick, mascara and eyeliner. It's a big challenge not to cry when she's putting the eyeliner on. I'm such a big baby. But it makes Scarlett laugh softly.

"Don't worry, I'm almost done."

"Sorry— I'm a b-big baby."

"Don't be silly. It's understandable when you're not used to it. There, all done! I'll just put a little mascara on." I nod gently and she grabs the mascara, carefully applying a small amount to my eyelashes. "There we go. Perfect. Your eyes pop!" I let out a soft laugh.

"Th-Thank you so m-much, Scarlett. I don't know wh-what I'd have done w-without you." She smiles and shakes her head.

"No need to thank me. It's been fun! I've really enjoyed it." I smile too.

"Me too. Well, aside f-from the panicking." I confess and she sits down on the bed next to me.

"Yeah, it must be pretty daunting for you, but trust me, you've got nothing to panic about. We'll look after you. Especially Chris. You think he's going to let you out of his sight? Not a chance." I smile weakly, glancing down and fiddling with my fingers.

"I guess so. It's j-just... th-there's going to be, be so m-many people there. What if I m-make an idiot of myself?"

"You won't, trust me. Are you scared about meeting Chris's family?" She asks curiously and I bite my lip.

"What if th-they don't like me? Or they th-think Chris is crazy f-for being with mmme? What if I d-do something st-stupid in front of them?" She smiles again.

"Meg, they're going to adore you. Just like Chris does. Just be yourself and that's a sure thing, okay? Besides, you've already met Scott, so that's some of the pressure off. You see how crazy he is. There's no way you could embarrass yourself in front of them. Honestly, the Evans's are, like, the nicest family I've ever come across. There's really nothing to worry about." She assures, nudging me playfully. With a weak smile, I look at her. "I know it's scary, but we've all got your back. Just try not to think about all the people that will be there. Think about the movie and how excited you are to see it!" I let out a weak laugh and nod.

"Right, yeah."

"C'mon, let's have some fun." She chirps, turning up the volume on the stereo — I Wanna Dance With Somebody is playing. She pulls me up onto my feet and sings along, swinging my arms. I can't help but smile widely, laughing. Eventually, I start singing and dancing along. Who can resist a bit of Whitney Houston? Certainly not me.

Evans's POV
This is it. Today's the day of the Endgame premiere. Just like any other premiere, I'm pretty damn nervous, but I try not to think too much about it. Meg gets ready with Scarlett in her room, leaving me to sharpen up alone. I shower first and then put on my blue suit with a mint green shirt, fixing it all up and making sure I look presentable. I take a deep breath, standing in front of the mirror and shaking myself out. C'mon, Chris. This isn't the time to freak out. It's fine. Just another premiere. Just like all the other ones. You've done enough of them. You've got to be strong for Meg now. She must be terrified. You signed up for this. She didn't. You've got to get her through this.

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