chapter three - small talk

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Meg's POV
When Liv and I go back downstairs, everyone is waiting in the entrance hall for us. Simon and Owen are driving, as two cars have to be used due to how many of us there are. That means four in each. I wonder who's going to ride with us.

"So, who do you want to ride with?" Downey asks us and my eyes widen slightly. Oh. We have to choose? Shit.

"Oh— uhh—" I give a nervous glance to Liv and she smiles a little.

"We don't mind. I think I can speak for the both of us — it would be amazing to ride with literally any of you." She says. Yes. Good one, Liv. They all smile.

"You're too nice." Mark says with a chuckle.

"Or just extremely smart — now they don't have to choose." Downey jokes, making us all laugh.

"Hang on, I've got a good way of sorting it." Hemsworth says, raising his eyebrows playfully. "They've each got to have a favourite avenger." Fuck.

"Ah, well, Meg's favourite is Captain America." Liv states and I flush unintentionally, noticing Evans smile a little, glancing down. "I'm not sure I actually have a favourite!"

"Ah, no, you can't do that. Come on, pick." Hemsworth jokes and Liv laughs.

"Hmm, I'd probably say Thor."

"So it's the Chris's. We shouldn't be surprised." Scarlett jokes, making everyone laugh again.

"See you guys there!" Downey chirps, as him, Scarlett, Mark and Jeremy walk towards one of the cars and hop in.

"Front or back, mate?" Hemsworth asks, as we start walking to the other. I open one of the backseat doors, hopping into the middle seat.

"I'll go in the back, pal. You're taller. You need the extra leg room." Evans answers, as Liv hops in next to me. Hemsworth jumps into the passenger seat and Evans walks around to jump in the other side of me. It's a pretty tight squeeze — shoulders touching, thighs touching. I gulp, fiddling with my fingers nervously. Simon is driving us and he starts the engine, before setting off. "How are you feeling now?" Evans asks me and I smile, nodding.

"Yeah— I'm g-good— all good." He smiles too.

"Good. Glad to hear it."

"Yeah— s-sorry about b-before, being a b-big baby." He chuckles and shakes his head.

"There's absolutely no need to apologise. I was happy to help. I'm just glad you're okay now." My heart skips a beat. Shit. Pull yourself together. "Panic attacks are the worst. Do you have them a lot?" I shake my head slowly.

"N-No, I d-don't th-think I've ever had one— well, I th-thought I hadn't... I don't know." He smiles softly and nods.

"They can be hard to pinpoint if you're not sure. If you feel like you can't breathe or you're breathing really fast, if you're shaking, feel sick and lightheaded, then it's probably a panic attack. It's essentially just feeling a ridiculous amount of anxiety. Do you get anxious a lot?" Biting my lip, I nod gently. "You might have had some then, but just not thought it was that. The key is getting your breathing under control." I let out a nervous laugh.

"W-Well I s-suck at b-breathing on a good day." At this, he chuckles again and shakes his head.

"You seem to be doing it pretty well right now." Oh you have no idea. I laugh nervously again and bop my leg up and down.

"So you two are from the UK, right?" Hemsworth asks curiously and Liv nods.

"Yeah! Small town in the middle of nowhere." He chuckles.

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