Stormy days

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Marcy looked out the window of her fwagon, she was currently procrastinating to clean up the mess that was inside. Books were scattered all over the floor and the small desk she had managed to squeeze into the fwagon.

She looked at all the mess that was her room and decided to do it later with Anne, besides, she wasn't even done putting on her roleplay attire yet. Marcy slipped into the dirty black boots she had and put on her flammable cape, finally stepping out of the fwagon, ready to take over the world.

Marcy walked over to Anne's house and knocked on the door, patiently waiting for it to open. Anne opened the door and hugged Marcy, glad to see her friend up and ready for today.

"Hey Mar-mar, how you doing?" Anne smiled, wanting to start a conversation.
"Oh I've been doing fine!" Marcy responded "but the fwagon is a bit of a mess, so I figured we could go clean it up and have the rest of the day to do whatever we wanted" Marcy rubbed the back of her neck, a bit embarrassed at how she always seemed to have a messy room, even back home.

Anne laughed "Still no luck in having a clean room?" Anne questioned mischievously.
Marcy put her face in her hands "Let's just go-" she answered, not wanting to be teased anymore about her messy room.

Anne stepped inside the fwagon and tilted her head at the mess "Honestly I was expecting worse.."
Marcy laughed "it's a true miracle huh?" she chuckled . 
Anne chuckled with her, the butterflies in her stomach now making themselves clearer than ever. "We better start cleaning up the room before it gets worse" Marcy nodded "Montage, commence!"

Marcy grabbed a broom, and Anne started picking up the books and putting them back into boxes or shelves.
Marcy sweeped up any dust and dirt that was on the ground, even attempting to sweep the ceiling fan, which ended up with Anne saving Marcy from a concussion.

After all was done, the inside of the fwagon was looking shiny and brand new. "Phew, that didn't take long thankfully" Anne wiped some sweat off her forehead
"Oh yeah! I'm glad we got that over with quickly, now to go into the forest and study all sorts of plants! Honestly there's this one pink flower I want to examine-"

BOOM. A crack of lightning shook the fwagon, sending both girls hurling at the ground.
Marcy sat up, pulling her legs close to her chest. She had never told Anne but she absolutely despised thunderstorms and lightning, the noise always made her anxious that a lightning bolt was gonna hit her.

Anne looked over to Marcy, who seemed very desperate to look fine, even though it was pretty clear she was quivering into her cape.
Anne crawled over to Marcy, wrapping her in a side hug for comfort. "Hey Marbles, you alright?" She asked, worried.

Marcy was about to say something when another big sound of thunder came, making her bury her face into her cape.

Anne noticed and hugged Marcy "you don't like the thunder?" She whispered softly.
Marcy nodded "mhm.."

Anne got up, prompting Marcy to do the same, once she did she lead Marcy to her bed and sat down beside her.

Marcy immediately burst into apologies "I'm really sorry not telling before, oh frog you probably think that this is stupid- I'm sorry for dragging you into this, now we're probably gonna go down the same route as all other fanfiction tropes-"

Anne turned Marcy to face her "Mar-mar, there's no need to apologize, I don't think that this is stupid either, I know now that your scared of thunderstorms, and well, now I can also comfort you during them" she smiled, her face tinted with a bit of crimson after the last sentence.

Marcy smiled "Thanks Anne" her face was also now with a reddish tint "I honestly don't know how I'd cope through this without you"

Another boom of thunder went off, Marcy let out a squeal before hugging Anne tightly. Anne could feel her face heat up, but attempted to shake it off and focus back on comforting Marcy.

Apparently it didn't do much since Marcy just clung on tighter to Anne once the next loud thundering noise came, making Anne's butterflies flap around in her stomach even more. She stayed silent for a few minutes, attempting to get her brain to work again.

She fell down and rested her head down onto the pillow, Marcy fell down with her. Anne hadn't noticed before, but Marcy was being awfully quiet, normally by now she would've been talking about how scary the storm was or something.

Anne was pulled from her thoughts once she heard soft snores coming from Marcy, who was still some what clinging onto Anne's arm. She was asleep, probably because of comforting presence of Anne.

She smiled, pulling her closer and resting her head on top of Marcy's "It's amazing how easily you can sleep anywhere Mar-mar" Anne chuckled softly to herself, remembering all the times Marcy pulled all nighters and how she slept in the weirdest places, like at the lunch table or on the stairs of her house.

Anne felt her face heat up again, this time it felt warm and welcome, instead of being embarrassing and something she needed to hide. "I love you Marcy.." she whispered softly before finally closing her eyes, sleep overtaking her.

Marcy smiled, burying her face into Anne's chest before responding "I love you too Anne."

Authors Note: AAA IM SO HAPPY WITH HOW THIS TURNED OUT! So sorry that this published late however, school is fucking me over rn :,)

Anyways, have a wonderful day! And I'll see you in the next oneshot!

Total word count: 978

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