Under the Stars

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Marcy shuffled in bed, missing the warmth that her partner had. She slowly sat up, looking around the wooden treehouse for Anne.

As if on cue, Anne entered into the bedroom smiling with a breakfast tray filled to the brim with delicious food. It had a few of Marcy's favorites; Waffles with raspberries and whipped cream, chocolate milk, and a bowl of yogurt with chopped up fruits inside. The perfect breakfast.

"Aw, thanks Annie!" Marcy gushed, grabbing the breakfast tray and immediately digging into her meal without using a utensil, just her hands.

Anne kissed Marcy's forehead, smiling against it. "No problem Marce, once your done we can go out and do whatever." She smiled once again, leaving the room. Most likely to clean up the kitchen.

Marcy looked out one of the few windows that littered their home. They had been on a trip for quite a few days already, leaving their suburban home for fun and adventure in this seemingly magical campsite.

The 'campsite' (Marcy liked to refer to it more as an AirBNB) it self was a wooden path crisscrossing through trees with ladders attached that led to a stable wooden treehouse. The path was illuminated by yellowish fairy lights, which snaked up around the trees and onto the house's porch fence.

That was something Marcy absolutely adored, the porch that their home had. It was amazing to be able to sit down on a comfy chair, and look out into the woods and people-watch as the other temporary residents went along with their day, occasionally carrying out chores.

Marcy's fingers met an empty plate as she had finished her breakfast, which then led way to the hardest thing of the day: getting out of bed.

Marcy grunted as she slowly got out of bed, carrying the breakfast tray out to the kitchen and placing it onto a spare space on the counter.

"About time sleepyhead," Anne lightly teased, walking over to wrap her arms around Marcy in an almost suffocating hug.

Marcy snorted "No need to call me out Boonchuy."

Anne let out a hearty laugh, hugging her girlfriend tighter before letting go. "Alright Marbles, what're we gonna do today?"

'Marbles' thought for a second, lightly tapping their index finger against the bottom of their chin, deep in thought. "What if we just roam around for a bit?"

Her girlfriend nodded "Sure! It can be like a date" she winked. Marcy felt her face flush a bit before she hid it away from the knowing smirk that plastered Anne's face.

"I'm gonna go brush my teeth and take a shower, you better brush yours too, Anne." Marcy winked, making it Anne's turn to blush.

Grabbing a towel, she headed to their bathroom. It was a plain white room with black and white tiles, a photo hung up on the wall saying 'Bingus' with a Sphinx cat.

After brushing her teeth, Marcy took off her clothes, stepping into the shower. She turned it on and led the handle to where it said 'HOT'. Steam filled the room as she allowed herself to be immersed in warm water drumming on her back.

Marcy smiled, getting out when she realized that the water was starting to run cold. She grabbed her towel, and walked back to her shared bedroom with Anne. Marcy began picking out clothes.

Once picked, she started putting them on. A brown sweater vest with a diamond like pattern and a white collar with white sleeves. It was accompanied by black jeans and converse sneakers. She also put on a necklace with a blue gem, a reminder of her girlfriend. They had matching ones.

When she was ready, she walked out. Anne was ready for her, a necklace with a green gem attached to it, followed by a white blouse with a knee-length black skirt and black boots.

"Shall we?" Anne put on a stereotypical British accent, earning a giggle from Marcy.

"Yes we shall m'lady." They both laughed, walking out and stepping down the ladder.

The couple strolled around for awhile, taking in the sights and smells of the forest. Marcy was mainly occupied with trying to study all the plants (and occasionally animals) she could find, but Anne was always there to make sure she didn't get too excited, so that she wouldn't neglect any self care.

They made a stop at a small river with a bridge running over it. It was illuminated by the fairy lights too, making a very pretty scene once the sun started setting. The two mainly talked about random things and stories, getting lost in each other's voices and not keeping track of time.

By the time they had finished, it was getting dark out. The couple were fairly fair from home, it'd take at least 20 minutes to head back.

"Man, I completely forgot to check the time! We better go back before it's too dark." Anne said, checking her phone for the time; 8:12 pm.

Marcy stared at the ground before a lightbulb went off inside her head, and brilliant idea spawning.

"Hey Anne, wanna run back? It'll be fun! We can act like teenagers again."

Anne snorted "You say that like we're old, we're only like, 21."

Marcy rolled her eyes playfully "Point is, what if we just have some fun while going back?"

Anne thought for a moment. It wouldn't hurt to live a little, she had been a little stressed, maybe this would be a perfect way to release some of that.

"Alright, let's have some fun." Marcy squealed with joy, grabbing Anne's hand and immediately taking off at full speed.

Anne laughed and kept up the pace. Hand in hand they ran on the wooden path, laughing about god knows what.

Along the way it started raining, and the couple began to laugh even more. They hit branches with leaves just to shower the other with unexpected water droplets, occasionally even picking up a branch and chasing the other with it.

Eventually they made it back home, completely out of breath yet still laughing about their small adventure.

"Come on Marbles, let's head to bed." Anne said, and Marcy didn't have to hear her twice to  agree with her.

The both of them changed into nice comfy pajamas, immediately cuddling the other once in bed. Anne spooned Marcy, nuzzling her face into Marcy's neck and taking in her scent. Marcy giggled, grabbing hold on one of Anne's hands and kissing it before drifting off sleep.

Neither of them couldn't have been happier.

Total word count: 1097

A/N: Hello everybody! I just wanted to give a shout-out to one my friends, MamaMoment

They make amazing Security Breach oneshots, go show them some love and support! (Seriously, they push out like 3 chapters a day sometimes lol)

Ps: if you saw me publish this earlier, no you didn't you saw nothing 😃

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