Pond Walks

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Marcy laid in her bed, wide awake, staring at the ceiling of the fwagon.

A lot had been on her mind. The first temple was just completed, and the trio were one step closer to going home.

She couldn't help but feel excited. She knew she wasn't actually going home, but she'd be using the box with Anne and Sasha to go on wonderful adventures. She won't ever have to be alone.

Marcy just hoped that the others would share the same mindset, otherwise that would be a complete disaster.

The guilt followed soon after. She felt almost disgusted with herself that she would even think of that. But Marcy couldn't help herself.

She sat up, contemplating about telling Anne how she felt. Marcy stopped herself. You promised to tell nobody, Andrias said so.

Marcy sighed, instead settling for a walk in Wartwood's forest. She put on her boots and cape, not worrying about the rest of the ranger outfit. A pale gray shirt and black sweatpants would do.

Carefully sliding out, she stepped down and looked at the moonlit town. Amphibia's nights always tended to be nicer than LA's, probably because of the almost eerie silence, but Marcy liked it that way.

She could've sworn that she heard other footsteps.

Marcy pushed back a fern, revealing the forest. She sighed, walking through the wooded area, avoiding any huge cobwebs.

Sometimes Marcy liked to just walk. Whether  it was a distraction or just to relax, she always loved to take a stroll. Normally she had a place to go to, but tonight she let her feet take her to wherever they wanted.

Marcy made the occasional pit stop to check out a new plant or mushroom, but quickly made her way to wherever she was going, feeling like somebody was near by.

Eventually, she made it to a secluded pond. Big enough to not be small, but not too large either. Lily pads and a few fireflies made the whole thing look even better.

Marcy loved it.

She felt a hand on her shoulder, flinching, but quickly smiling once she saw who it was. "You scared me Anne!"

Anne laughed. "I noticed you were getting out of your fwagon, so I thought to follow you to see where you were going."

Marcy's smile faltered when she started remembering the argument she had in her own head.

"Thanks, but I'm- I'm fine," Marcy put on her best fake smile, but Anne saw right through it. "I just wanted to take a walk, y'know like how I used too?"

Anne shook her head. "Marcy, you and I both know your not 'fine', you were just frowning a second ago."

Marcy sighed, sitting down in front of the pond, hugging her legs. Anne sat down with her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Where to start-?" Marcy mumbled, fumbling with her hands, avoiding eye contact. She typically looked at her hands or the ground whenever she felt sad or uncomfortable.

She took a deep breath. "I just- everything's so complicated, and I wish it wouldn't be." Anne nodded, not completely sure what Marcy was talking about, but encouraged her to continue.

"I have so many things I can't tell you- I wish I could but.. I'm- afraid you'll hate me." Marcy laid her head down on Anne's shoulder, holding her hand for comfort.

Sniffling from Marcy could be heard, but she still continued talking. "I- I just don't want to be alone... I just can't bare the thought of you leaving me or, worse, hating me."

Anne gently cupped Marcy's face, making Marcy look at her. "Listen Marbles, nothing- and I mean nothing, can make me hate you. Your my best friend, and I'll always love you."

Anne brought Marcy in for a bear hug, nearly crushing one of Marcy's ribs. Marcy cried, her face burrowed into Anne's neck.

She felt hands playing with her hair, calming her down even more. Marcy let out a content sigh, still holding Anne closely.

Fireflies began to swarm the pond, glowing wonderful yellows and greens, sometimes even a green-ish blue. Anne smiled at the sight, Marcy laughed as a firefly landed on her nose.

"I'm really glad you're here with me." Anne said, still smiling. Marcy nuzzled her face into Anne's neck.

"Me too." Marcy held out a pinky finger, looking at Anne.

"Can you promise me something?"

Anne shrugged. "Sure, what is it?"

"Promise to never leave each other, no matter how hard things get." Anne's eyes widened, before getting teary-eyed and intertwining her pinky with Marcy's.

"I promise."


Marcy smiled, but it showed no happiness or affection, instead showing almost insanity, a broken person trying to cover up their emotions.

"I did it for us.." She started, Anne widened her eyes, Sasha narrowing hers.

"The day we left, your birthday- they told me my dad got a new job out of state! They're making me move away, they were gonna tear us apart!" Marcy rambled, her eyes now brimming with tears, on the verge of falling.


"I-I found the box I had no idea it would actually work- but it did! A-and it sent us to a place where we'd never have to grow apart! Where the three of us could be friends, forever together!" Marcy smiled even more, holding Anne and Sasha's hand.

Sasha ripped away her tied hands from Marcy, eyes full of anger and betrayal. Anne looked at Marcy with wide eyes. "How- could you? I've been missing my parents, my life!"

"But look at how much fun we've had!" Marcy gripped Anne's hand with both of her own hands, still gentle, like it was glass.

"Look at how much you've both grown, look at Sprig! I gave you this," Sasha turned her head away, while Marcy pointed at Sprig, to which the pink frog backed away, mortified.

"I gave you everything." Marcy let the tears fall, her smile grew even wider. Anne freed her hand from Marcy's grasp, making her smile fall finally.

Everybody kept at least a five foot distance from Marcy, as she hung her head. "I just- didn't want to be alone.."

She fell, covering her face as she cried.

Anne felt words ring in her head, words from just 3 weeks ago.

"Promise to never leave each other, no matter how hard things get."

Total words: 1072


A/N: Super sorry that this oneshot took so long! School's been piling on lots of homework plus some tests, promise that the next oneshot will come out at the normal time!

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