Study fail

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Marcy concentrated on the textbook in front of her. The desk she sat at was a complete mess, papers everywhere and multiple pens and pencils scattered throughout.

A small lamp was the only way Marcy could see what she was actually doing. She let out a tired noise. "What time is it..?" She glanced over at the clock, 11:42 PM.

"Yikes.." Marcy commented, looking back at the textbook and papers.

She was meant to be studying for the upcoming  science test, but for some reason she just felt.. off, for lack of a better word.

Marcy couldn't concentrate all day, not all school, or at home, or even now. It was a weird thing she couldn't describe nor put into words.

Defeated, Marcy took out her phone and went to messages, going to Anne's messages and typing out something before she left her finger hovering over the send button.

I don't wanna wake up Anne, what if she doesn't even pick up anyways?  She sighed and put down her phone, only to hear buzzing the second it was down on the desk.

She picked up her phone to see a message Sure I can help, want me to come over?

Shoot- Marcy panicked, she didn't mean to hit send. She quickly typed out another text. Hahah sorry Anne ignore that

Another buzz. Marcy read the text. Mar I know you need help, I can come over, I wasn't sleeping anyways

Marcy sighed, she knew Anne had made up her mind and that there wasn't any point to argue about it, so she agreed and waited for Anne to come.

While she waited, she tried to focus back on the  textbook, reading into one particular question.

She knew what it was asking for, but her tired, basically fried brain just couldn't come up with an answer. Marcy pressed her hand into her forehead, closing her eyes.

"Cmon Marcy think! It's not even that hard" Apparently, it was that hard since Marcy still came up blank.

"Ugh.. I need a coffee or something-" Marcy got up from her desk, about to go into the kitchen when-

Knock, knock. Marcy turned around to see Anne waving through her window, smiling.

Marcy smiled back, her face instantly lighting up with joy. She opened up the window, Anne stepped inside.

"I can't believe you actually came-" Marcy laughed. Anne rolled her eyes. "Of course I came! Who do you take me for?" Anne joked, pretending to seem offended.

"Oh shut it you" Marcy booped Anne's nose, causing both of them to laugh and redden. "So, what did you need help with again?" Anne asked.

"Oh right! I need some help with these science questions in the textbook I've been studying." She explained, pointing to the catastrophe that was her desk.

Anne nodded, walking over to the desk and taking a look at the textbook. "You mean this question?" Marcy nodded, sitting on the chair.

"It's just- I know what it's asking, but it's- I-" Marcy struggled to put into words. She exhaled before continuing. "I just haven't been able to focus on anything today.. Which is horrible, because we have a science test tomorrow"

Anne sighed. "I haven't been able to focus either, but I thought coming over here would help me." Anne shrugged. "Sadly not." She chuckled.

Marcy took a second to just.. admire Anne. Her smile, hair, just, everything. Marcy couldn't look away, like a moth to light.

She must've been admiring (ahem- staring) for too long since Anne snapped her fingers in front of Marcy's face, causing her to flinch and refocus.

"You good Mar-mar?" Anne giggled. Marcy shook her head and smiled weakly. "Heh, yup! Perfectly okay." She held up two thumbs up.

"If you say so Marbles," Anne turned her attention back to the textbook. "Where were we again?"

The two girls continued to study together, occasionally getting off-track and messing with each other before getting back to the task at hand.

Marcy let out a frustrated groan, putting her head in her hands. Anne looked over, a frown on her face. "What's wrong Mar?"

"I can't figure out the answer for this question!" Marcy blurted out, letting out another groan. "Nothing makes sense here.."

Anne placed a comforting hand on Marcy's shoulder. "Look dude, whatever it is, I'm sure you'll find out! You always do" She smiled, and pulled Marcy into a hug.

"Just don't overwork yourself alright Mar-mar?" Marcy nodded, burying her face into Anne's shoulder.

"Can- can we stay like this for a little..?" Marcy murmured, blushing. Anne's face heated up, before nodding. "Sure Marbles.."

Both stayed quiet, enjoying the calming moment. Anne took a look at the clock, it was 2:37 AM.

We should probably start sleeping, unless Marcy wants to keep studying- Anne snapped her attention back to Marcy, who was asleep. She could hear soft snores coming from her.

Anne could feel her heart melt. Seeing that Marcy was able to fall asleep on her just made her feel so warm inside.

She picked up Marcy, careful to not wake her up. Anne placed Marcy down on the bed, tucking her in before turning around and packing up everything.

"noooo..-" Anne whipped her head around, swearing that she heard something from Marcy.

"Marbles? Was that you?" She couldn't help but smile as Marcy replied. "yea-"

Anne rolled her eyes playfully. "Do you want something?" She asked. Marcy nodded. "Can you stay with me?"

Anne obviously wasn't expecting that response. Flushed, she asked. "Wh- what do you mean?"

Marcy tiredly held out her arms, her hands opening and closing. "Can we cuddle please? I really liked that hug.." She mumbled, still obviously very embarrassed and red.

Anne looked out her window, her parents would probably kill her if they found out she snuck to a friend's house late at night, and she'd most likely be late to school tomorrow.

But when she glanced back at Marcy, she couldn't say no to that face. "Alright Marcy, we can cuddle" She giggled and got in bed, already feeling Marcy attaching herself to Anne.

"Thank you.." Marcy said, her voice muffled by her burying her face into Anne's chest.

Anne wrapped her arms around Marcy, pulling her close. "No problem Mar-mar.." She said tiredly, barely able to keep her eyes open.

They never ended up finding the answer to that question.

Total word count: 1,073

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