Broomstick Mayhem

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"Anne! Wake up!" A voice called, shaking her shoulder to wake her up.

Anne grumbled, sitting up and rubbing her forehead. "What-? Is something happening?" The roommate nodded "Yes! Today we get learn how to fly our broomsticks!"

Anne's stomach churned with anxiety. "T-that's today?!" They nodded "For first period too! We get to learn with the Ravenclaws"

She let out a strained smile. "Great! I'll go uh- change." They left the room, still rambling about the lessons.

Maybe it was the fear that she'd make a fool out of herself, or maybe it was the fear of falling off that made Anne hesitant towards the idea of flying a broom.

Quickly changing into their robes and yellow and black scarf, Anne left the Hufflepuff common room, making their way into the Great Hall.

Anne walked to the Hufflepuff table, which was on the right. While walking, she noticed a short, raven-haired Ravenclaw, indulged in a book and about to run into her.

"Hey, maybe don't walk around distracted by a book?" She said amusingly, making the girl look up. "O-oh! Sorry, I just really needed to finish up this series!"

Anne laughed "it's fine! Just watch where you're going alright?" The Ravenclaw nodded. "Thanks- uh.." She awkwardly scratched the back of her neck. "I uh, didn't get your name-"

Anne flushed "Oh! Yeah uhm- Anne. Anne Boonchuy." She stuck her hand out. The ravenette shook it. "Marcy Wu, it's nice to meet you." She smiled.

Something about her made Anne fluster, and stammer. "Uhm, l-likewise"

Marcy chuckled. "Well, I should be going to my table, again it's nice to meet you!" She waved and before Anne knew it, she was gone.

Anne sat down at her table, not hungry at all. Less hungry actually, now that she had met that cute Ravenclaw.

Wait, cute? Anne shook her head. No Anne- not cute, just- interesting. Yeah, interesting.

"You alright Anne? You look redder than normal-" Her roommate concerningly asked. 

Anne snapped out of their thoughts. "Uh yup! Totally fine! Perfectly alright." Her roommate raised an eyebrow of confusion, before shrugging and going back to their breakfast.

Now she had even less of an appetite.


First period rolled around, and Anne was starting to really get anxious. Flying was the number one thing she afraid of, but now she had to face her fear head on. Unless she wanted a bad grade for the day.

Anne's roommate didn't seem to share the same unease however, they were actually very excited for lessons. "I can't believe we get to finally learn how to properly fly on broomsticks! I've been waiting for this forever"

Anne tried to seem as enthusiastic as them. "Heh- yeah." Was the best thing they could say in the moment.

Thankfully they didn't seem notice. As they both walked outside to the field, Anne noticed that the Ravenclaws were already there. She was there too.

Now Anne started worrying about more than just falling off the broom.

The professor, Madam Hooch ordered them all into a single file line, the Ravenclaws in front of the Hufflepuffs.

Anne caught Marcy's eye, she waved at her before Madam Hooch could yell at her for it.

"Alright class, welcome to flying lessons. As you're all aware, today you will be learning how to properly mount and or fly your broomsticks."

Anne tuned out the rest of the lecture, looking down at the broomstick in front of her. Oh frog- how am I supposed to even use this thing??

"...Therefore all you need to do is adjust your balance/weight on your broomstick to change directions." Madam Hooch looked at all the students. "Did everybody get that?"

The students all nodded their heads, Marcy more eagerly than all the others.

"Alright, now extend your arm to be above your broom, it'll take some time, but your broom will fly into your hand."

The students all did what they were told to do. Some got their brooms immediately, others had their brooms roll to the side instead.

Anne's broom didn't move at all for a few seconds before flying into her hand. Marcy's broom hit her in the face.

"Now, mount your brooms just like this." Madam Hooch demonstrated, everybody else following suit.

Anne mounted her broom with ease, feeling a bit less anxious about the whole ordeal. Looking over, she saw Marcy celebrating, arms in the air, leaning back on the broom.

Wait leaning? Before Anne could shout Marcy a warning, she already shot up into the air, clinging for dear life.

Anne panicked, just like everybody else. How were they gonna get Marcy down? Madam Hooch kept shouting something at her, but Anne didn't hear a single word.

Anne mounted her broom, eyes locked on the sky. I just pray to frog I don't die.

And flew up.

Blood rushed into her ears, the shouting of the professor just barely heard. All she was worried about was getting Marcy down safely.

Getting closer to Marcy, who was barely hanging on, she shouted "Jump onto the broom!"

Now in hindsight, it wasn't the smartest thing to say. But Marcy was about fall, what else could she do?

Marcy jumped, landing on Anne, and sending both of them spiraling down, like a bird with a broken wing.

They hit the ground, Marcy face first and Anne accidentally landing on top of her. Anne didn't have the energy to get up, instead listening to hushed whispers and the alarmed calls of the professor.

And the world went dark.


Marcy woke up in a plain white bed, her leg in a cast, being held up. Her arm was slung in a sling. Her head spun around, what even happened?

She looked to her left, looking at a familiar bushy, brown haired girl. Her arm was also in a sling, and her head had a few bandages.

Marcy squinted. Is that- Anne? She wasn't quite sure what to say, so she said something really intelligent like: "So, you're here too?"

Anne's eyes shot to her direction, changing from confusion, to happiness.

"Ah! uhm- sorry that was a stupid thing to say" Marcy scratched her neck with her free arm. Anne laughed, catching her by surprise.

"Heh, it's alright!" Anne smiled. Marcy blushed, awkwardly laughing with Anne. "Yeah-"

"So, how's your uh, head?" Marcy asked, receiving a smirk from Anne. "Y'know I could ask the same for your arm and leg."

Marcy laughed. "I guess riding a broom really did cost me an arm and a leg!" Anne burst out laughing, accidentally hitting the back of her head on the head rest.

Marcy giggled, earning a "hey!" from Anne. Marcy calmed down, goofily smiling.

I think I'm gonna have a new friend.

Total word count: 1132
A/N: AAAAAA HI EVERYBODY! This oneshot was really fun to write, I feel like my writing got like 100x better writing this! I'm also considering maybe making a part two of this, so if you want a part two, comment saying yes or no! See you all the next oneshot :)

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