A Cheer for New Years

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Marcy hurried around her house, placing down plates and setting the napkins.

She was getting ready for the New Years party her parents held every year, they would always go all out for the new year.

Marcy finished setting up the last table. It was, a crazy year- for lack of a better word. So much had happened in such a small amount of time. She couldn't believe it was New Years already.

She fondly reminisced on all the memories, good and bad. All the things she learned in Amphibia, all the lessons, she kept them close to her heart.

It was something she would remember forever. Bringing her hand up to her chest, tracing the scar that was left. Even if she had been left with some, pretty bad side effects- she still didn't regret Amphibia.

Amphibia was a wonderful place, and she would pass the tale of her adventures down for years to come.

But she did miss her friends. Marcy wasn't alone- but she didn't manage to make any friends in her new school when she moved.

Marcy hoped for at least one new friend, but she supposed she'd find somebody soon enough. Anne and Sasha still kept in contact and called often.

Especially Anne..

"Marcy, are you done setting the last table?" Her mom asked, standing in the doorway.

Marcy broke away from her thoughts and nodded. "Yup I just finished!" Her mom smiled, knocking could be heard at the door.

"I better get that," She left the room, opening the door.


You almost here? Anne quickly texted Sasha, looking around for the blonde. Anne's parents noticed. "I'm sure she'll be here in a bit Anne" Her mom said.

Anne heard buzzing in her pocket, picking it up she read:

Nearly, in like 2 minutes  Sasha texted. Anne replied back and shoved her phone into her pocket.

Words couldn't describe how excited Anne was. She felt like she could run a mile or two with all the energy she was holding in.

She was just so excited to see Marcy. Anne had made an effort to call her at least once a day. It was a highlight to her day. If she just happened to have a horrible day, calling Marcy would make it so much more better.

Anne looked up and then saw Sasha, running towards her. "Hey Anne!" Sasha greeted, her dad behind her. "Hey Sash!" Anne smiled. She was glad she was able to work things out with Sasha.

"You ready to surprise Marcy?" Sasha looked at her with a mischievous grin. Anne shot back the same expression. "Oh definitely! I can't wait to see her!"

Sasha laughed. "We'd better hurry then," Sasha gestured to the neighborhood. "Race ya there loser!" Anne laughed. "Oh no you don't!"

Both girls ran down the street, their parents a bit further behind, just chatting.

Anne came to stop to a beige, two-story house. Sasha noticed and stopped beside Anne. "Is- is this it?" Anne questioned, looking to Sasha for an answer. She pulled out her phone, before turning to Anne. "This is it."

Anne walked up the few steps, knocking on the door, anxiously waiting.

A woman opened the door, Anne immediately recognized her as Marcy's mom. "Oh this is surprising!" Marcy's mom laughed. "Wait who's at the door?" A familiar voice asked.

Anne's heart pounded. Marcy! Anne looked at Sasha, stars in her eyes. Sasha also held the same excited expression, both basically quaking.

"Come see for yourself" Marcy's mom replied. Marcy walked over to the front door, eyes widening when she realized who was there.

"A-Anne? Sasha..?" Marcy murmured, tearing up.

"Hey Marbles" They both said in unison.

Marcy squealed and hugged them both tightly, crying into Anne's shoulder.

She pulled back. "Why didn't you guys tell me you were going to be here?!" Anne chuckled. "Sasha and I wanted to surprise you Marcy!"

"Well you did the trick," Marcy laughed, wiping away tears. Their parents finally caught up, greeting Marcy's parents.

"Let's get this show on the road." Marcy said.

The next few hours were the most crazy and chaotic Marcy had ever experienced. Anne nearly got into a fight, and Sasha was eating all the food there. ("The food won't be there tomorrow, so I might as well savor it!")

Marcy was just sitting in a chair, talking to Anne. It felt so nice to just be talking to her, everything felt so warm.

Marcy couldn't help but just, love her. Anne was just, perfect. The way she always went out of her way to help people she never met, or how she was able to connect easily with others, it was just another thing that made Anne perfect in Marcy's eyes.

"Hey Marcy, wanna go outside? It's bit loud in here." Anne said, breaking Marcy away from her thoughts. "Oh- sure! Why not? It is a bit too loud." Marcy chuckled.

Both got up from their seats, heading outside to the backyard.

Anne absentmindedly held Marcy's hand, making Marcy's stomach turn. She tried to not pay any attention to it, but in doing so she tripped.

Falling on top of Anne, she picked herself up, her face only an inch or two away from Anne's. Both girls blushing madly, nobody moved, probably from shock or embarrassment.

"I uhm-" Marcy stammered, trying to get the words out. "I- I'm sorry-" Marcy quickly got up, helping Anne up too.

"It's uhm.. alright Marcy-" Anne chuckled awkwardly.

The two just stood around, the silence was deafening.

Marcy sighed, before feeling Anne's hand grab her own. "I- hey Marcy?" Anne's face flushed, but she didn't break eye contact.

"Y-yea?" Marcy could feel her face heat up as well. Anne cupped Marcy's face. Marcy tried her absolute best to keep cool- but it was pretty obvious that she was very flustered.

"C-can I kiss you?" Anne asked. Marcy's eyes widened, almost thinking it was joke. I mean- who would want to kiss me..? Marcy thought, but she looked into Anne's eyes. They were so full of love and hope.

"Yes." Marcy said at last, connecting the gap between them.

Fireworks went off in the distance, illuminating the night sky with red, yellow and blue. The two girls separated, leaning their foreheads together.

While this year might not have been the best, or the worst, Marcy wouldn't have had it any other way.

"A cheer, for New Years." Marcy giggled.

Total words: 1080

A/N: Happy New Years everybody! I hope you all have a wonderful year, and that this year is better than the last :)

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