Train Tracks

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A/N: This was inspired by something_random_yeah on TikTok! Go show the original video some love :)

⚠️Tw: suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt(?) mentions of self harm, depression, yelling, implied(?) abuse⚠️


"Why can't you just see that we can't move?! As long as she's 'depressed'!" A woman screamed, her finger pointed to a mans face.

"I don't care! I need this job, WE need this job! She's not depressed anyways, she's just doing it for attention." The man spat back, pushing the woman back slightly.

The two continued screaming, glass could be heard shattering and more screaming and yelling followed after.

Marcy clutched a pillow tightly to her chest, paralyzed with fear about what was happening just down the hall.

It was never really nice in the Wu family. Her siblings left long ago, tired of the constant fighting and crying. They were able to get out, but they couldn't bring Marcy with them.

The siblings promised that they would be reunited completely one day. That one day, things would be better, for all of them

Well maybe for them. Marcy thought bitterly. She didn't mean too, but she couldn't help but feel betrayed by them leaving. Now that all her siblings left the house, her parents only had one scapegoat.

Some days were better than others, sometimes they actually got to eat dinner together without snide comments or small arguments.

Some days she'd be left with bruises.

Marcy tended to try and forget about those days.

She buried her face into the tear-stained pillow, her hair was a complete mess and her room matched, but she'd clean up later, if she even actually got any motivation to do it.

The yelling seemed to only get louder, and her breathing shallowed. Marcy's breaths became more shaky, but she calmed herself down. If she was too loud then they'd come barging in.

The yelling quieted down once a door slammed, sniffling was heard. I guess he's out again. Marcy frowned, her dad would be back. Hopefully.

She got up from her bed, a blade catching her eye. Her eyes lingered there for a moment before her phone buzzed, she picked it up after a moment of hesitation.

Hey Mar! Wanna hang out at the park nearby your house? Marcy smiled, Anne was really a lifesaver. Just her name being mentioned would make her day a little bit brighter.

Yeah sure! Marcy quickly fixed her hair a bit, putting on a more suitable outfit. Black jeans with a green sweater.

She stepped out of her room, cautiously walking down the hall. Her mom spotted her, arms crossed. "Where do you think you're going?"

Marcy let out a small yelp of surprise. "I- I uhm, I was going to hang out with Anne.." she replied a bit quietly.

Her mom's eyes blazed. "You better come back, and if you're just a minute late-"

"I know mom.." Marcy looked down at the floor. Her mom narrowed her eyes. "You better."

She nodded. "I promise.."


Marcy wiped her face free of the tears that stained her cheek, seeing the park in the distance, only a five minute walk away.

She finally made it to the town park, it was quiet as usual, the only sound heard was birds chirping. Marcy saw as Anne was scrolling through her phone, leaning against a tree.

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