Skating Troubles

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⚠️Tw: Flashbacks, almost panic attack(?), Cryophobia (fear of the cold)⚠️

Marcy had always been a clumsy person, even when she was little she'd somehow end up tripping on something. It was one of her distinctive traits that made her Marcy.

She also happened to have a fear of falling under ice. It had happened to her once during winter when she was just 7 years old, and ever since then, Marcy hated going on icy surfaces. Even if it was just the driveway, Marcy refused to step on it, rather going through the foot deep snowy lawn than the cleared out, perfectly harmless driveway. She hated the memory of the freezing cold water suddenly hitting her skin, the panic of running out of air, and reaching the surface only to be met with thick ice instead.

So that's why it was a real shocker that Anne had decided to go to an ice skating rink for their date.

"An ice skating rink?!" Marcy half-shouted. The mere thought of skating on ice made her shiver, and not just because it was the dead of winter.

"Marce, I know you hate the ice, but trust me, it'll be fun! Plus, I'll make sure you're completely safe, the ice won't break." Anne reasoned. Frankly, she thought the fear was very valid, but she did also want to try and break her fear; or maybe at least tame it a little.

Marcy rubbed her forearm nervously "I still don't know Anna-Banana," she truthfully responded "you know I hate the ice."

Anne sympathetically sighed "I know Marce, if you don't wanna go it's perfectly fine. I just want to try and help calm your fear, not to say it isn't valid just-"

She tuned out the rest of the rant. Maybe this could help her. After all, Marcy didn't think she could live the rest of her life avoiding all icy surfaces, and to be honest, she wanted change just as much as Anne. Marcy just didn't know where to start, but the ice skating rink presented an opportunity. An opportunity for change, an opportunity for her to get out on the ice, unafraid of the past.

Marcy smiled, looking up at her girlfriend who had already finished her nervous rant. "Anne, I think I'll do it. Getting out onto a controlled area might help."

Anne's eyes lit up with excitement, before faltering into guilt. "I didn't force you into this did I? Because again, you don't have to-"

Marcy cut her off with a kiss, swiftly pulling away just as fast. "Anne! Don't worry, this is a decision I made on my own, alright?"

Her girlfriend smiled, still seeming a little hesitant but willing to trust her nonetheless.

"Alright, let's go."


The car ride there was probably one of the most- no, the most nerve wracking things Marcy had ever gone through. Her confidence was sometimes at an all time high, and at other times it would be at an all time low.

The thought that she would finally be going out onto the ice again excited and scared her, mainly scared. Memories she had so desperately tried to repress for years flooded back into her mind, almost to the point of tears. Luckily, she was able to focus on Anne's hand clasped tightly around hers. It wasn't aggressive, just a gentle reminder that she was still there, and that she always would be.

At last, they were at the skating rink. The car parked into an slot.

Marcy tried seeming confident. She hoped she was doing a good job at it, since she could tell Anne was starting to get onto her case.

Naturally, Anne was a very empathetic person. Gem or not, she could tell someone's emotions from a mile way.

Everything seemed to blur while they were getting ready to skate. Putting on the shoes and opening the gate went by in what seemed like just a second. It wasn't until she heard her name called when she finally broke free from her trance-like state.

"Marcy!" Anne smiled. The rink was fairly small, including only them in the skating rink. Marcy knew she really had nothing to fear, but her hands shook wildly, her heart didn't help either, rapidly pumping out blood. She could've sworn she was having a panic attack.

Marcy shut her eyes tightly.


Marcy felt the freezing cold water suddenly hit her skin, the crack of the ice just barely registering now.

The initial shock caused her to sink further down. Panicking, Marcy accidentally gulped in water. She coughed, which only seemed to exacerbate the situation.

She could feel her fingers numb, her skin looking like it was turning blue, or maybe that was just her blurry vision. Marcy's lungs were completely out of air, her body just barely clinging on.

Trying her best, she swam up, reaching a desperate hand out to the surface.

Her blood went even colder when she realized there was only ice.

She banged on it, screaming her lungs out under water, choking as her body yelled for air.

Finally, a hole was cut out, and two pairs of hands pulled her free from her frozen hell. They wore bright yellowish-green sweaters that seemed to glow. Her parents called out to her, crying for their poor child.

Coughing up water, she laid in the stranger's arms.

Maybe a nap wouldn't be too bad..

Marcy hadn't realized she was crying until a hand came up to her cheek and wiped away a tear. "Anne..?" Marcy said, just barely a whisper.

Anne smiled, kissing her forehead before engulfing her into a tight hug. Marcy buried her face into Anne's shoulder, quietly sobbing out all her fears.

Anne pulled away, grabbing Marcy's hand and placing her own on Marcy's shoulder.

"Just follow me Mar-mar," Anne softly said, giving a warm, comforting smile, completely contrasting the weather and the rink.

Carefully, Marcy stepped on, immediately gripping onto Anne for support and comfort. Anne laughed, kissing Marcy again.

"I know you can do it Marcy, you just gotta believe, alright?" Marcy hesitantly nodded, loosening her grip on Anne and instead focusing on how to properly skate.

"Just push forward like this- and glide Marce"
Marcy nodded, doing exactly as she was told. It was scary, seeing the ice underneath her. But with her amazing girlfriend by her side, she pushed through it.

Getting into a rhythm, Marcy began to stop worrying about her fears, and instead enjoy the feeling of basically flying over the ice.

She giggled, skating a little faster now. Anne smiled, happy to see her girlfriend love the ice. She looked like a puppy playing in snow, happy and free.

Anne soon joined her, laughing as they glided around the rink, cheeks rosey and hands clasped together.

For the first time in forever, Marcy felt safe on the ice.

All because of her Marcy thought, looking at Anne. Who was spinning around in a circle.

Marcy giggled.

Thank you, Anne

Total word count: 1164

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