Just a dream.

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⚠️ TW: Death, angst, panic attack, screaming, blood (a bit), Marcy hurt⚠️

If you need to skip this chapter, go right ahead! If not, enjoy the angst :)

Anne slipped under her bedsheets, hugging her pillow. Today was.. to put it lightly, not the best. The Plantars were almost found out by some random people, and Anne had been thinking about Marcy too much.

She felt lovesick and gloomy at the same time, knowing that Marcy could possibly be dead just ruined her entire day. Anne tried to not think about what happened that day, but it always seemed to come back, like a rain cloud that followed her around.

She sighed, burying her face into her pillow before finally falling asleep.

Anne woke up, not her bed but in a grayish-black, almost room. It was more or less just a really big space, emptier than some people's heads.

"Anne?" She turned around, frightened at first but then she saw who it was


Marcy smiled and held out her arms "c'mere ya goof" she laughed. Anne ran to Marcy, basically crashing into her. Tears of joy ran down her face as she tightly embraced her "Its so good to see you again Mar-mar.."

Marcy only sighed, hugging Anne back "you know you could've saved me right?" The words sent shivers down Anne's spine as she let go of Marcy


"You could've saved me Anne, you could've stopped my death." Marcy's expression was cold and unforgiving "I would maybe still be alive if you didn't teleport away"

Anne started shaking, it was true. She could've done something, anything to help, but all she did was stare. Stare at Marcy getting stabbed, stare at her falling to the floor..

"YOU COULD'VE STOPPED MY DEATH ANNE!" Marcy screamed, her face becoming distorted. Anne stepped back, only to bump into another Marcy.

She screeched "MURDERER!" Anne ran off, tears streaming down her face. I'm not a murderer, I swear I didn't mean to just stare..

Even more Marcy's popped up, wherever she went she couldn't escape the screeching.


It all just kept getting louder and louder, all of them became distorted, barely recognizable. Anne curled up into a ball, crying her eyes out and covering her ears, burying her face into her knees. It wasn't my fault.. She thought, as everything kept getting louder.

The screaming suddenly stopped, Anne took her hands off her ears and saw a gloomy dandelion field. None of the dandelions were yellow, they were all white puffballs, the seeds flying off into god knows where.

For just a moment everything seemed peaceful and calm.

But only for a moment.

Anne turned her head to see Marcy standing a few feet behind her "Hey Ana-banana!" She called, completely ignoring what just happened a few minutes ago

Marcy was in her earth outfit, a gray school hoodie with a green skirt, Anne almost thought she was back home, but it didn't feel like it.

"Marcy?" Anne was about to cry again, the nightmare was over, finally.

Or so she thought.

Marcy ran over and hugged Anne, letting out an excited squeak "Cmon Anne! Let's go find Sasha!"

Both girls ran around in the dandelion field, laughing and searching for Sasha. Eventually Anne lost Marcy in the field.

"Haha!- Uh, Marcy?" Anne looked around, she was no where to be found.

"Marcy? This isn't funny!" A twig cracked and Anne turned around, only to be met by Sasha, in her Amphibia clothes. Red armor and the the scar on her right cheek.

"Don't you remember what you did to me?" Sasha said finally, pointing to the scar. Anne stepped back, startled.

"I- I didn't mean to! I never knew it would scar, if I did I- I wouldn't have fought you!" Anne blurted out, a jumbled mess of apologies followed soon after, but Sasha kept a cold expression.

"Look at what you did to me Anne." She turned around only to see Marcy on the floor, in a pool of her own blood.

Anne's breathing quickened as she rushed to the body, holding Marcy close to her as Sasha stood over her.

"You did this." Sasha scowled.


Anne shot up from her bed, sitting up right. The image of Marcy on the floor still fresh in her mind. I didn't mean to.. it wasn't my fault

Her mind was going at a thousand miles per hour, everything only seemed to revolve around that one image, thoughts kept flooding in.

You watched her die and did nothing.
You're a horrible friend, even Sasha knows it.
Marcy is dead because of you.

Anne curled up into a ball, hugging her legs close to her chest, it seemed so hard to breathe..

"Anne?" She lifted her head up to a concerned pink frog. Sprig?

She felt tears that she didn't remember being there before, or maybe she just didn't notice.

"Anne- if you can hear me, name five things you can see" Sprig said (or commanded) softly.

Anne opened her mouth to speak but nothing came. Sprig noticed and said "Or- point instead"

Anne pointed to Sprig, then the wall, her bed, the floor, and finally her hand.

"Good, now point to four things you can touch" Sprig nodded. Anne continued pointing at a bunch of stuff for the rest of the senses, by the end she could clearly say all the things she could taste/hear.

"Where did you learn that Sprig?" Anne questioned. Sprig gave a dismissive wave "oh, Hop Pop taught me. Apparently my mom used to have panic attacks, so Hop Pop taught me aswell"

"But anyways, what were you crying about?" Sprig asked, concern for his friend.

Anne hesitated, the image still burned into her memory.

"Oh- it was.. just a dream"

Total word count: 988

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